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1、28-2021届高考英语3500词汇(基础练+提升练)基础练(夯实基础)一、单词拼写(根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词的完全形式)1.The boy _(躺)on the ground _(撒谎)to me that he had _(把放置)the book on the shelf.【答案】lying, lied, laid【句意】躺在地上的男孩对我撒谎说他把书放在书架上了。2.You have to be very careful with the dry wood. It _(点燃)very easily.【答案】lights【句意】对于这些干的木材你可要当心,它们很容易就点着。3.Rea

2、ding is the best way to _(消磨)time on the train.I dont think so. I never go traveling without a book.【答案】kill【句意】“阅读是在火车上消磨时间的最好方式。”“我不这么认为。我从不带着书去旅行。”4.We students should equip ourselves with _(知识), for the competition nowadays is very fierce.【答案】knowledge【句意】我们学生应该用知识武装自己,因为现在的竞争非常激烈。5.The football

3、 player has played in Germany for his entire career but is _(渴望)on a move abroad.【答案】keen【句意】这名足球运动员整个职业生涯都在德国踢球,但他渴望出国踢球。6.What differentiates an excellent player from an average one is that the former learns from his errors, while the _(后者)repeats them.【答案】latter【句意】一个优秀的球员和一个普通的球员的区别在于前者从他的错误中学习,

4、而后者则重复这些错误。7.A range of green campaigns have been _(发起)globally in response to the gravity of the climate crisis.【答案】launched【句意】一系列全球性的绿色环保活动的发起,是为了应对当前气候危机的严峻形势。8.Citizens are at _(自由)to exercise their rights, but under no circumstances can they violate other peoples rights. 【答案】liberty【句意】公民可以自由地

5、行使自己的权利,但他们绝不能损害他人的权益。9.Many teenagers feel _(孤独), as if no one understands them and the changes they are going through.【答案】lonely【句意】很多青少年感到孤独,好像没人能够理解他们和他们正在经历的变化。10.The speed of cars and trucks is _(限制)to 30 kilometers per hour in large cities in China.【答案】limited【句意】在中国的大城市里,汽车和卡车的速度被限制在每小时30公里。

6、11.Idiomsusuallycannotbetranslated _(逐字)intoanother _(语言).【答案】literally, language【句意】成语通常不能逐字翻译成另一种语言。12.He is expected to give us a _(生动的)description of the football match that was broadcast _(现场直播)last night.【答案】lively, live【句意】他将给我们生动地描述昨晚实况转播的足球赛。13.Terry received about ten gifts on his birthday

7、, most of which were from his _(可爱的)classmates.【答案】lovely【句意】特里在他生日上收到了10份礼物,大部分礼物都是来自他可爱的同伴同学。14.The rich man often provides the _(当地的)poor people with free food and money, so they are very thankful for his generosity.【答案】local【句意】那个富人经常给当地的穷人免费提供食物和钱,所以他们非常感谢他的慷慨。15.Youd better _(锁)your valuable b

8、elongings in the safe before going out.【答案】lock【句意】你最好把贵重物品锁在保险箱里再出去。16.How happy we are! The holiday we have been l_ forward tohas come at l_.【答案】looking, last【句意】我们是多么的快乐啊!我们一直所期望的假期终于来了。17.L_ over exercisesbeforehandingthem in.【答案】Look【句意】把练习检查一遍再交。18.Thesoldier l_ downhislifeforthecauseofnationa

9、lindependence.【答案】laid【句意】这位战士是为了民族独立的事业而献身的。19.Myparentsliveasimplelifeinorderto l_asideenoughmoneyformyhighereducation.【答案】lay【句意】为了积蓄足够多的钱供我上大学,我的父母生活非常节俭。20.In order to make my composition clearer and smoother, my teacher asked me to l_ out the unnecessary words and sentences.【答案】leave【句意】为了使我的作

10、文更清晰流畅,老师让我把不必要的单词和句子删去。21.Shewillbewillingto l_ out2000dollarsforawashingmachine.【答案】lay【句意】她乐意花2000美元买一台洗衣机。22.They did not sell a single car for a month and had to l_off workers.【答案】lay【句意】一个月来一辆汽车都卖不出去,他们只好裁员。23.L_ out thesecretanditisworthless.【答案】Let【句意】戳破这层窗户纸就一文不值了。24.The cure for stress l_

11、in learning to relax.【答案】lies【句意】消除紧张的方法在于学会放松。25.Thegirlsbeganto l_through thephotographalbums.【答案】look【句意】姑娘们开始翻阅相册。26.Thequestionwassounexpectedthat,foramoment,shewas at a l_ howtoactupproperly.【答案】loss【句意】问题来得这么突然,她一时不知道如何作出恰当的反应。27.The service at Blue Moon Restaurant l_ up toits reputation, for

12、 we were well served. 【答案】lived 【句意】蓝月亮饭店的服务名不虚传,因为我们受到了很好的服务。28.Shesstarvingherselftryingto l_ weight.【答案】lose【句意】她让自己挨饿试图减肥。29.Well l_into the problem and call you when we have more information. Please wait for our reply.【答案】look 【句意】我们会调查这个问题,有了进一步消息会打电话给你,请等待我们的回复。30.I often l_ upthe words I don

13、t know in the dictionary or on the Internet.【答案】look【句意】我经常在字典或互联网上查找我不认识的单词。31.A certain percent of your salary is k_ backby the employer as insurance payments. 【答案】kept【句意】你工资的一定比例被你的老板留下来用来支付你的保险。32. L_ but not l_, we should always trust our parents and see them as our friends. 【答案】Last, least【句意

14、】最后但并非最不重要的是,我们应该始终信任我们的父母,把他们视为我们的朋友。33.Theyoungman k_abouttheworldbeforefindingajobaftergraduation.【答案】knocked【句意】毕业后,那个年轻人没找工作,先去周游世界了。34.Therefereedecidedwhichsideshould k_ offbyspinningacoin.【答案】kick【句意】裁判员以抛转硬币的方式来裁定哪一方先开球。35.Bank statement helps you k_track of where your money is going.【答案】keep【句意】银行对账单可以帮助你追踪你的钱的去向。二、单句语法填空(用所给单词的正确形式填空或填上恰当的单词)1.There was a time when he suf


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