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1、2023年英语励志文章自如射箭的心境和思想的境界 心境和思想都是很奇异的东西,往往牵一发而动全身,某一刻你的思想颓废、心境倒塌,胜利便离你远去。下面是小编带来的关于心境和思想的英语励志文章,欢迎阅读! 英语励志文章自如射箭的心境 After winning several archery contests,the young and rather boastful champion challenged a Zen master who was renowned for his skill as an archer. The young man demonstrated remarkable

2、technical proficiency when he hit a distant bulls eye on his first try,and then split that arrow with his second shot. There,he said to the old man, see if you can match that! Undisturbed ,the master did not draw his bow,but rather motioned for the young archer to follow him up the mountain. Curious

3、 about the old fellows intentions,the champion followed him high into the mountain until they reached a deep chasm spanned by a rather flimsy and shaky log. Calmly stepping out onto the middle of the unsteady and certainly perilous bridge ,the old maser picked a far away tree as a target,drew his bo

4、w,and fired a clean,direct hit. Now it is your turn,he said as he gracefully stepped back onto the safe ground.Staring with terror into the seemingly bottomless and beckoning abyss,the young man could not force himself to step out onto the log,no less shoot at a target. You have much skill with your

5、 bow, the master said ,sensing his challengers predicament, but you have little skill with the mind that lets loose the shot. 在赢得几场射箭竞赛后,一位年轻而又极为自负的冠军向一位以精湛的箭术而著名的禅师提出了挑战。 这位年轻人展示了异样娴熟的技艺,他一箭射中了远处的靶心,接着其次枝箭将第一枝箭射劈。 喂,他对老者说,看看你是否有得一比! 禅师不以为然,并没有拉弓射箭,而是示意年轻的射手跟着他往山上走去。 射箭冠军对老人的意图感到很新奇,于是紧随其后爬上山,来到一个峡谷

6、前,连接两岸的圆木极不坚固且摇摇欲坠。 老禅师镇静地迈步走到那座摇摇摆晃、非常危急的独木桥中心,选了远处的一棵树做靶子,拉开弓箭,一箭射中,动作干净利落。 现在该你了,他说着,从容而优雅地走回到平安的地面。年轻人满眼恐惊,望着那看似令人胆战心惊的无尽深渊,他连向独木桥上迈一步的志气都没有,更别说射靶了。觉察到这位挑战者的窘境,禅师说道:你拥有超群的弓箭术,但你缺乏自如射箭的心境。 英语励志文章思想的境界 How you feel, how you react and how much stress you have in your life is in direct relation to h

7、ow you think. 你的感觉、你对外界事物的反应以及你所能承受的压力干脆影响到你的想法。 Some people let random circumstances predict their day and actually end up creating stress for themselves. For example, when they go to make coffee and find there is none left, they may start the day by thinking, Oh, this isnt going to be a good day.

8、Then, for the rest of the day, they allow minor inconveniences, unexplained challenges or other less ideal events to reinforce their negative thought. And they end up having a stressful day. 有些人很轻易地被周遭的事物影响自己一天的心情,结果只会徒生苦恼。例如,有些人冲咖啡时发觉咖啡没有了,他们就会以今日会是不幸的一天这样的想法起先一天的生活。然后,在这一成天的时间里,他们放任小小的不便、莫名的质疑或者其

9、它不太顺心的小插曲加重自己的消极思想。最终,他们一天都过得极其郁闷。 Look forward to your day and dont let negative thoughts control it. Change how you interpret or react to lifes events. If you run out of coffee, change your thoughts to, If this is the worst thing that could happen to me today, then the rest of my day will be great

10、. 以主动的心态去期盼每一天的生活,不要让消极的思想主宰你。换个角度去理解和对待生活中的各种意外事务。若咖啡没有了,你可以转念一想:假如这就是今日能发生的最糟糕的事情,那么我的后半天确定会过得无比奇妙。 If you continually have negative thoughts, then you are allowing only negative events to be your companion for the rest of the day. And, when something good does occur, you wont even recognize it. 假如你始终受消极思想影响,那么你一成天看任何事都会是消极的。即使有好的事情发生,你也不会意识到。 The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. 你的华蜜感取决于你的思想境界。


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