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1、2022年考博英语-湖北省联考考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Father does not like( )meat.问题1选项A.leanB.slimC.skinnyD.slender【答案】A【解析】根据句意:父亲不喜欢瘦肉。只有选项A能与meat搭配,其他选项只能修饰人。2. 单选题I am writing this at home because last week my ergonomic (符合人体工程学的)chair at the office fell apart,unable any longer to bear my weight. I am writing i

2、t on a computer that is propped on top of two thick books,because otherwise my neck would be cricked as I peered at the screen. At 1. 93m and weighing. . . well,Im not going to say what I weigh,but think second-row rugby union forward. . . I am not built for this world. We therefore welcome a new re

3、port from Professor Tim Hatton at the University of Essex, demonstrating that the average height of men in Europe has increased by 4 inches in the past century and in the UK by a whopping 5 inches. A similar increase is likely to have occurred among women:but,because the study is based in part on mi

4、litary records,evidence is thinner on the ground.The problem, as Hatton observes, is that the world hasnt kept pace with our increased height. I long ago abandoned buseslevering myself into a narrow seat was impossible. Air travel is also challenging. I was in the back row of an easyJet plane recent

5、ly, which has even less space than an ordinary seat, and would have ended up with a severe backache had it not been for some thoughtful passenger not turning up, allowing me to relocate to an aisle seat where the only danger is being hit by the trolley.Small cars are impossibleI have to drive with m

6、y head through the sunroof. West End theaters are hopelessly cramped. As before in cricket grounds: I would under no circumstances pay 80 for a plastic bucket seat at a Test match,where I would be wedged uneasily between two loud, red-trousered merchant bankers sipping warm champagne. As for those a

7、ppalling pine beds with footboards, usually found in absurdly small hotel rooms where I invariably get stuck in the toilet because the door wont open with me inside,they should be banned immediately.Our extra height generally means extra weight. US data show that baseball players are on average 3 in

8、ches taller and 2 stones heavier than they were a century agoand these are the superfit guys. Other data suggest ordinary Americans have added 2. 54 cm and 12. 6 kg in the past 50 years alone. We are all giants nowor will be soon. As a representative of this new breed,I would say just one thing: bew

9、are garden furniture. It appears to be made for gnomes. I routinely remove pleasant-looking but wholly impractical cane chairs, and once,while interviewing the actress Jenny Seagrove,snapped the strings of a hammock-type chair in her garden. It is not easy to get your interviewee to take you serious

10、ly after your vast bulk has been plunged suddenly on to their manicured lawn.1.The best title of this passage might be( ) .2.What is the tone of the writer when he is depicting his recent travel in an easyJet plane?3.According to the context, the word “gnomes”(Para. 5)might be( ).4.What happened to

11、the writer while he was interviewing Jenny Seagrove?问题1选项A.Poor Quality of ChairsB.Trouble with Being TallC.Embarrassment of Being RejectedD.Difficulties in Taking Planes and Buses问题2选项A.Angry.B.Sarcastic.C.Humorous.D.Envious.问题3选项A.people of vast bulkB.people of small sizesC.representatives of Amer

12、icansD.representatives of baseball players问题4选项A.He suddenly fell down on the lawn.B.He pretended to be very serious.C.He made a fool of himself on purpose.D.He failed to finish his interview【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A【解析】第1题:1.结合全文内容可知,文章主要是作者描述自己个子高,身体重带来的麻烦,选项A,C,D均为由此带来的麻烦,选项B概括全面,所以作为标题最恰当。2.根据关键词

13、“easyjet plane”定位到第二段后半部分,作者提到飞机上的座位空间比一般的座位要小,如果不是因为某位体贴的乘客没有出现,使我可以坐在靠近过道的座位上,到下飞机的时候我可能会腰酸背痛,唯一的威胁就是会被手推车撞到。根据作者的描述可知,这是一种挖苦和嘲讽的语气。选项B正确。3.作者在上文提到“We are all giants . beware garden furniture.”我们现在都是巨人或者即将成为巨人。但是要注意一件事:当心花园家具。说明花园家具不适用于大块头的人,那么可以推测,“gnomes”指体型较小的人。选项B正确。4.根据最后一段的最后一句“It is not eas

14、y to get your interviewee to take you seriously after your vast bulk has been plunged suddenly on to their manicured lawn.”在你的巨大身躯突然摔倒在他们修剪整齐的草坪上之后,让采访者认真对待你就不容易了。选项A符合原文。第2题:第3题:第4题:3. 单选题The swimming pool is the childrens favorite( ) in the summer.问题1选项A.cradleB.hauntC.headingD.hedge【答案】B【解析】cradl

15、e 摇篮, 发源地;haunt常去的地方;heading标题;hedge树篱, 障碍。句意:游泳池是孩子们夏天最爱去的地方。选项B符合句意。4. 单选题She has but a faint ( )of dialectical materialism.问题1选项A.sacrificeB.reactionC.notionD.clue【答案】C【解析】sacrifice牺牲;reaction反应;notion概念;clue线索。句意:她对辩证唯物主义只有一个模糊的概念。选项C符合语境。5. 单选题Next time you stop for gas at a self-serve pump, say hello to the robot in front of you. Its life story can tell you a lot about the robot economy roaring toward us like an EF5 tornado on the prairie.The first crude version of an automated gas-delive


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