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1、Unit 2 I think that moon cakes are delicious !Section A (1a2d )畢础題* A *4一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词I. We Chin ese ofte n eat mooncakes on Mid-Autu mn Day.2.1 don t know the s tranger , he is a new comer.3n the Spring Festival, we always visit ourrelatives (亲人).4.1 put on several pounds(磅)last year.5.The L a

2、ntern Festival is on the 15th day of the first lunar (农历)mon th.二、用所给词的适当形式填空6.1 love the races because they are in teresti ngto watch (watch).7. Tomwonders(won der) if it will rain tomorrow.8. Kate enjoyseating (eat) out because the food is delicious.9. July is thehottest(hot) month in the n orth o

3、f China.能力题三、根据汉语意思完成句子10. 汤姆想知道他姑姑下周来还是不来。Tom won derswhether his aunt will come ornot n ext week.II. 这是一部多么有趣的电影啊 !Whatan in teresti ng movie this is!12. Clara和Ben相信七月是中国最热的月份。Clara and Ben believe July is the hottest month of the year in China.13. 春节是拜访其他亲人和好朋友的时间。The Spring Festival is a time fo

4、r visitingother relatives and good frien ds.14. 这个月,我一天吃四顿饭,我已经胖了七磅了。I had four meals a day this mon th. Ive put onseve n poun ds.拓展题四、 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话(有两项多余)A:I m going to Chia ng Mai in two weeks.B:Wow, sou nds like fun! 15. EA:Yes, that s true. 16. DB:I won der if its similar to the Water Festival

5、 of the Dai people in Yunnan Provi nee.A:Yes, I thi nk so. 17. F People go on the streets to throw water at each other.B:Cool! 18. CA:Because the new year is a time for clea ning and wash ing away bad thi ngs. 19.BA. It s really hot here.B. The n youll have good luck in the new year.C. But why do th

6、ey do that?D. But there s a water festival there from April 13th to 15th.E. But I believe that April is the hottest month of the year there.F. This is the time of the Thai New Year.G. But now Im more in terested in sports.Section A (3a4c )菇础题4一、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词1. The thief was tryi ng to s teal my bik

7、e whe n I came.2. The hens l ay_ eggs every day.3. There are many beautiful flowers and other pla nts in the garden .4. Jay is a famous sin ger. I a dmire him.5. Mrs. Brow n is very heavy because she likes eat ing desserts .二、单项选择(B) 6.Ch in ese people Mid-Autu mn Festival for many years.A. had bee

8、n celebrat ingB. have bee n celebrat ingC. have bee n celebratedD. has bee n celebrat ing(C) 7.M oon cakes are the shape a full moon on Mid-Autu mn ni ght.A. of; forB.i n; forC. i n; ofD.for; of(B) 8.A goddess gave Hou Yi magic medici ne thank him shooti ng dow n thenine suns.A. for; forB.to; forC.f

9、or; ofD.to; of(A) 9.in Hong Kong!A. How delicious the food isB. How delicious the food areC. How delicious are the foodD. How delicious is the food(D) 10.Hou Yi pla nnedto the moon to see his wife.A. goB.goi ngC.for going D.to go能力题A三、用方框内所给词的适当形式填空help, tie, celebrate, drink, eat11. Look! The old m

10、an is tying the sheep to a small tree.12. Teachers Day is celebrated in many coun tries.13. Milk is good for your health. You shouldnt refuse to drink it.14. We have the traditi on ofeatingdumpli ngs on New Year s Eve.15. The old woma n gave me some desserts forhelping her clea n the floor.拓展题四、根据汉语

11、提示完成下列句子16. 他给父母的这个礼物把他的祝福传递给了他爱戴和思念的家人。The gift he gave his pare nts carried hiswishes to the families he loved and missed.17. 不管是谁喝了它,都会长生不老。Whoever drank it could live forever .18. 他发现这个问题如此之难,以至于他算不出来。He found this problem was so difficult thathe could nt work it out.19. 他在桌子上摆上他喜欢吃的水果和甜点。He lai

12、dout his favorite fruits and desserts on the table.20. 他多么希望这药有魔力啊!How he wishedthat the medici ne wasmagic !Section B (1a1d )一、用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空dress up, haun ted house, think of,turn off, ask for1. Pare nts take their childre n around the n eighborhood toask forcan dies and treats.2. What do youthin

13、k of what your pare nts said?3.It s time to go to bed. Please turn off the lights.5.We all dressed up as clow ns at Kate s birthday party.能力 IS二、单项选择(C) 6 .I thi nk its fun to San ta Claus.A. dress up forB. dress upC. dress up asD. dress as(A) 7.At last, Tim decidedhis life and promisedhard.A. to ch

14、a nge; to studyB. cha nge; studyC. to cha nge; studyD. cha nge; to study(B) 8.My En glish teacher always a blue sweater.A. puts onB.wearsC.dressesD.i n(B) 9.This kind of food I had for lunch made me sick.A. to feelB.feelC.felt D.feeli ng(C) 10.My sister will me if I don t give her a prese nt for her

15、 birthday.A. admire atB. a ngry withC. play a trick onD. mad at三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子11. 许多北美的人在万圣节那天使他们的房子看起来很可怕。Many people in North America make their houseslook scary on Hallowee n.12. 在你洗头时,请关闭淋浴器。Please turnoff the shower whe n you are wash ing your hair.13. 如果你有任何问题,请向老师求助。Please ask your teacher for help if you have any problem.14. 我爷爷喜欢扮演圣诞老人。My gran dpa likes to dressupas Santa Claus.15. 我认为在网上用英语聊天是有趣的。I think it s in terest ing tochat on


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