备战2024年高考英语答题技巧模板构建 2 推理判断题(答题模版原卷版)

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《备战2024年高考英语答题技巧模板构建 2 推理判断题(答题模版原卷版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《备战2024年高考英语答题技巧模板构建 2 推理判断题(答题模版原卷版)(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、题型02 推理判断题模板01 隐含意义推断题模板模板02 观点态度推断题模板模板03 文章出处或写作对象、目的意图推断题模板模板04 下文预测推断题模板 推理判断题命题方式1. It can be inferred/ concluded that _.2. In which of the following publication would this passage most likely be printed?3. Whats the authors attitude toward _?4. The writer probably feels that _.5. What can we l

2、earn about.from the first two paragraphs?(2023新高考I卷)6. The passage/story.indicates/suggests/implies that .7. What can we infer from .?(2023年全国乙卷)8. What will happen if you submit an essay one week after the due date?(2022年新高考I卷)模板 01 隐含意义推断题答题要素规律答题第一步锁定关键词:迅速定位关键词如infer, imply, conclude,suggest等在文中

3、对应的信息处。第二步精译文中句:运用翻译技巧、句子成分划分、长难句辨析等方法读懂原文信息,揣摩细节,利用逆向思维和正向推理,根据文章结构和线索词推断隐含意义。第三步核对选项细节。在这个步骤中,通常原词出现处是错误选项,正确项会采用同义替换。注意:注意核对推理判断题干扰项典型特征如:主观臆断、过度推断 、以细节代替推断 、无中生有等。【典例】(2023福建泉州高三校考期中)Will artificial intelligence (AI) replace my job? This is a question that many people think about these days. At

4、present, the application of AI robotics in professional fields, as well as ChatGPTs abilities to write essays, solve complex problems and more, have heightened moral concerns. .The AI-driven new industrial revolution is irreversible. This, like previous ones, which introduced changes that had been u

5、nimaginable before, will certainly affect human employment. But it always turned out humanity was able to adapt to each industrial revolution and create new forms of employment. Therefore, its unnecessary to worry AI will replace our jobs. While technology advances at a rapid pace, what we need to d

6、o is to welcome the AI era rather than block its unfolding for fear of the unknown. 4What does the writer suggest readers do with the coming of the AI era?AAccept it passively.BDeal with it positively.CRespond to it randomly.DDefend it unconditionally.模板 02 观点态度推断题模板答题要素规律答题第一步锁定关键词:分析题干,抓牢关键词如,主语与f

7、eel, attitude, view等 第二步文中定褒贬:从文章找出包含该信息的段落,运用“题文同序法”找出反映语境褒贬性及态度变化的标志性词汇或句子,运用句子剖析,掌握句意,进一步做出判断,第三步核对细节词:牢记褒贬及中性意义的词汇,积累英美国家的文化传统、风俗习惯等背景知识。提示:重点关注文中出现表示转折意义的词句,如but, however, yet等,其后一般才是作者真正的态度或意图。一般在说明文中,作者的态度时客观的或中立支持的,而在议论文中,作者的态度是多种多样的。常见的表达情感态度的词positive积极的-negative消极的; optimistic乐观的-pessimis

8、tic悲观的; critical批判的-approval赞同的; doubtful怀疑的; disappointed失望的; neutral中立的; objective客观的; indifferent冷漠的;不同的; tolerant容忍的;【典例】(2023广东深圳高三校考阶段练习)Today, poetry and science are often considered to be mutually exclusive career paths. But that wasnt always the case. The mathematician A da Lovelace and the

9、 physicist James Clerk Mahwah were both accomplished poets. The poet John Keats was a licensed surgeon. Combining the two practices fell out of favor in the 1800s. But translating research into lyrics, haiku, and other poetic forms is resurging (再现) among scientists as they look for alternative ways

10、 to inspire others with their findings.“Poetry is a great tool for questioning the world,” says Sam Illingworth, a poet and a geoscientist who works at the University of Western Australia. Through workshops and a new science-poetry journal, called Consilience, Illingworth is helping scientists to tr

11、anslate their latest results into poems that can attract appreciation from those outside of their immediate scientific field.Stephany Mazon, a scientist from the University of Helsinki in Finland, joined one of Illingworths workshops. In the workshop, she was grouped with other scientists and tasked

12、 with writing a haiku, a 17-syllable-long poem, which spotlighted water, a fluid that featured in all of the group members research projects. “It was a lot of fun, and surprisingly easy to write the poem,” Mazon says. She plans to continue writing. “We do a disservice(伤害) to ourselves to think that

13、scientists cant be artistic and that art cant be use a to communicate scientific ideas,” Mazon says.That viewpoint is echoed by Illingworth, who thinks science communication initiatives are too often dominated by public lectures with their hands-off PowerPoint slides. “Actually, when science communi

14、cation involves writing and sharing poems, it invites a two-way dialogue between experts and nonexperts,” he says. Scientist-poet Manjula Silva, an educator at Imperial College London, agrees. Poetry provides a way to translate complex scientific concepts into a language that everyone can understand, Silva says.Scientists and poets are both trying to


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