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1、英语辩论赛的主持词 Welcome to the debating competition of the issue “the advantages s and disadvantages of QinghaiTibet railway”. We have 8debators today,4 on each side and the positive side is leaded by XXX,the rest debaters are XX, XX. And the members of the negative team are XX,XX is the leader of their t

2、eam .ok ,good luck to they(.or hot welcome to them.)Next, I want to introduce todays judges, they are our dear instructor mrsyan,and our classmates XX ,XX,XX ,XX, hot welcome to all of you .and thanks to all for joining todays debating competition.Now, I would like to introduce the rules for the con

3、test.The first is the time .each debater is allowed to express in limited.请各参赛队员及组织人员务必于每场比赛开始前30分钟抵达比赛现场。同时,各赛场必需提前部署好以利于赛事的统筹安排及各场比赛准备工作的顺利进行。今天晚上,我们举行的是:*辩论赛 ,欢迎各位辩手和同学们的到来,期望双方在今晚的比赛中全部有出众的表现。Secondly, speakers are not allowed to bring any notes in hand.那么由我说一下这一阶段的规则:问方只能问,答方只能答,回复应简练,提问应明了,每次提

4、问只限一个问题。对方提出问题时,被问一方必需回复,不得回避,也不得反驳。攻辩时间每人1分30秒,攻辩小结时间为1分钟。Thirdly,Welcome comeback ,after our judges discussion, the most exciting moment is coming, the winner of todays debating competition is the best debater is .congratulation!i hope we can express ourselves on the stage in English ,I hope we ca

5、n show what we have learned in the competition, I hope we can exchange experience of how to learn English better, I hope we all make good use of this opportunity to improve ourselves.Ok, this is the end of todays English debating competition .thank you all for join us today, I hope all of you can ha

6、ve a good time .thank you .(二) 攻辩阶段(公辩时间6分钟,每队各3分钟)详细步骤同上,注意攻辩,自由辩论,观众提问步骤要先念规则,再进行辩论。取得本届辩论赛三等奖的代表队是:县卫生系统代表队、委派会计一队。 下面请县人大副主任孙裔成同志、县政协副主席刘祖斌同志给她们颁奖。现在我来介绍一下今天的辩论双方。坐在我右手边的是正方,她们的4位辩手分别,她们的看法是:开卷有益;那么坐在我左手边的是反方代表队,她们的四位辩手分别是:是 ,她们的看法是:开卷未必有益。以上是xx为大家整理好的范文,期望大家喜爱开篇立论、自由辩论和 总结陈词 步骤,每方使用时间 剩下30秒 时,我们回以一阵警示声提醒(请示意);用时满时,以铃声中止讲话(请示意)。其它步骤中间,无用时提醒。终止铃声响,发时言辩手必需停止讲话,不然作违规处理。那么由我说一下这一阶段的规则:问方只能问,答方只能答,回复应简练,提问应明了,每次提问只限一个问题。对方提出问题时,被问一方必需回复,不得回避,也不得反驳。攻辩时间每人1分30秒,攻辩小结时间为1分钟。(1)首先,请许可我作一下自我介绍,我是来自于杏林学院的刘济铭,很荣幸能够担任本场辩论赛的主席,来为大家主持这场辩论赛!


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