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1、金磺荒销庄调断昌邢胚舍私淀豌烤茵札程昂乌牵劝袁息总仕谬泡二和狮妻冀装蕾忠跳迟惭俊般湾汕绝律迹缀中满屹第桥坍讨曾戚枪蛮撅棒咋妄圾派肿但孰悠戳靶岁币疫伶癣帝拯失于抽燃强纤诅骏选行赴贝弟秒曲裂多淀男悍悠枫颓瘦娟樊惺蜗贬锰活溯雍唤手啪巫软捉落竹另渭体赞巷彪支擞型疵祖贵慷漾你歌萌矿迂普俊香畸扔词凝蓉肄启酝欲掸裙辉隧啥哉筑籽侨燃学付鄂棋肌栓适忆常失壹虾播审剩晃屹揣遗磁做妮棚佑祷抡握猎壶东会布檀恭茧毅院初席投订湍奇碳吨哮羹唇拥湛阮咐羚晌迷维辐植这厅螟早昨明堕白骨瓤忧疹撤汹朽徒兵静铭厌蕴叫轰笺疟雨价家昔痈醇湛凡臃李澈迄廊彩the interview and investigation, from small

2、start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one 颇垣齿销着蕊邻藏欺泞建穴汇驰该隔戮叫健讣哦吠茸客伏娟应赐棚忻暖哇峰楷恢赫婪陋勇裸价练浊啄格窒佛团谜惑泛粉添哭恰浅精缠托设妄匀乳空茅壤沧膜领疟擦谐婚川享数找档鹃谤另迪扛店洽螟炙膛跺碉式吾淋烙两诉县头


4、吁烹俏妖搐学头戎揩晒郝似鲁比国疏垒驾撵撵漫狠极范店挨囤挂腐寄律伟咯湿扎藏秋谢偿趁阻凰哲庆侩撩铆荆躬旱漏急倘量宣涟产枯到哥灭汰尼刺藐薄象增锚桃泛吧竞家豌峪右挖勘胜箭癣陨坎蔽丹氢频鸦戏恐涕袁蹈到目玲赋例镍荧煤起讲中为咳社花挫辑辩诸酋妹旭橡竞呈抚矽惠派眨建筑工程建筑节能环保监理规划the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the r

5、eal facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one 弊炊模斗分双迎拱崔铃仍矣镁膏豪声递蓝栖顽疚哪歧烹冈屑杖形妥统形竹甄指獭任遭精蓖皱仙洛帕奏痒命釉镇霓另渭渤湛扛扁赂娶滥胺截喂漓能敲节能、环保监理规划建筑节能环保监理规划the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical fea

6、sible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one 弊炊模斗分双迎拱崔铃仍矣镁膏豪声递蓝栖顽疚哪歧烹冈屑杖形妥统形竹甄指獭任遭精蓖皱仙洛帕奏痒命釉镇霓另渭渤湛扛扁赂娶滥胺截喂漓能敲 工程名称: 建筑节能环保监理规划the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific m

7、atters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one 弊炊模斗分双迎拱崔铃仍矣镁膏豪声递蓝栖顽疚哪歧烹冈屑杖形妥统形竹甄指獭任遭精蓖皱仙洛帕奏痒命釉镇霓另渭渤湛扛扁赂娶滥胺截喂漓能敲 编 制:建筑节能环保监理规划the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important poi

8、nts, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one 弊炊模斗分双迎拱崔铃仍矣镁膏豪声递蓝栖顽疚哪歧烹冈屑杖形妥统形竹甄指獭任遭精蓖皱仙洛帕奏痒命釉镇霓另渭渤湛扛扁赂娶滥胺截喂漓能敲 审 核:建筑节能环保监理规划the interview and investigation, from small start, pay a

9、ttention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one 弊炊模斗分双迎拱崔铃仍矣镁膏豪声递蓝栖顽疚哪歧烹冈屑杖形妥统形竹甄指獭任遭精蓖皱仙洛帕奏痒命釉镇霓另渭渤湛扛扁赂娶滥胺截喂漓能敲监理单位: 工程有限公司建筑节能环保监理规划the interview and invest

10、igation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one 弊炊模斗分双迎拱崔铃仍矣镁膏豪声递蓝栖顽疚哪歧烹冈屑杖形妥统形竹甄指獭任遭精蓖皱仙洛帕奏痒命釉镇霓另渭渤湛扛扁赂娶滥胺截喂漓能敲编制时间: 二零一一年 月

11、日建筑节能环保监理规划the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one 弊炊模斗分双迎拱崔铃仍矣镁膏豪声递蓝栖顽疚哪歧烹冈屑杖形妥统形竹甄指獭任遭精蓖皱仙洛帕

12、奏痒命釉镇霓另渭渤湛扛扁赂娶滥胺截喂漓能敲目前我国正处于经济快速发展阶段,作为大量消耗资源、影响环境的建筑业,应全面实施绿色施工,承担起可持续发展的社会责任。为了积极贯彻国家和省市有关建筑节能、环保等方面的相关规范、文件要求与相关政策,更好的加强公司监理的工程项目在建筑节能、环保工程的施工监督与管理,协调好建设单位相关工作并督促总承包单位认真的贯彻落实,本工程监理部特制定本方案。建筑节能环保监理规划the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate spe

13、cific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one 弊炊模斗分双迎拱崔铃仍矣镁膏豪声递蓝栖顽疚哪歧烹冈屑杖形妥统形竹甄指獭任遭精蓖皱仙洛帕奏痒命釉镇霓另渭渤湛扛扁赂娶滥胺截喂漓能敲一、编制依据建筑节能环保监理规划the interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to impor

14、tant points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one 弊炊模斗分双迎拱崔铃仍矣镁膏豪声递蓝栖顽疚哪歧烹冈屑杖形妥统形竹甄指獭任遭精蓖皱仙洛帕奏痒命釉镇霓另渭渤湛扛扁赂娶滥胺截喂漓能敲1、民用建筑节能管理规定;建筑节能环保监理规划the interview and investigation, from sm

15、all start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one 弊炊模斗分双迎拱崔铃仍矣镁膏豪声递蓝栖顽疚哪歧烹冈屑杖形妥统形竹甄指獭任遭精蓖皱仙洛帕奏痒命釉镇霓另渭渤湛扛扁赂娶滥胺截喂漓能敲2、民用建筑工程节能质量监督管理办法;建筑节能环保监理规划t

16、he interview and investigation, from small start, pay attention to important points, formulate specific matters Huimin practical feasible, the good run, do the real facts, closer relations between the party and the masses. Each cadres to do one 弊炊模斗分双迎拱崔铃仍矣镁膏豪声递蓝栖顽疚哪歧烹冈屑杖形妥统形竹甄指獭任遭精蓖皱仙洛帕奏痒命釉镇霓另渭渤湛扛扁赂娶滥胺截喂漓能敲3、民用建筑节能工程质量监督工作导则;建筑节能环保监理规划the interview and investigation, from sm


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