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1、小学英语五年级下册 Unit 4 What are you doing? 精品教案A Lets talk授课时间科 目英语班 级507课 题 Unit 4 What are they doing? A Lets talk教 学目 的1.Ss can four-skills the phrases: drawing picures, doing the dishes, reading a book, cooking dinner, answering thePhone. 2. Ss can practice the presentcontinious tense.重点与难点3. Ss can r

2、ead say and practice the dialogue of this lesson.Four-skill words and practice the drill: What are you doing? I am Ving.教学方法TPR Role play task-based activity Pair work 教 具Pictures vocabulary cards tape recorder CAI教 学 过 程教 学 程 序 及 内 容学生活动设计Step 1 warming up and revision:1. Play the chant. CAI2. Look

3、 and answer.1. Say a chant “ say and do” to practice the verb phrases: read a book/ draw a picture/ do the dishes/cook the dinnerStep 2 Presentation and practice:1. Demonstrate the new concepts with pictures: Now Look at the pictures. (Point to a picture) T: Look! Whats Miss Meng doing?Teacher is dr

4、awing a book.Ss: Draw a picture.3.Ss say and do4.Pair workBody language5. Listen and repeat6. Ask and answer.T: Yes, I m drawing a picture. Drawing a picture. Now follow me please.Ss: I m drawing a picture too.T: (Show another picture) Whats she doing?Ss: Read a book.T: She is reading a book.Ss: She

5、 is reading a book.T: (the teacher just pretend to answer the plone)Now look!What am I doing? I am answering the phone.Follow me please.Ss: I am answering the phone.T: What are you doing?Ss: I am answering the phone.Note other phrases to add an -ing in the present continious tense.2. Play the audiot

6、ape as the Ss follow along their books.3. Show some vocabulary cards and ask the class toanswer two questions. Practice the drill: What are you doing? I am _. T 7.Pair workMake a new dialogue CAI8. Listen and tick.CAI picturesTalk about in pairs9. group work10. Play the game.11. Roel-play.CAI4. Pair

7、 work :Have a pair work to practice the drill and finish the chart given in the book.5. Listen and tick. Play the audiotape and ask the Ss to listen and tick. 6.Play the audiotape of Lets talk as the Ss follow along their books. Note the phone language.Step 3 Consoladition and extension: 1. New dial

8、ogueAsk the class to play in the different places. Eg: ShuangZhuPark,DaZhuMountains,Playground,Home Ss try to act out their dialogues. 2.Role-play: Make the class to role-play a phone call.Homework:1. Copy the four-skills verbs.3. Practice the dialogue. Try to write down.Blackboard: What are you doi

9、ng? I am drawing pictures. I am reading a book.Teaching notes: 1、本节课Warm up部分首先找出新旧知识的切入点,循序渐进的学习新知识是本节课的成功之处。从学生熟悉的歌谣、TPR着手,通过复习动词词组,自然的把What are you doing?引导出来,从而使学生理解动词加上 “ing”表示的是正在发生的事情。我在本节课的教学中以主题为核心,以合作学习、探究性学习为主要学习形式,充分发挥学生的主体作用。真正做到了快节奏、高密度,各环节之间步步递进,环环相扣。2、合理运用多媒体教学手段,创设英语情境,激发学生的学习兴趣,突出重点,突破难点,加深了学生对于对话的理解,促进了学生听、说、读、写能力的培养。注重过程性评价和评价的多样性,既有教师的语言评价,也有学生的自我评价,很好的调动了学生的积极性,树立了他们学习英语的自信心。3注重课堂上师生交流的丰富化和自然化,避免生硬的走教案,在自然的交流中提出问题、发现问题、解决问题,既促进了师生情感的沟通,又体现了教师自身的英语素质。如何更好的进行任务型教学,做好评价和创新,是这节课留给我的思考,也是我今后继续学习研究和认真实践的方向。


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