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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级七年级教学形式新课教 师葛旭单 位扬州中学教育集团树人学校课题名称(7B)Unit 3 Finding your way学情分析This unit focuses on the very practical function of directions .The main task of this unit is to help students describe places in the community and public transport, and help students express directions and informa

2、tion in the context of writing an invitation letter.教学目标1、语言知识目标: 1)掌握并能灵活运用本单元出现的重点词汇 2)掌握Prepositions of movement 和Simple future tense 的用法 2、语言技能目标: 通过本课的学习,培养学生良好的“听、说、读、写”的技能,尤其是Writing skills,使学生能运用所学知识(如An invitation letter about a farewell party) 解决相关情景中的一些类似问题(如An invitation letter about a b

3、irthday party),并能结合所给任务,综合运用新旧知识解决问题,在此基础上鼓励学生大胆根据自己的语言基础能力,去创造性地解决问题,如express directions and information in the context of writing an invitation letter. 3、情感目标: 1)激发并提高学生的学习兴趣,乐于接受新事物,勇于尝试体现课堂教学“主体者”的身份,积极主动参与教学各环节,成为学习的主人。 2)培养学生良好的交际意识,注意交际方式、礼貌用语、书信格式等。教学过程Step Warming-up T: Ive a wonderful song

4、, would you like to share it with me ? (理念:课前播放一首欢快的英文歌曲“Happy birthday,渲染课堂气氛,营造英语学习氛围,使学生很快进入角色)T: Boys and girls, I will tell you a piece of good news. Today is my birthday. I want to have a party,would you like to come to the party? S:Yes,Id love to. T:Thank you very much. Im very excited. I fee

5、l very happy. What presents would you like to buy for me?(微笑、亲和地) S1: chocolate S2: some bread S3:A pen S4:- T: Thank you the same ,(与学生握手) but I cant receive your presents. Because -T: But I dont know how to organize the party. Can you help me? (出示小黑板,分组讨论,回答问题) 1)Where will we have the party? 2)Wh

6、en will we have the party? 3)What will we have for food? 4)Who will we invite? (理念:用学生熟知的话题导入,能引起学生的共鸣,吸引学生主动参与,积极思索,学生纷纷举手说出了自己的想法) Step . Presentation T: Simon and Daniel are going to have a farewell party for the exchange students. There are four questions. To read and discuss them, then to choos

7、e your own answers. (理念:学生说出了自己所喜欢的答案,以及喜欢的原因,从而达到了人人动脑,积极表演,反复操练,激起了学生的表现欲,活跃了课堂气氛) T: This is our results. Lets read the results of the Class 1 Grade 7 students. (理念:教师边讲,边显示出屏幕上的相关答案,同时把这些句子以“we are-的形式写在黑板上,带领学生朗读这些句子) Step. While-reading T: Here is an invitation letter. Would you like to read i

8、t with me? Now open your books, turn to P.56. Read it quickly and fill in the missing information.1) Sunshine Park 2) 26th April 3)1 p.m. 4) 6 p.m. 5)picnic (理念:用已知信息来补充缺失信息,使文章完整,培养学生探究新事物的能力) T: Now , listen to the tape and read after it and then answer the two questions on the screen . Then encou

9、rage the students to find the important sentences about this invitation letter . (理念:培养学生整体获取信息的能力,同时听录音并跟录音朗读,提高学生的模仿能力,培养学生精读的能力,符合循序渐进的原理。) T: Lets read and explain the important sentences 1)We look forward to seeing you at our party. 2)We are happy to invite you to a farewell party for our frien

10、ds from Britain. T: Look at the screen .and answer the two questions . (理念:学生以小组为单位,讨论邀请函的格式以及内容,充分体现新课程自主探究、合作交流的学习方式,促使学生互相学习,互相帮助,发展合作精神。 Step Presentation T:Help the students present examples to write an invitation letter. Ask students to pay attention to the format of the invitation letter. It

11、includes the Heading ,the Salutation, the Body, the Complimentary Close and the Signature. And sometimes there is an Enclosure . An invitation letter Class 8,Grade7 Beijing Sunshine Secondary School Sunshine Town Beijing(地址) 20April (日期) Dear parents ,teachers and classmates(问候) We are happy to invi

12、te you to a farewell party (类型)for our friends from Britain.(原因)we will hold the party in Sunshine Park (地点)on Saturday ,26th April,(日期)from 1p.m. to 6 p.m.(时间)we will meet at the park gate.(安排)We will have a picnic(活动) in the park. We would like everybody to bring their own food and drink .(安排)We w

13、ill also play different ball games.(活动) The map shows you how to get to Sunshine Park.We hope you can come. We look forward to seeing you at our party. Yours faithfully (敬语) Daniel (署名) Monitor of Class 1,Grade 7 (理念:英语新课程标准明确指出:教学设计要符合学生生理和心理特点,遵循语言学习的规律,力求满足不同类型和不同层次的需求,使每个学生的身心得到健康的发展。StepV pract

14、ice T: Now please read the passage together again. Find some other important pharases and sentences . 知识点:be happy to invite sb to - a farewell party friends from Britain hold the party at the park gate have a picnic would like sb to do sth bring food and drink play different ball games show sb how

15、to do sth get to hope to do sth look forward to doing sth see you invite-invitation (理念:在教室里巡视,及时给有困难的小组、学有困难的学生提供帮助,注意纠正学生朗读过程中的读音错误,然后让做得好的小组上讲台演示,这样做既可以让学生有一种成就感,又能让其他同学有效仿的榜样,还可以活跃学习气氛,调动每个同学的积极性,不让一个同学掉队。) T: Please make them into a passage. Then retell the passage. (理念:由面到点,由点到面。通过教师教学方式的转变引导学生学习方式的转变,突出学生主体,让学生主动思维,大胆创新,拓展视野,畅所欲言。) T: Check the answers. Practice: 1、I am going to write an (invite) letter to you. 2、We wi


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