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1、英国选美冠军霸气弃赛The winner of Miss UK 2017 has given up her crownafter she was told to lose weight to compete at aninternational level.今年,英国小姐冠军得主在得知必须要减肥才能参加世界小姐选拔后放弃了冠军头衔。Zoiey Smale, 28, from Nottinghamshire, was crownedMiss UK in June and was preparing to compete atMiss United Continents in Ecuador in

2、 September.瑞伊斯梅尔(Zoiey Smale)来自英国诺丁汉郡,今年28岁,6月荣获英国小姐桂冠,本来正在筹备9月将在厄瓜多尔举办的世界小姐比赛。But she dropped out after the UK head of Miss United Continents told her the internationaldirectors of the contest wanted her to “lose as much weight as she could” to become a seriouscontender, the size 10 model claimed i

3、n an interview with The Independent.瑞伊在接受独立报(The Independent)访谈时说,筹备期间世界小姐英国分赛区负责人告诉瑞伊,国际赛事的评委团希 / 望她“尽可能再瘦一些”,这样才算严肃对待比赛,瑞伊因此选择退出。Smale responded by giving up her title and taking a hiatus from beauty contests, and haspledged to use her experience to combat body shaming.瑞伊退出了选美比赛,放弃了冠军头衔,还以身作则对抗形体歧

4、视。I cant represent a company that thinks its OK to body shame women because they donthave the right measurements,she went on. I was asked to submit every measurement onmy body, which I didnt do. My measurements should be irrelevant.她说:“我无法代表一个因为女性三围不标准就侮辱女性的组织参赛。我不得不上报三围尺码,但是我拒绝这样做,三围和比赛有什么关系。”“For

5、a person to tell me to change myself to fit in with a company make me feel sick,” sheadded. “How are people allowed to dictate what I put in my body? Beauty is not determinedby the size you are on a clothes tag. So I gave up my title.”“要我改变自己来迎合组织的人非常恶心。他们有什么资格来命令我如何对待我的身体?美并不是由穿在身上的衣服尺码决定的。因此我放弃了冠军

6、头衔。”While pageants are often criticised for objectifying women, Smale stresses that “some pageantspromote charity work and body positivity.”选美通常因为具象化女性而受到指责,但是瑞伊强调“有些选美比赛能够促进公益和对人体的美感。”“On the flip side there are other competitions that I have heard of where girls are used asescorts for rich men who sponsor competitions. They go out to sponsordinners in cocktaildresses and are told to mingle,claims Smale.“我听说过另外一些比赛,女孩子被当作赞助大款的女伴。这些女孩穿着短裙出现在晚宴上,必须进行社交。” 温馨提示:最好仔细阅读后才下载使用,万分感谢!


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