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1、模块五第二单元单词详解economy n C, U(金钱 力气 时间 资源等的)节省, 节约: practise economy 实行节约 economy class,经济舱(最低廉的客机舱位)U理财: political economy 政治经济学 domestic economy 国内经济 C (常作 the economy)(国家的)经济管理; 经济制度: The state of the economy is very worrying. 目前的经济状况令人十分担忧. economic adj 经济学的; 经济的: the governments economic policy 政府的

2、经济政策economic development 经济发展economic recovery 经济复苏economical adj 经济的; 节俭的; 省时间的; 节约的: an economical car to run节油汽车She is economical with/in her use of salt when cooking. 她烹饪时用盐很省.economics n sing v 经济学; 经济原则: the economics of publishing 出版的经济原则. economist n 经济学研究者; 经济学家debate n C, U (a)(正式的)辩论, 讨论(

3、如在公众集会或议会中, 常以表决结束):to open the debate 开始辩论(第一个发言) under debate, 在辩论中(b)(一般性的)辩论, 讨论: We had long debates at college about politics. 我们上大学时曾长时间地辩论政治问题.Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷.debate v (about sth) 对(某事)进行辩论; 讨论(某事): What are they debating (about)? 他们在辩论什麽? Were just d

4、ebating what to do next. 我们正讨论下一步该做什麽事. They debated closing the factory. 他们争论是否关闭工厂. 考虑(某事物)以决定: I debated it for a while, then decided not to go. 我反覆考虑後决定不去.Im debating where to go on holiday. 我在琢磨到何处度假.He debated buying a new car, but didnt in the end. 他思量很久是否买辆新汽车debater n 辩论的人,讨论者; 辩论家preservat

5、ion n U 保护; 维护; 保存; 保留; 保持: the preservation and conservation of wildlife 对野生动物的保护The aim of the policy is the preservation of peace. 这一政策旨在维护和平. 保存完好之程度: The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation. 这些画保存得非常好.preserve v (a) 保护, 维护(某事物): preserve ones eyesight 保护视力a very well-preserved

6、man of eighty 一个保养得很好的八十老翁 Efforts to preserve the peace have failed. 维护和平的努力已经失败了. (b) sth (for sth) 保存或保留某事物: Few of the early manuscripts have been preserved. 早期的手稿保存下来的不多. (c) sb (from sb/sth)保护某人: The calm courage of the pilot preserved the lives of the passengers. 飞行员临危不惧的勇气保住了乘客们的生命. * God pr

7、eserve us! 上帝保佑我们吧! 使(某事物)不受损失; 保持: preserve her sense of humour 保持幽默感It is difficult to preserve ones self-respect in that job. 做那样的工作很难保持自尊. (用装瓶装罐 乾燥 冷冻等法)保存(食物): Salt and spices help to preserve meat. 盐和调味品有助於保藏肉类. / In the summer, large crops of fruit may be preserved by freezing or bottling. 夏

8、天收获的大量水果可冷藏或装瓶装罐加以保存. 尤用於被动语态禁止外人(捕猎等); 将(土地 河流区段等)保留以供私用: The fishing in this stretch of the river is strictly preserved. 此段河流严禁外人捕鱼. preserve n 1 (a) C usu pl 经加工保存的水果: apricot preserves 杏脯. (b) U 果酱: strawberry preserve 草莓酱 2 C 专供私人行猎或捕鱼的保留区. 3 sing 被认为某人所专有的活动爱好等: She regards negotiating prices

9、with customers as her special preserve. 她把与顾客讨价还价看作自己的专长.preserver n 保护者;维护者; 保藏食品者; 防护用品; 私人保留地: a life-preserver 救生用品.preservative adj (用来)保护的, 保存的: Salt has a preservative effect on food. 盐对食物有防腐作用.preservative n C, U 保护剂; 防腐剂: food free from preservatives不含防腐剂的食品Preservative is usually added to

10、tinned meat. 防腐剂通常加在肉类罐头里.awful adj 极坏的; 极讨厌的; 可怕的: an awful accident, experience, shock可怕的事故经历打击 很坏的; 糟透的: What awful weather! 多麽坏的天气! I feel awful. 我觉得难受极了.The film was awful. 那个电影糟透了. 作定语 极度的: Thats an awful lot of money. 那是很多很多钱哪. Im in an awful hurry to get to the bank. 我正急着去银行.awfully adv 很; 非

11、常: awfully hot 热极了 awfully sorry 非常抱歉Its awfully kind of you. 多谢多谢. Im afraid Im awfully late. 我实在太迟了.Thanks awfully for the present. 万分感谢您的厚礼.poison n C, U 毒药; 毒物: rat poison 老鼠药 poison for killing weeds 除草剂 commit suicide by taking poison 服毒自杀 poison gas, 毒气 极糟的食物: Im not eating that poison! 我可不吃那

12、种猪食!poison v sb/sth (with sth) (a) 施毒於(某生物); 用毒药毒死或毒害某人某物: His wife poisoned him with arsenic. 他妻子用砒霜把他毒死了. (b) 在某物中放毒: The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers with effluent. 这些化学公司排出废水污染着我们的河流. (a)(在道德上)败坏某事物; 腐化某事物: poison sbs mind with propaganda 通过宣传毒害某人的思想. (b) 使某事物受苦 受难 受罪等; 破坏或毁坏某事物:

13、a quarrel which poisoned our friendship 有损我们友谊的争吵an experience that poisons sbs life 使某人一生受害的经历. poison As mind against B 对A说B的坏话(通常指不实之词)poisoned adj 1(因伤口感染等)发炎的: a poisoned hand 发炎的手. 2 有毒的; 施过毒药的: a poisoned arrow 毒箭poisoner n 施毒者poisoning n C, U 施毒; 中毒: blood poisoning 血中毒poisonous adj 1 (a) 用毒

14、物杀敌或猎物的: poisonous snakes, insects, etc 毒蛇 有毒 的昆虫. (b) 引起中毒的: poisonous plants, chemicals 有毒的植物 化学物质. 2 (a) 败坏道德的: the poisonous doctrine of racialsuperiority 毒害良知的种族优越论. (b) 恶意的; 恶毒的: sb with a poisonous tongue言语恶毒的人poisonously adv.atmosphere n (a) the atmosphere 大气, 大气层(包围地球的气体)(b) 包围任何星球的气体: an a

15、tmosphere that supports life 可以维持生命的气体. 某一地方的空气: The atmosphere is very stuffy in here 这里的空气很闷 气氛; 情绪: An atmosphere of tension filled the room. 屋子里笼罩着紧张的气氛. The atmosphere over dinner was warm and friendly. 用餐时洋溢着热情友好的气氛.atmospheric adj 大气的; 大气层的: unusual atmospheric conditions 异常的大气状态. 制造气氛的: atmospheric lighting 制造气氛的灯光.atmospheric pressure 大气压力flow v (pt, pp -ed) (a)(指液体)流动: Her tears flowed freely (down her cheeks). 她眼泪止不住地(顺着面颊)往下


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