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1、青年节英语作文 篇一:初中英语话题作文 中考作文本卷须知一、石老师的忠告: 近几年中考英语作文以看图写话的方式为主,重点调查学生运用一般过去时态讲述过去 故事的书面表达才能。 因而,动词一律使用 was , ere; 行为动词一律用动词的过去式 方式;重点经历不规那么动词的过去式;留意故事的书写要自始至终使用过去时态;不倡导使 用直截了当引语;不倡导使用没见过和没把握的句子;为提高句子水平,尽量使用几个主从复合 句,像宾语从句、定语从句、时间状语从句或缘故状语从句,并列句和感慨句也会为你的文 章增色,但不能由于上难度而出语法错误,得不偿失,看本人的才能而定;怕出错,就全使 用小短句子,正确无误

2、是第一追求;留意每张图片的内容都要有专门的句子表达,要点不能漏掉;每个单句句子都要符合简单句的五种根本类型之一:主系表;主语谓语;主谓宾; 主谓宾宾;主谓宾宾补;留意主谓一致;留意防止标点符号、大小写、拼写错误等低级失误;字数要足;打草稿是个拿卷面分的好方法,也防止低级失误。将草稿上的作文抄到试卷上 之后,再对照一下,不要漏掉字或出现书写单词不完好的现象。二、中考作文评分标准:1) 本大题共0分。 )卷面书写潦草不工整,可酌情从总得分中扣分。 3)拼写错误每两个扣0.分。同样错误不重复计算。)书面表达可分为四个等级: (1)910分语句通畅,内容完好,书写工整,无语法错误, 字数符合要求。 (

3、)-8分 内容较完好,书写较工整,语法错误较少(-2处),字数根本符合要求。 (3)5-6分语句尚通畅,书写较工整,3-处语法错误,字数在0词左右。()5分以下 作文内容不完好语句不够通畅,语法错误较多,书写一般,字数在50词 以下。 三、类型举例: 1. 做好事 Tom is good by wo iks hepg othr/whisas rady tohelother One a, on hiswayoscooon his wayackhm,e found n oldmanhook worred.e et pt hm and askedim wt was wron./ e coldep h

4、im.hed an sid that hedidn know howto getbackhome Thepedhi to ak the lieman fo ep. Then To tok hm o s hm y us He took gd cae of the ol man. last/Inhe ed,ed an got back omad met his faml. hthanked Tom ver uch. om go to sho lte/ot home lae bt e as ery hp. What a goo kind bo! houldlearn fro him./ Helpin

5、g othe istohelpursele 2 节日:ClrenDay 儿童节;chers Dy老师节;Aprios Day 愚人节ational Da 国庆节 ;NYear Day 元旦;Sprig Fsval春节;MidAtum Day 中秋节; MaDay 五四青年节Crism Day 圣诞节;Thagig 感恩节;Mthrs Day 母亲节;athersDy 父亲节 To is a ooboy who lveshi parents.Yeserday wa Womens ay He wnted todo mthn fr hs her. He tod is far whate hough

6、and hsfather aee with hiTheybega wor. T wept te loor and hs faterd some ashig/ wshe the loth. hil hi fathr scokig,heptthe disheoo e tbl.e is moteame ck home, he o oe deliious fod n teable. Hwhappye was! She ha wderful Woms ay 类似一篇: I ae good frend nam Jim. H is a ifteen-yea-od bo. Yeterday was omes

7、ay, dhismotherwas bs tsie. ade upsmindo do somthingf her Soe cleae out the hose noer to make hs oter happy t fist, clend te foo and made it as lenapossbe He lienedto temic tat waswrien u Lang ,one heotpua nges n ChiaThen he did tedhe aer listein.t too hm alitle me o do it. At lt, he ckedsomehng nc.

8、Afer fiteen mntes, i mthcmebc hme .He s“Hppy Wmens Dy!”His motr ws veryhap to se m fod on hetble m idnt el tiredn the lghte.Whatd oy!One,Xaoinan his fah went t Zo Shan ParkXi M ws vey happyWh they wer waking, Xiaong fthr uda fene nd ecded to umpve h fceso hathy ul et to thezoquickly .Xiao Ming idt a

9、grwith hisfahr,but his ate jumped oerhe n. XiaoMin ws vey wrried. Then plicean am t isfthe and ld him that he broethe traffi law. iaoisfahrfelt ery embarassd and bowed to epolicema,“Sorr, Int do i ain”Is ngerousto rakth tri w/rles. 另一篇: st nday, myather a mohetookmetothezoo. It was a erintresng zo.

10、We took wak anenjoed th beutifl sghts /fowers in the zo the whol monigAtno, haa cnion thegrss.Fially, I coult fnih the ake wi crea Iandt trow it awy. But my moteold me ot to doit. Then, I wated t giveit to the okeys. mothersaid waa god ida. t thatiea okera the zoocam up tusad ol us no do t .The we r

11、aliedor mistae. W shol obeyhe rlsand tr protect henials Tomi ago oy whkesplangsoccer.LasTueday, he wasvery buy In the morg , e gou a six thity aden ad ekft.Hewen t shoolonfot becaue hishose wasvery ne to te shool. Afe h d our lassei the moring an trein thafternon, hewas vy tired. fter schol ,h ly cc

12、er with is frends. heyhagoodtime. Aferup/dinnr, ehad t dhihomwork.I ook im to hours t finsh it. H watched TVand rednespapers H didt o t bd untit ocok He wastired bt apy.What a busy day! (假设是周末或假期活动,只需要改变时间和活动内容即可)另一篇: Xao Mgs Busy Day Last weekend, Xiao Mng ada very busy day n the mornig, his ather tld hi ogetp toead Englis Aftr at,he d t ractise plangthe piano. Histher stoodbehind hi and mdehimpla again nd ain.In heaftnoon, his fther took h to a art sh


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