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1、语言能力素养练-名词动化 (一)名词的动词化现象是高考英语命题的一种手段和策略。名词被动词化后,常常表示具有该名词的活动特点或性质特征的动作,语言既精炼又生动。典题示例:John Lennon and Paul McCartney werenamedcomposers of the year.(2019浙江卷7选5)约翰列侬和保罗麦卡特尼被评为年度最佳作曲家。析:句中name常用作名词,意为“名字,名称”,此处用作动词,意为“提名,任命”。此外,name还有“命名”“提出,说出,指出(价格、时间、地点等)”之意。实战演练(一) 指出下列名词在句中动词化后的不同含义。1.title n 称号,头

2、衔 v (给书、乐曲等)加标题She easily ran away with the womens title in the singles at the tabletennis toumament.Among the poetry he left behind, the most popular is titled Lisao. 2. grade等级,品级,级别 v分级, 评分Hes suffering from some kind of low-grade infection, which he cant seem to get rid of.The books are graded a

3、ccording to the difficulty of the language.3. draft n 草案;草稿;草图v 起草This is only a rough draft - the finished article will have pictures too.Draft a proposal for the project and we can discuss it at the meeting. 4. voice n声音v表达;吐露;(尤指)表示(质疑、抱怨)Youll have to raise your voice if you want to be heard in

4、here. Some scientists have voiced concern that the disease could be passed on to humans.5. school n. 流派 v 教育;培养 He was influenced by various painters and photographers, but she was never a member of any school.Her children are well schooled in correct behaviour. 6. book n. 书;本子 v. 预定,定(房间、车票等)His ei

5、ghth book came out earlier this year and was an instant best-seller.One morning, I had to book an immediate flight home for a family emergency.7. screen n. 屏幕;银幕 v掩护,庇护Write the letter on the computer, then you can make changes easily on screen. She raised her hand to screen her eyes from the bright

6、 light.8. sandwich n三明治,夹心面包片v. 夹入,挤入I couldnt turn around to see who did it because I was sandwiched between two tall men.语言能力素养练-名词动化(二)典题示例: how China has fueled the fashionable imagination for centuries. (2019全国卷III)几个世纪以来中国是如何启迪时尚想象力的。析:fuel常用作名词,意为“燃料”用作动词意为“加强、刺激”。又如:The criticism she has fac

7、ed has only fueled her determination to succeed. 她所面临的批评只会激发她成功的决心。 实战演练(二) 指出下列名词在句中动词化后的不同含义。1. power能源,动力v给提供能量;驱动(机器)The breakdown of this section of the power line caused a power cut over a large area.Electricity costs less than petrol, so powering an electric vehicle is cheaper. 2. programme n

8、 节目,程序,计划 v 编程;为制订计划The school offers an exciting and varied programme of social events.He programmed his computer to compare all the possible combinations3. picture n 记忆;印象 v想象,设想I have a vivid picture of my grandfather smiling down at me when I was very small.If you could try to picture how diffic

9、ult life was in those days, youll understand more.4. outline n轮廓,概要v勾勒,描画的轮廓If you read the minutes of the meeting, theyll give you a broad outline of what was discussed. The area were interested in is outlined in red on the map.5. ring n 铃声 v环绕;萦绕He gave a couple of loud rings on the doorbell, but

10、nobody answered.The childrens laughter was still ringing in my ears as I left the playground.6. service n 效劳,服务 v维修;保养After retiring, she became involved in voluntary service in the local community.Make sure that all gas fires and central heating boilers are serviced annually.7. vacation n 假期 v度假He

11、was so anxious to return home that he had booked a train ticket before the vacation began.It is possible to vacation at some of the more expensive resorts if you go in the off-season8. question n 问题,疑问询问,盘问;对有疑问The key question of what caused the leak remains unanswered.He was questioned for six hou

12、rs but released without charge. 语言能力素养练-名词动化(三)典题示例:Since 1958, they have been recognised as the national theatre of Israel. This production of Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice marks their first visit to the UK. (2017年全国II卷阅读理解)自1958年以来,他们被公认为以色列国家剧院。这部莎士比亚的威尼斯商人标志着他们第一次访问英国。析:mark常用作名词,意为“标记,记号”

13、,用作动词意为“做记号,批改;给评分”,此处用于引申意义“标明,标志”。实战演练(三) 指出下列名词在句中动词化后的不同含义。1. back n背部,后背v资助,支持;(使)后退;使倒退The office was full of computers, and we had to sit back to back in long rows. He would have lost his position if you hadnt backed him up. Please could you back your car up a few feet so that I can get mine

14、out of the driveway? 2. rank n 职位;官阶;军衔v把分等级;确定的地位(或等级)She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank.Since the 1930s, cancer has always been ranked as the disease people are most concerned about. 3. plot n阴谋,情节v.计划;制订The plot was discovered before it was carried out.Weve plotted our pro

15、jected costs for the coming year, and they show a big increase.4. harvest n收获,收成v.收集,采集(细胞或器官以供医用)With the harvest finished, I was able to relax with an easy mind/conscience.The donor organ is harvested at the accident scene and rushed to a hospital.5. sense n感觉;知觉v.意识到;感觉到With her excellent sense of smell, she could tell if you were a smoker from the other side of the room.Although she said nothing, I could sense her anger.6. rule n规章;条例v. 统治,控制Before you start your own business you should


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