Book 6 Unit 2

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《Book 6 Unit 2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Book 6 Unit 2(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Book 6 Unit 2 Vacation Plans (The third period)珠海市香洲区第十二小学 胡春霞教学内容:本节课为广东人民出版社英语Book 6 Unit 2 Vacation Plans 第三节课。本节课围绕教材的重点词汇和句型, 进行了适当的练习、阅读和拓展,以Oscar、 Miss Hu和 Ms. Black三个教学板块结合自己的假期计划进行练习、阅读和操练,最后分小组制作班级假期计划海报比赛作为拓展,让学生在丰富多样的学习活动中复习所学知识并应用语言。以下为主要教学内容:1、 词汇by bus by plane by train by ship go cam

2、ping go sightseeing stay in a hotel2、句型:Where are you going? I am going to Hainan.How are you going there? I am going by coach.Where are you going to stay? I am going to stay in a hotel.What are you going to do? I am going to go camping and take some photos.Who are you going to go with? I am going w

3、ith my friends.一、 教学目标:(一) 语言知识目标:Sentence patterns: Where are you going? I am going to Hainan.How are you going there? I am going by coach.Where are you going to stay? I am going to stay in a hotel.What are you going to do? I am going to go camping and take some photos.Who are you going to go with?

4、 I am going with my friends.(二)语言技能目标引导学生运用本课词汇和句型交流自己与他人计划假期去的地点、交通方式、住宿方式、活动等内容,培养学生听、说、读、写能力。(三)情感态度目标1、鼓励学生积极参与小组对话、分享计划等活动中,培养学生合作互助精神与创造能力。2、引导学生认识到Good plan makes a great vacation.(四)学习策略目标1、围绕“Vacation Plans”这一主题,通过小组练习、分享计划等活动,让学生在合作中学会沟通,培养合作学习的意识和能力,让学生在玩中学,学中提高。2、在学习中明白: Good plan, good

5、life!(五) 文化意识目标: 1、通过关于“Vacation Plans”主题学习,掌握如何制定自己的旅行计划并用英语描述自己的假期计划。2、教育学生文明旅游、通过旅游了解世界文化。二、 教学重难点:教学重点:能够掌握与运用本课所学单词句型制定并分享自己假期旅行计划。教学难点:运用“Im going to .” “ Im going by.”等句型,并运用到生活中,写一份假期旅行计划。三、 教学流程:Step. Warming up 1、 Greetings.2、 Free talk.Step. Lead in Watch and answer. Watch Oscars summer v

6、acation plan, ask and answer, review “what is .going to do during the summer vacation ?”设计意图:观看Oscar的旅行计划复习主要句型:What are you going to do?以及引导学生探究如何制定自己的假期计划。Step. PresentationLets guess: What is Miss Hus summer vacation plan? (Review the sentence patterns and presentHow to make a vacation plan?. 1.

7、Show students some pictures about the teachers plan. Then, cover the pictures with questions blocks,have students to guess what about teachers plan.设计意图:教师告知学生老师暑假计划出游,并将出游的地点、交通、住宿、活动等信息以图片形式用问题覆盖,然后让学生根据老师照片暗示的信息用本单元所学词汇和句型猜“Where is Miss Hu going? How is she going there? Where is she going to sta

8、y? What is Miss Lin going to do? and who is she going to go with? ” 通过猜一猜帮助学生复习所学词汇和句型。2. Good plan makes a great vacation, present 5 steps about how to make a good plan(卡片展示).设计意图:给学生明确制定计划的几个步骤。Step Practice 1 What is your plan? 1. First show some beautiful places, make a question and answer demon

9、stration. T: Wow, so many beautiful places, do you want to visit them? Where are you going this summer vacation? How are you going there? Where are you going to stay? What are you going to do.? Have one or two students to give their answers.2. Pair work(two in a group ,practice the dialogue): Talk w

10、ith your partner aboutyour summer vacation plan.设计意图:学生可以选择老师提供的旅游路线也可以自主设计路线,同桌一问一答,巩固所学句型板书设计教学反思:教学反思本课为练习、阅读、拓展课,教师通过开展多样的语言练习活动,让学生在循序渐进的教学活动中积累和运用知识,不同教学活动有利于不同学习水平的学生掌握学习内容;同时教学情境贯穿始终,整体性强,让学生在语言情境中进行口语交际,活学活用;四个任务的练习在听说读写方面训练学生的语言技能,并给予学生充分交流合作的机会,提高综合语言应用能力;情感渗透自然,贴近学生生活实际,学生在学习语言的同时提高了核心素养。


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