Unit 5 travelling abroad高二英语全单元精品学案新课标人教版高中英语模块7选修七学案导学案

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1、选修七 unit 5 Travelling Abroad 学案导学 Period 1 Reading One ( 新知预习我的地盘,我做主!)高二英语说明:难易程度分级:A级:识记(容易);B级:理解 (中等);C级:应用 (较难);D级:拓展(难)一Learning aims (学习目标):1.To improve the ability of memoring the words.2. To improve the ability of self-reading.二.Important learning point(学习重点): Learn the new words by your he

2、art in this unit三.Difficult learning point(学习难点):Grasp the two self-reading techniques(技巧):1.skimming(略读) 2.scanning(扫读或细读)四:Learning guide(方法指导):reading, listening, copying, reciting五:Language connection(知识链接):travelling abroadOxford University六:Learning procedures(学习过程)Step 1. Try to mermorize the

3、 new words as quickly as possible, as well as possible and as many as possible.(友情提示:用好零星时间记单词;记单词是每日必做的功课)英语记单词方法提示连载:第一招:不要背单词书或单词表, 要在阅读中背单词。1.Read and recite new words and phrases in this unit three times for each (except for the words with “”)(方法:按音标正确读背写听单词和短语)(A级)2.Copy the new words and phra

4、ses three times in your exercise books(方法:汉意可抄一遍,应该会默写)(A级)3.根据首字母和汉语释义(方法:默写单词,然后核对,把写错的再写几遍)(B级)重点单词必背难易程度:A级1) _ (vt.推荐; 劝告, 建议) 2)_( n.舒适; vt.安慰, 使舒适) 3) _ (vt. & vi.代替, 替换) 4) _( n.草稿, vt.起草, 画草图)5) _ (vt.承认, 供认) 6) _( vt. & vi.反驳, 否认) 7) _ (vt.占领; 占有) 8) _ (adj.大量的, 充足的)9) _( vt. & vi.统治; 控制;)

5、 10) _( n.签证)11) _ (n.队列) 12) _ (自助餐厅)13) _ (n. 资格, 条件, 限制) 14) _ (adj.学校的; 学术性的)15) _ (adj.麻木的) 16) _ (adj.自治的) 17) _ (n.事业, 计划; 公司) 18) _ (n.学士; 学士学位) 19) _( adj.例行的; 常规的) 20) _ (adj.可选择的, 非强制的)21) _ (n.电池) 22) _ (vt. & vi.钻(孔); 打(眼) 23) _ (adj.平行的) 24) _( n.目的地, 终点)重点短语必记难易程度:A25) _ (调整, 调节) 26)_

6、 (坚持; 继续)27)_ (相融合, 相适应) 28)_ (就而言)29)_ (忙着做;忙于某事物)30)_ (日复一日)单词默写自评:(在自己的“心情”上打勾)优秀(对28个以上)良好(对25个以上)一般(对16个以上)较差(对16个以下step 2 :读前热身(B级)1.Can you write down several advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. Advantages: _ Disadvanatages:_Suppose your friends would travel abroad. What suggesti

7、ons would you give?_Step 3. 读中求证(B级)Scan the passage and put the events in the right order.(读课文,排顺序)_ The difficulties Xie Lei met while living in London._ The newspaper will follow Xie Leis progress in later editions._ The general introduction to Xie Lei and her study._ The Advantages that Xie Lei

8、gained while living an active life._ Xie Lei is now getting along well and is living an active life._ Xie Lei , a Chinese girl, is studying in a foreign country country- England._ Xie Lei is getting used to the Western Universitys way of learning.Step 4.读读填填(B级)Read the text and fill in the blanks w

9、ith proper words or phrases1.to learn how to _ Western _.2.to get used to a new _. Benefits: of doing a preparation course:1.to learn more about _ and _.2.to have people to explain things_. of living with a host family:1.to explain about why you cannot _ other peoples work without _it.2. to _ you to

10、 express your own ideas. of having a tutor:1.learning to read _ and _the texts. 2. _ones own opinion with _.Difficulties:at the university:1.finding a _ between study and a _.2.making new _.of a new way of life:Step5:能力提升:(C级)Fill in the blanks with the proper words(方法指导:通读课文,填入符合语境的单词) The author i

11、nterviewed Xie Lei in the student cafeteria. She told the author that she had been 1 studying in a university in London. She faced a lot of difficulties there. Apart from the difficult study, she had to 2 the whole life there. This 3 a lot of her concentration in the beginning. Sometimes she 4 a child and had to learn almost everything again to adapt to the surrondings. Xie Lei lived with an English family. She thought living with a 5 family gave her a 6 to learn everyday life and customs in the country. Besides, w


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