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1、中考动词辅导策略与习题专练在英语中动词的使用形式变化多样,这与汉语截然不同,故其用法成为学生学习中的一大难点。英语中动词分四类,即:实义动词、连系动词、情态动词、助动词。如何进行中考辅导?一、实义动词一理解基本用法,运用基本原理指导学习实践,做到有理可依、有据可循,实义动词在句中运用时,分谓语形式和非谓语形式。 1谓语形式:当某个实义动词或词组充当句子的谓语时,它的形式随语态、时态以及主语人称和数的变化而变化。细而言之:时态 语态 主 动 语 态被 动 语 态备注一般现在时原 形 或 三单is/am/are过去分词划线:助动词一般过去时过去式was/were 过去分词同上现在进行时is/am/

2、are 现在分词is/am/arebeing过去分词同上过去进行时was/were 现在分词was/were being过去分词同上一般将来时will/ shall动原will/shallbe 过去分词同上be going to动原be going tobe 过去分词Be:is/am/are过去将来时would/shoud动原would/shoudbe过去分词划线:助动词be going to动原be going tobe过去分词Be:was/were现在完成时have/has过去分词have/has been过去分词划线:助动词过去完成时had 过去分词had been 过去分词同上含情态动

3、词情态动词动原情态动词be 过去分词2非谓语形式:不定式 意义:动词的非谓语形式,常发生在谓语或前位非谓语的即时时间之后,作主语、宾语动词宾语、宾语补足语、表语、定语常表示功能、状语。构成:不定式= to动词原形否定结构= not to do sth复合结构= for sb.not to do sth与疑问词连用:如what to do在下列动词后的不定式省略“to”:三看look see watch两听listen hear一感觉feel,注意notice使make让let have帮help可不省。形式主语:当不定式、否定结构、复合结构、与疑问词连用等形式作句子主语时,用it来代替它,而将

4、真正的主语置于谓语之后,“it”叫形式主语。 动名词意义:动词的非谓语形式,常常发生或预定在谓语或前位非谓语的即时时间之前,表示事实、爱好、功能、习惯等,起名词作用。作主语、宾语包括介词宾语和动词宾语、表语、定语常表示功能等。 构成:动名词=V+ing . 否定结构= not doing sth . 复合结构=one notdoing sth现在分词意义:动词的非谓语形式,常指相对谓语或前位非谓语的即时时间正在发生的动作,表示主动。用法:常作定语单个词前置,短语后置、宾语补足语和状语如时间状语、方式状语、伴随状语等。过去分词意义:动词的非谓语形式,常指相对谓语或前位非谓语的即时时间已发生的动作

5、。表示被动。 用法:常作定语单个词前置,短语后置、宾语补足语和状语如时间状语、方式状语、伴随状语等。3举例说明: .I want to give up studying at school to look after my sick mother at home.点拨:作谓语主动语态一般现在时。非谓语发生在谓语之后不定式。非谓语发生在前位非谓语之前动名词。非谓语发生在前位非谓语之后不定式。 The teacher told us not to forget to turn off the lights when we left the room 点拨:作谓语主动语态一般过去时。非谓语发生在谓语

6、之后不定式。非谓语发生在前位非谓语之后不定式。作谓语主动语态一般过去时。 3Look, There is a boy taking down a picture put upon the wall. 点拨:作谓语一般现在时。非谓语相对谓语即时时间正在发生,主动现在分词.非谓语发生在前位非谓语之前表示被动过去分词.二既要求同亦要寻异 凡事都具有共性,又具有个性。不能千篇一律地用某个规则或原理去解决所有问题。因此,在把握实义动词基本用法的大前提下,教师还要引导、启发、教育学生善于观察、比较、体味个别动词的特殊用法,做到共性与个性的统一。关于动名词的使用应注意: 1介词动名词 如:You can w

7、atch TV after fishing your homework. 2动词词组动名词 这样的动词有:give in doing 屈服做某事 be busy doing 忙于做某事stop sb.from doing 阻止某人做某事 practice doing 练习做某事enjoy doing 喜欢做某事 finish doing 做完某事complete doing 做完某事 end up doing 做完某事mind doing 介意做某事 spendindoing 花费时间做某事cant stand doing 容忍做某事 keep on doing 一直做某事be worth d

8、oing 值得做某事 appreciate doing 感激做某事avoid doing 避免做某事 be used to doing 习惯做某事pay attention to doing 注意做某事 get used to doing 习惯做某事excuse doing 推辞做某事 give up doing 放弃做某事carry on doing 坚持做某事 make a contribution to doing 为做某事做贡献 look forward to doing盼望做某事 prefer doing to doing与做某事比更喜欢做某事 insist on doing 坚持做

9、某事stick doing 坚持做某事 take the leading position 站主导地位consider doing 考虑做某事 imagine doing 想像做某事miss doing 错过做某事 put off doing 推迟做某事risk doing 冒险做某事 suggest doing 做某事建议3.下列动词既可接不定式又可接动名词,但意义不同: .like/love/hatedoing:表示习惯 例:I like getting up early every morning. to do:表示具体活动 例:Can you come out to play with

10、 me ? Stopdoing:停止做某事某事不做了例:Please stop working if you are tired.to do:停下来去做某事某事要做例:I am tired to have a rest. go ondoing:继续做同一件事 例:Go on studying hard if you want to get better grades. to do:继续做另一件事 例:After leaving school,he go on to go to college. .rememberdoing:记得做过的事 例:I remember seeing you some

11、where.to do:记得要做的事 例:Rrmember to turn off the light when leaving the room. .forget doing:忘记做过的事 例:I forget seeing you somewhere to do:忘记要做的事 例:Dont forget to turn off the light when leaving the room .need/want/requiredoing:表示被动 例The blackboard needs cleaningThe blackboard needs to be cleaned.to do:表

12、示主动 例:She needs to have a rest. .try doing:试着做某事 例:Let me try driving for you. to do:尽力做某事 例:We must try to finish it on time. .continuedoing:继续做同一件事 例:Continue studying hard if you want to get better grades.to do:继续做另一件事 例:After leaving school,he .continue to go to college. .cant helpdoing:情不自禁做某事

13、例:when he heard the news,he cant help jumping.to do:不能帮助做某事 例:Sorry, I cant help to do it for you. .mean .doing:意思做某事 例:What I said means not telling him the news now. . to do:打算做某事 例:I mean to start off tomorrow.agree.on doing:对做某事表示同意 例:We agree on holding a sports meeting soon. .to do:同意要做某事 例:I agree to go to the park on Sunday. .decide . on doing:对做某事做出决定 例:We have decided on stopping


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