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1、最新的阅读材料英语生命是一本厚厚的,永远也读不完的书,我们应该在生命的这本书中留下闪亮的一笔,让我们在阅读这本书是尽量没有遗憾。有关阅读的初三英语作文Knowledge can be acquired from many sources. These include books, teachers and practical experience, and each has its own advantages. The knowledge we gain from books and formal education enables us to learn about things that

2、 we have no opportunity to experience in daily life. We can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime, just by reading about them in books. We can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different

3、ways. Furthermore, we can learn from the past by reading books. In this way, we wont repeat the mistakes of others and can build on their achievements.Practical experience, on the other hand, can give us more useful knowledge. It is said that one learns best by doing, and I believe that this is true

4、, whether one is successful or not. In fact, I think making mistakes is the best way to learn. Moreover, if one wants to make new advances, it is necessary to act. Innovations do not e about through reading but through experimentation. Finally, one can apply the skills and insights gained through th

5、e study of books to practical experience, making an already meaningful experience more meaningful. However, unless it is applied to real experiences, book knowledge remains theoretical and, in the end, is useless. That is why I believe that knowledge gained from practical experience is more importan

6、t than that acquired from books.获得知识的来有很多,其中包括书本、老师,以及实际经历,而每一种都有其优点。从书本上及正规教育中所获得的知识使我们知道在日常生活中没有时机亲身去体验的事。通过读书,我们可以研究世界各地的资料,还可以向不曾谋面的人学习。我们也可以培养分析p 的技巧,并学习如何以不同的方式去观察并理解周围的世界。此外,我们可以通过读书,从历史中获取教训。如此一来,就不会再重复别人的错误,并且可以以别人的成就作为我们行动的根底。另一方面,实际经历可以给我们更多有用的知识。大家都说从做中学的效果,我也认为确实如此,无论一个人成功与否。事实上,我认为犯错是的

7、学习方式。此外,假设想要有新的进展,就必需要付诸行动。想要创新,只靠阅读是不够的,必需要去理论。最后,我们可以将通过读书所获得的技巧和见解应用于实际经历中,使得本来有意义的经历变得更有意义。不过,除非我们能将书本知识运用于实际际经历中,否那么书本知识终究仍只是理论,毫无用处。那就是为什么我会认为从实际经历中获得的知识比从书本中所得到的知识更为重要。关于唯美的英文诗阅读Tell me not in mournful numbers, 请别用哀伤的诗句对我讲;Life is but an empty dream!人生呵,无非是虚梦一场!For the soul is dead that slumb

8、ers 因为沉睡的灵魂如死一般,And things are not what they seem. 事物的表里并不一样。Life is real! Life is earnest!人生是实在的!人生是热烈的!And the grave is not its goal;人生的目的决不是坟墓;Dust thou art , to dust returnest,你是尘土,应归于尘土。Was not spoken of the soul.此话指的并不是我们的精神。Not enjoyment , and not sorrow, 我们的归宿并不是快乐,Is our destined and our wa

9、y;也不是悲伤,But to act, 实干That much to-morrow.才是我们的道路,Find us farther than to-day.每天不断前进,蒸蒸蒸日上。Art is long , and time is fleeting. 光阴易逝,而艺海无涯,And our hearts , though stout and brave. 我们的心哪虽然英勇坚强,Still , like muffled drums , are beating却像被布蒙住的铜鼓,Funeral marches to the grave。常把殡葬的哀乐擂响。In the worlds broad

10、field of battle,在这人生的宿营地,In the bivouac of Life,在这辽阔的世界战场,Be not like dumb,driven cattle!别做无言的家畜任人驱赶,Be a hero in the strife!做一名英雄汉立马横枪!Trust no future.howeer pleasant!别相信将来,哪怕将来多么欢乐!Let the dead Past bury its dead!让死去的往昔将死亡一切埋葬!Act,act in the living Present!上帝在上,我们胸怀勇气,Let us,then,be up and doing,让我们起来干吧,With a heart for any fate;下定决心,不管遭遇怎样;Still achieving,still pursuing不断成功,不断追求,Learn to labour and to wait.要学会苦干和耐心等待。第 页 共 页


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