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1、compulsion / kmpln; kmpln/ n (to do sth) 1 U compelling or being compelled 强迫; 强制; 被迫: I refuse to act under compulsion, ie because I am forced to. 我决不能让人逼着做事. * You need feel under no compulsion to accept, ie do not have to accept. 你不必勉强接受. C urge (esp to behave in an irrational way) that one canno

2、t resist (不能克制的)慾望, 冲动, 要求(尤指不合情理的行为): a compulsion to destroy things 毁物慾.should have done只用于谈论过去情况,主要有两个用法:用于推测过去已经发生的情况。如:He should have arrived by now.此时他本该到了。用于指本该发生而实际上未发生的情况。如:You should have told me so before.你早就应该告诉我。would have done:本应该那样做却没有做would not have done:本不应该做的事却做了多数情况下用于虚拟语气中other t

3、han 不同于,除了,与不同;与不同方式Theres nobody here other than me.除了我这里没别人.You cant get there other than by swimming.你只能靠游泳游到那边去.rather than 用来表示“是.而不是.”,通常连接两个并列成分eg:He is an artist rather than a philosopher.他是位艺术家而不是位哲学家.set off begin (a journey, race, etc) 开始(旅行 赛跑等): What time are you planning to set off tom

4、orrow? 你打算明天几点钟启程? * Theyve set off on a journey round the world. 他们已经开始环游世界. * If you want to catch that train wed better set off for the station immediately. 你要是想赶上那班火车, 咱们就最好马上动身去火车站. set sth off (a) cause (a bomb, mine, etc) to explode 使(炸弹 地雷等)爆炸: Do be careful with those fireworks; the slighte

5、st spark could set them off. 这些烟火要格外小心, 稍有火星就能引起爆炸. (b) cause or prompt sth 引起或激发某事物: Panic on the stock market set off a wave of selling. 股票市场上人心惶惶, 掀起抛售浪潮. (c) make sth appear more attractive by contrast (通过对比)使某事物更有吸引力: That jumper sets off the blue of her eyes. 在这件毛衣衬托下, 她眼睛的蓝色显得更漂亮了. set sb off

6、 (doing sth) cause sb to start (doing sth) 使某人开始做(某事物): Dont set him off talking politics or hell go on all evening. 可别让他谈起政治来, 要不然他一谈就得一个晚上. * Her imitations always set me off (laughing). 她模仿别人的动作, 每次都把我逗得哈哈大笑.duck 2 / dk; dk/ v I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p move (esp ones head) down quickly, to avoi

7、d being seen or hit 迅速低下(尤指头)(以免被看见或被打中): I saw the gun and ducked under the window. 我见到枪就迅速俯在窗下. * Duck your head down! 低下头! Tn, Tn.pr push (sb) under water for a short time 使(某人)浸入水中片刻: Her sisters ducked her in the river. 她的姐妹把她按到河里. Ipr, Tn (infml 口) (out of) sth avoid or dodge (a duty, responsi

8、bility etc) 躲避, 推脱, 推委(任务 责任等): Its his turn to wash up but hell try and duck out of it. 轮到他刷锅洗碗, 他却想法儿逃避.Her love for him blinded her (to his faults). 她非常爱他以至(对他的缺点)丧失了判断力.shut / t; t/ v (-tt-, pt, pp shut) (a) Tn move (a door, lid, window, etc) into a position where it blocks an opening 关上(门 盖子 窗户

9、等): shut the doors and windows at night 夜晚把门窗都关上 * shut the drawer 关上抽屉 * I cant shut the suitcase lid when its so full. 衣箱装得很满, 我盖不上盖子了. * He shut the door on her/in her face, ie wouldnt let her in. 他把她关在门外了. (b) I (of a door, etc) move or be able to be moved into such a position (指门等)关上, 能关闭: The

10、window wont shut. 这窗户关不上. * The supermarket doors shut automatically. 超级市场的门是自动关的. grey (also esp US gray) / gre; re/ adj (a) of the colour between black and white; coloured like ashes, slate, lead, etc 灰色的; 灰白的: grey eyes, hair, etc 灰色的眼睛 头发等 * a grey suit 灰色西装. (b) usu pred 通常作表语 having grey hair

11、有灰色头发; 有花白头发: She has turned quite grey recently. 她近来头发多已斑白. * Im going grey. 我的头发开始白了. (c) dull; cloudy 灰暗的; 阴沉的: a grey day 阴沉的一天. ease 1 / iz; iz/ n U freedom from work, discomfort, pain or anxiety 安逸; 舒适; 无痛苦; 无忧虑: a life of ease 安逸舒适的生活 * ease of mind 心情舒畅 * The injection brought him immediate

12、ease. 他经注射後疼痛顿消. Cf 参看 easy1 2. (idm 习语) (stand) at ease (as a military command 用作军事口令) (stand) with feet apart and hands behind the back 稍息. Cf 参看 attention 4. (be/feel) at (ones) ease (be/feel) comfortable and unworried; (be/feel) completely relaxed (感到)舒适而无忧虑; (感到)完全松弛: I never feel at ease in hi

13、s company. 我跟他在一起总是感到很不自在. * Finish the work at your ease, ie in your own time. 你可以从容地把这项工作做完(在你方便时). ill at ease = ill1. put/set sb at (his, her, etc) ease make sb feel comfortable, free from embarrassment, etc 使某人感到舒适 不拘束等: He had been dreading their meeting but her warm welcome soon put him at hi

14、s ease. 他对彼此相见一直忐忑不安, 可是她热情相迎使他很快就无拘无束了. put/set sbs mind at ease/rest = mind1. ,take ones ease stop working or worrying; relax 不再工作或忧虑; 休息; 轻松; 放心: She sat down and took her ease by the fire. 她坐在火旁休息一下. with ease without difficulty 容易地; 无困难地: He passed the test with ease. 他轻而易举地考及格了.sneak n (infml

15、口) cowardly deceitful person (esp one who informs on others) 怯懦而惯於欺骗的人(尤指告密者).sneak adj attrib 作定语 acting or done without warning; secret and unexpected 出其不意的; 秘密而突如其来的: a sneak attack 偷袭 * a sneak preview 不公开试映 * a sneak look at a letter 偷看信.sneakers n pl (US; Brit infml 口) = plimsolls: He wore old jeans and a pair of sneakers. 他穿着旧牛仔裤和胶底运动鞋.sneaking adj attrib 作定语 (esp of an unwanted feeling) secret and unexpressed (尤指不应有的情感)私下的, 暗地的: have a sneaking respect, sympathy, etc for sb 暗地里敬佩 同情.某人 * I have a sneaking (ie unproved and vague but possibly right) suspicion that he stole


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