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1、考点破解一:名词的数与格的误用真题再练下列各小题中有且仅有一处错误 (多 1 个单词、少 1 个单词、错 1 个单词 ),请指出并改正过来,然后说明理由。1.(2015 新课标卷I) The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier.2.(2014 新课标卷 I) Since then for all these year we have been allowing tomatoes to self-seedwhere they please.3.(2013 新课标卷I) He was tall, with broad shoulder

2、 and a beard that turned from black to grayover the years.4.(2012新课标卷 ) From the time I was about four until I was about six, I destroyed each of mytoy.5.(2011新课标卷 ) It felt very strange to travel without any luggages.6.(2011新课标卷 ) When I finally arrived at my friend he lent me lots of clothes.7.(20

3、15新课标卷 II) One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent.It was verycrowded.he turned around and found that his parents were missing.8.(2014新课标卷 II) For example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sports forone hour every day.9.(2013新课标卷 II) When tea got popular in B

4、ritain, there was a crying need for good cup withhandles to suit British habits.思路点拨解答这类题主要有6 条依据:1.依据可数名词与不可数名词的用法特点。可数名词大于一时要用复数,不可数名词一般没有复数形式。如air, milk, water 等物质名词与 music, advice,fun 等抽象名词是不可数名词,一般是没有复数形式的。还有luggage,furniture, equipment等都是容易出错的不可数名词。2.依据名词前的修饰语。如名词前有 these, those, ten 等修饰时,应当用复

5、数。如真题再练2, these year 就错了,要用 these years 才正确。3.依据主谓一致原则。如果谓语动词是复数,主语也应是复数;如果谓语动词是单数,主语也应是单数。如真题再练 1,谓语是 is getting ,而主语是 airs,可知这里一定有问题。4.依据上下文信息。如真题再练 7,Tony went toa shopping center with his parent ,汤姆是同他的父亲或母亲,还是同他父母一起去商场?下文his parents were missing 告诉我们,是同父母一起去的,故parent 应用复数。5.依据生活常识。如真题再练 3,一个人的肩

6、膀是有左有右的,应当用复数。如果没有这个常识就无法正确指出 with broad shoulder 这一错误。6.依据逻辑意义。如真题再练 6,“当我最终到达朋友时” ,“到达朋友”怎么讲得通呢?这里一定有问题,应当是“到达朋友的家”才通顺。考点归纳名词是短文改错的必考点,5 年8 套题中无一例外。主要考查名词的“数”与“格”,具体有3点:1.不可数名词没有复数,文中却用了复数。如真题再练第 1 题和第 5 题。要牢记常见的不可数名词,如:fun, advice,information, work(工作), homework, housework, progress, luggage, fur

7、niture, equipment,money等。2.可数名词该用复数时,文中却用了单数。如真题再练 第 2、3、4、7、8、9 题。显然,这是考查的重点。 要注意可数名词前有 these, those, several, few, many, a large number of, each of, one of, 或大于 1 的数词修饰时, 以及虽无这些词但根据语境其意义大于1 时,一定要用复数形式。3.表示“某人的”本应用名词的所有格,文中却没用。如真题再练 第 6 题。注意, 以下情况中, 名词所有格后的名词可省略: a butcher s(shop) 肉铺, a tailor s(sh

8、op)裁缝店, a barber s(shop)理发店, a doctor s(office) 诊所, my sister s(home)我姐姐家,其中 shop,office, home 等表示处所的词都可以省略,直接用名词所有格表示。考点破解二:代词的误用与漏用真题再练下列各小题中有且仅有一处错误(多1 个单词、少1 个单词、错1 个单词),请指出并改正过来,然后说明理由。1.(2015新课标卷I) We must find ways to protect your environment. If we fail to do so, well liveto regret it.2.(201

9、33.(2012新课标卷新课标卷I) He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others) I was happy when the toys worked, but when things went wrong, I got angryand broke it.4.(2012 新课标卷 ) For a while, parents bought me new toys.5.(2015 新课标卷II) Five minutes later, Tony saw parents.思路点拨解答这类题需注意两点:1. 弄清指代对象。凡是核查

10、代词是否有错, 关键是核查该代词的指代对象, 即到底是指代谁或什么, 弄清指代的对象是人还是物,是男还是女,是单数还是复数。2. 留意三无名词。即要特别留意前面无冠词、无物主代词、无不定代词的名词。遇到三无名词,要自问:是泛指吗?如果不是泛指,具体又是谁的呢?如真题再练第 4 题,“父母给我买了新玩具” ,是泛指天下所有的父母?不是!是谁的父母给我买玩具?我的父母!故 parents 前应加上my。考点归纳代词是短文改错的常考点,5 年 8 套题中考了5 次。主要从5 个方面考查代词。1. 前后人称不一致。如真题再练1,your 与前后的we 不一致。2. 前后单复数不一致。如真题再练3, i

11、t 与指代对象 the toys 在单复数上不一致。3.前后的性别不一致。如前后谈的是一个女人,却冒出he 或 his 来,反之亦然。4.物主代词的漏用。如真题再练4、5 题。5. this, that, it 的区别; anything 与 everything 的区别。考点破解三:冠词的混用、多用与少用真题再练下列各小题中有且仅有一处错误 (多 1 个单词、少 1 个单词、错 1 个单词 ),请指出并改正过来,然后说明理由。1.(2015新课标卷 I) Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in countryside.2.(2014新

12、课标卷 I) As result, the plants are growing everywhere.3.(2013新课标卷 I) In a fact, he even scared my classmates away when they came over to play ordo homework with me.4.(2011新课标卷 ) I was going to visit a friend there, and after that, I would go to Xiamen for longholiday.5.(2015新课标卷 II) He liked it so muc

13、h that he quickly walked into the shopA woman sawhim crying and told him to wait out side a shop.6.(2014新课标卷 II) My dream school looks like a big garden. There are all kinds of the flowersand trees around the classroom buildings.7.(2013新课标卷 II) This custom soon became another meal of day.思路点拨1.留意三无名

14、词。遇到无冠词、 无形容词性物主代词、 无不定代词修饰的单数可数名词要注意,若根据语境不是将其变为复数,就一定是在前面加冠词。如真题再练4、 7。2.留意固定词组。固定词组常积累,就成火眼金睛,一看便知错。如真题再练1、 2、3。3.考究是否用错。要根据冠词的基本用法, 如定冠词表示特指, 一般来说不是特指不用定冠词;不定冠词表泛指,常可译作“一个 / 本 / 支”等,意义不通,可能有错。如真题再练6。冠词的基本用法可参见语法填空部分。考点归纳冠词在5 年 8 套题中考了 7 次,可算作必考点。主要从以下3 个方面考查冠词:1. 混用。即 a, an 与 the 的混用。如真题再练5。2. 多用。如真题再练第3、6


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