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1、第八讲:在餐馆中”Less on 8: In the Restaura nt (c ontinu ed)各位朋友好,欢迎您收听旅游业英语”第八讲,我是澳洲广播电台中文部节目主持人马健媛。在第七课中,我们学习了如何询问客人是否有任何问题需要帮助以 及在出现失误的时候如何道歉。在这一课中,我们要学习怎样询问 客人的需求及如何向客人解释帐单的明细帐。在我们继续学习在餐馆中”新的对话之前,让我们重温一下在餐馆中”的第一部分的对话。Jea n: Your Crispy Fish and your Garlic Chicken and vegetables.Mona: Oh dear.Jea n: Is

2、there a problem?Mona: There seems to be some mistake. I asked for no chillies. This 矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖賃軔。 chicke n has chillies.Jean: Oh, yes. I see. I m sorry. I ll get you another o聞s沟燴鐺險aW氇谴净祸測。Jea n: There was a slight mix up in the kitche n. We残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟婭骤。toni ght. Here is your Garlic Chicke n without

3、 the chillies. I酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥顧荭。apologise for any inconvenience.Mona: No worries.Jea n: Would you like anything else to drink?Mo na: No, tha nks.Jack: I m right, thank you.现在让我们继续学习第八课在餐馆中”。请先收听对话的原文及中文翻译。杰克:非常好吃,谢谢你。Jack: That was delicious, tha nk you.琴:很高兴您能喜欢这些菜肴,先生。您现在要看一下甜点 单吗?Jean: I m glad you

4、liked it, sir.Page 2 of 7Now, would you like to see the dessert menu?杰克:不用了,谢谢。Jack: No, tha nks.蒙纳:请把帐单给我好吗?谢谢。Mon a: Just the bill, tha nk you.请注意,当我们向客人提出建议时,我们可以用Would youlike.?这个句型。您通常可以在这个句型后面连接名词或者动词 不动式。琴在对话中多次询问客人喜欢点什么菜,或者想做什么 事。她每次使用的都是这个句型。请注意听。琴:您要看看菜单吗?Page 3 of 7To order now?Would you

5、like to order now?看菜单吗?To see a menu?Would you like to see a menu?现在让我们在再听一遍琴是如何向客人提出建议的。Jean: Would you like boiled or coconut rice with that?彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑诒尔。琴:您要点煮饭还是椰浆饭 ?Boiled or coconut rice. Or这个字在这里起了提供选择的作用。请注意听下列短句并跟着重复。Or.Or.Boiled or coc onut rice?Would you like boiled or coc onut rice?Tea o

6、r coffee?Would you like tea or coffee?A sin gle or double room?Would you like a si ngle or double room?接下来让我们收听部分的对话内容。请在琴的讲话之后跟着重复她的句子。Jack: That was delicious, tha nk you.Jean: I m glad you liked it, sir.Jea n: Now, would you like to see the dessert menu?Jack: No, tha nks.Mon a: Just the bill, tha

7、 nk you.您现在收听的是澳洲广播电台为您编播制作的旅游英语”节目。第八课:在餐馆中”Less on 8: In the Restaura nt请注意听这一段对话里新的生词与表达方式及中文翻译。蒙纳:服务员,这看起来好像有些问题呀。Mona: Waitress, there seems to be some mistake.琴:什么问题呢?Jea n: Is there a problem?Page 4 of 7蒙纳:我不明白为什么帐单上多出了两块钱,是小费吗?Mona: I don t understand what this extra $2 is for. Is it a t謀荞抟箧

8、飆鐸怼类蒋薔點鉍。 琴:请让我看一下。噢,这是您使用毛巾的收费。Jean: Let me see. Ah, that s for use of厦礴恳o蹒骈時盡继價骚卺癩。蒙纳:用毛巾要收费吗?Mona: The towels?琴:是的,您使用冰镇毛巾要收费。Jea n: Yes, the cold towels.蒙纳:噢,是这样。Mona: I see.杰克:我想起来了,那些毛巾还真不错呀。Jack: Oh yes, they were lovely towels.琴:我去给您拿找换的钱。Jean: I II just get your change.杰克:不用了,找换的钱就留给你吧。Jack

9、: You can keep the cha nge.琴:谢谢您,先生。Jea n: Thank you, sir.请注意,有些时候客人会对帐单提出疑问。造成这种局面的原因可 能是因为语言不通,或者是客人不了解帐单的列表方式。遇到这样 的情况,通常的处理方式就是向客人解释为什么收费中会多出了一 些款项,或者逐个地向客人解释每道菜的收费。有时候客人可能也 会忘记自己点过的菜呢。现在让我们来听听琴是如何就帐单中多出 来的收费向客人做解释的。Jean: Ah, that s for use of the towels.That s fo是 that is for的简略说法,意思是这是有关某物或者某项

10、服务的收费”。这是在解释帐单时最常用的一种表示方 法。请听下列英语短句和中文翻译。Page 5 of 7这是额外咖啡的收费。That s for the extra coffee.这是自带酒的开瓶费。That s for corkage.这是您打往澳大利亚的电话收费。That s for the phone call to Australia.注意听并跟着重复。That s for corkage.That s for the extra coffee.That s for the use of the towels.That s for the phone call to Australia

11、.现在让我们一起来收听这段对话的最后一部份。请在琴的讲话之后 重复她的句子。Mona: Waitress, there seems to be some mistake.Jea n: Is there a problem?Mona: I don t understand what this extra $2 is茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪镀齐。 Mona: Is it a tip?Jea n: Let me see.Jean: Ah, that s for use of the towels.Mona: The towels?Jea n: Yes, the cold towels.Mona: I s

12、ee.Jack: Oh yes, they were lovely towels.Jean: I ll just get your change.Jack: You can keep the cha nge.Jea n: Thank you, sir.接下来让我们一起完整地收听一遍在第七课和第八课中学过的在 餐馆中”这段对话。Jea n: Your Crispy Fish and your Garlic Chicken and vegetables.Mona: Oh dear.Jea n: Is there a problem?Mona: There seems to be some mist

13、ake. I asked for no chillies. This 鹅娅尽損鹤惨歷茏鴛賴縈诘。 chicke n has chillies.Jeanc Oh, yes. I see. I m sorry. I ll get you another on籟丛妈羥为贍偾蛏y.淨槠挞。Page 6 of 7Jea n: There was a slight mix up in the kitche n. We預頌圣鉉儐歲龈讶骅y買闥。toni ght. Here is your Garlic Chicke n without the chillies. I渗釤呛俨匀谔鱉调硯錦鋇絨。apologis

14、e for any inconvenience.Mona: No worries.Jea n: Would you like anything else to drink?Mo na: No, tha nks.Jack: I m right, thank you.Jack: That was delicious, tha nk you.Jean: I m glad you liked it, sir.Now, would you like to see the dessert menu?Jack: No, tha nks.Mon a: Just the bill, tha nk you.Mon

15、a: Waitress, there seems to be some mistake.Jea n: Is there a problem?Mona: I don t understand what this extra $2 is for. Is it a t铙誅卧泻噦圣骋贶頂廡缝勵。Jean: Let me see. Ah, that s for use of 擁締凤ow备訊顎轮烂蔷報赢。Mona: The towels?Jea n: Yes, the cold towels.Mona: I see.Jack: Oh yes, they were lovely towels.Jean: I ll just get your change.Jack: You can keep the cha nge.Jea n: Thank you, sir.结束第八课之前请再收听一遍下列短句。Would you like?Would you like?



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