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1、Unit11All of the following are parts of culture except _. Avalue systemsB.thinking patternsC.norms of behaviorD.natural landscapes2Intercultural communication refers to the study of _. A.interpersonal communicationB.political communicationC.communication among people from different culturesD.communi

2、cation between individuals from the same culture3Stereotypes are considered _.A.the most significant barrier to effective intercultural communicationB.a common thing among most culturesC.a negative force in human communicationD.one of the most significant barrier to effective intercultural communica

3、tion4All the following are examples of stereotypes except _. A.all Japanese are well-behavedB.most international students from China are diligentC.women are beautiful D.all Muslims are terrorists5Stereotypes usually result from _. A.limited informationB.limited experienceC.limited interactionsD.know

4、ledge and experience6Which of the following is not a type of stereotype?A.Age.B.Food.C.Sex.D.Religion.7It is characteristic of stereotypes to be _.A.held in common by all group membersB.held in common by most of the group membersC.a direct expression of beliefs and valuesD.both positive and negative

5、8A good strategy to deal with stereotypes is _. A.ethnocentricB.master ones mother tongueC.stay away from aliensD.multi-lingual and multi-cultural9It is good advice to keep in mind that _.A.each individual should be treated differentlyB.all individual group members show the same cultural valuesC.com

6、mon cultural patterns are always in the dominant cultureD.co-cultural groups should be assimilated into the dominant ones10Stereotypes and ethnocentrism are _. A.two sides of the same coinB.two different thingsC.the same thing in different namesD.positive termsUnit21The age of constitutional monarch

7、y in Britain began with the _ of 1688.A.English RenaissanceB.Religious ReformationC.War of IndependenceD.Glorious Revolution2The direct cause of Reformation in England was that _.A.the Pope wanted England to make up with France after the Hundred Years WarB.the Pope wanted more revenue from EnglandC.

8、the Pope refused to appoint Henry VIII as head of the Church of EnglandD.Henry VIII decided to divorce his wife, Catherine and the Pope turned it down3The main purpose of the Great Charter was _.A.to restrict the barons powerB.to establish a new governmentC.to restrict the kings powerD.to protect or

9、dinary people4During the English Bourgeois Revolution, _ supported Parliament and _ stood on the side of the king.A. the Independents the RoundheadsB.the Roundheads the CavaliersC.the Presbyterians the yeomenD.the Cavaliers the Roundheads5The British Parliament consists of two major parts: the House

10、 of Commons and _.A.the House of Lords B.the Lower House C.the CabinetD. the Labor Party 6Which of the following statements is NOT true?AThe British Queen reigns but does not rule.B.The husband of the British Queen gets the titles of “the Duke of Edinburgh” and “the Prince of the United Kingdom”C.Th

11、e British Queen summons, prorogues and dissolves Parliament.D.The British Queen may change the laws passed by Parliament at will.7Which of the following Cromwell did NOT do?A.He prevented America from gaining independence.B.He declared England to be a commonwealth.C.He dismissed the Long Parliament.

12、D.He beheaded Charles I.8The Peoples Charter passed during the Chartist Movement was mainly concerned with _.A.condemnation of British imperialismB.political reforms, especially with regard to the election systemC.further industrial developmentD.improving the working conditions of industrial workers

13、9Which of the following is not the role of MPs in the UK?A.influencing the policy of governmenB.deciding the Prime MinisteC.talking about legislatioD.scrutinizing administration of policies10The Parliament of the United Kingdom was established_.A in 1928B.in 1066C.in 1800D.in 1801Unit31How many stat

14、es in the United Sates do not have death penalty?A.17B.18C.19D.202In a _ system of government, the constitution vests all the governmental power in the central government.A.unitaryB.confederateC.federal D.socialistic正确答案:A你选对了3Which of the following is NOT thought to be the power of the national gov

15、ernment in the federal government system?A.p.p1 margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; line-height: 19.0px; font: 13.0px Helvetica Neuecontrol of moneyB.control of interstate commerceC.control of national defenseD. control of the state criminal and civil laws正确答案:D你选对了4The federal union is a union of people in which _. A.the national government and state government receive power from the people and exercise authority


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