2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 1 Getting along with others 课时跟踪检测(四)(含解析)牛津译林版必修5

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2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 1 Getting along with others 课时跟踪检测(四)(含解析)牛津译林版必修5_第1页
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1、Unit 1 Getting along with others课时跟踪检测(四) Project.根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词的正确形式1He hesitated (犹豫) before he took the last cake.2If you export nothing but raw materials youre at the mercy (怜悯) of world prices.3Without pausing (停顿) for breath he walked straight to the office.4She is new here, so naturally she i

2、s eager (热切的) for friendship.5Its not his work that bothers me. Its his attitude.6I think Im likely to get the job if Bob doesnt apply for it.7He continued speaking, regardless of my feelings on the matter.8I asked him his name, but he didnt respond.完成句子1但是多数学生对失败采取积极的态度。But most students take_an_ac

3、tive_attitude_towards/to failure.2少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。Work hard when_(you_are)_young,_or youll regret.3他神情沮丧是因为钱被偷了。The reason why he looks so depressed is that he had_his_money_stolen.4如果你有什么困惑,尽管向老师求助,不要犹豫。If you have any puzzle, please dont hesitate_to_turn_to_your_teacher.5多亏你的帮助,我才能通过考试。Thanks_to_your_

4、help,_I was able to pass the exam.完形填空There was once a time when my kids got into arguing with one another. One would say something _1_, and the other would fight back. Then “He _2_ it!” and “Im only doing what he does!” kicked in. They were in a _3_ cycle (循环) and the longer it went on, the more it

5、 got out of _4_.One day I was in the supermarket because the regular food store was out of _5_ I needed. I noticed a tubeshaped container of small, fancy chocolates as I waited to _6_. Things like that were not in my _7_, but I bought them anyway.At home I gathered the kids together and _8_ them the

6、 chocolates. “Oh! Why did you _9_ those, Mama?” my elder son asked. “Theyre argument stoppers,” I told them. The kids looked _10_. “Do you want to try one?” They _11_, and I gave them each a piece of chocolate. “Heres the _12_,” I said. “Whoever stops an argument gets one, _13_ its mother that stops

7、 it.”Over the next few days, I used a different way to stop an argument. Whenever a spat (口角) broke out I _14_ called out, “Whos going to stop this argument?” Everyone just went _15_. It didnt take long, really, to _16_ a normal talk.By the _17_ we ran out of chocolates, I went to buy more. In this

8、way we had a _18_ relationship (关系) in our family. The chocolates are a reminder that there is something far _19_ than a painful argument. Later, my kids slowly learned to _20_ others gently and friendly.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。家里的孩子不时吵嘴,作者后来找到了使得孩子和睦相处的办法,也让他们养成了友好待人的好习惯。1A.strangeBrudeCamusing Dwrong解析:选B由“an

9、d the other would fight back”可知,说的话不那么友好。2A.deserved BinstructedCmeant Dstarted解析:选D由“Im only doing what he does”可知,这是孩子们的申辩,互相指责是对方先开始的。3A.bad BlastingCregular Dnatural解析:选A由上句可知,互相指责,这是个恶性循环。延续时间越久就越会失去控制。4A.work BbreathCcontrol Dcuriosity解析:选C参见上题解析。5A.anything BnothingCeverything Dsomething解析:选D

10、由“I was in the supermarket”可知,常规的食品商店没有作者要买的一些东西。6A.leave BpayCcontribute Dpark解析:选B买完东西接下来是等着结账。7A.eyes BmindCbudget Dshoes解析:选C由“I was in the supermarket”和“but I bought them anyway”可知,巧克力不在作者的预算中。8A.showed BofferedCawarded Dthrew解析:选A由下文可知,作者只是把她买的巧克力拿给孩子们看。9A.like BneedCdo Dbuy解析:选D由前后文可知,大儿子问妈妈为

11、什么买巧克力。10A.upset BcontentCsurprised Dbored解析:选C由“Theyre argument stoppers”和之后作者的解释可知,孩子们对妈妈说的话不理解,感到惊讶。11A.whispered BagreedCadmitted Dfrowned解析:选B由“and I gave them each a piece of chocolate”可知,孩子们表示愿意品尝。12A.rule BcureCnews Dresult解析:选A“Whoever stops an argument gets one, _ its mother that stops it”

12、即是作者提出的规则。13A.as though Bonly ifCif only Deven though解析:选D由“Whoever stops an argument gets one”中Whoever的提示可知,即使是妈妈也不例外。14A.simply BhopefullyCslowly Dsuddenly解析:选A由“I used a different way to stop an argument“,结合第一段的情况可知,作者只是简单地说:“谁打算停战?”15A.wild BcautiousCsilent Dmad解析:选C由“stop this argument”可知,每个人就都

13、安静了。16A.make room for Bget back toCget ready for Dlook forward to解析:选B从争吵回到了正常的交谈。17A.way BchanceCend Dtime解析:选D由“I went to buy more”可知,巧克力吃完时,作者就再去买一些。18A.true BseriousCgood Dspecial解析:选C由上文可知,孩子们可以好好说话,家人之间的关系变好了。19A.more positive BsweeterCmore scientific Dstronger解析:选B由巧克力和a painful argument的比较可知

14、,巧克力提醒孩子们有的东西比痛苦的争吵甜蜜多了。20A.treat BmeetCchallenge Ddefeat解析:选A根据前后文可知,后来孩子们逐渐地学会了温和而友善地待人。.阅读理解My friend once said to me, “I dont have time to read. Thats why I buy audio books (有声读物). I can turn them on in the car as Im driving to and from work, and find that enjoyment in books without physically r

15、eading.” It is true. Working forty or more hours a week, who truly has that time to sit on a comfortable sofa to read a good book?When I was free, I researched the Internet and found some pretty wonderful audio works of literature online books Id heard of, but never had the chance to read.A while ago there was this movie I missed at the cinema, and to my surprise I found


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