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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!贵 州 财 经 大 学教 案2018 2019 学年度第 一 学期学 院 (部) 外语学院_教 研 室 大学英语第二教研室课 程 名 称 大学英语3 _ 任 教 专 业 _非英语专业_任 教 年 级、班 级 2017级_教 师 姓 名 唐雅乔 职 称 助教 _使 用 教 材 创新大学英语综合教程3贵 州 财 经 大 学 教 务 处 制课程中文名称大学英语3课程英文名称College English III课程性质必修课适用专业2017级非英语专业全体学生先修课程大学英语读写3并修课程大学英语听说3总学时32总学分2使用教材创新大学英语 综合

2、教程 第三册参考资料 参考资料(含参考书目、文献等):1.大学英语课程教学要求:试行教育部高等教育司,高等教育出版社,2004年8月2.创新大学英语综合教程教师用书第三册(第二版),华东师范大学出版社,2017年3.牛津现代英汉双解词典(增补版),(英)汤普森,商务印书馆,2005年1月4.朗文当代高级英语词典,英国培生教育出版亚洲有限公司, 外语教学与研究出版社,2004年 3月5.大学英语四级考试大纲),全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会,清华大学出版社,2017年6月6.新编英语语法教程,章振邦,上海外语教育出版社,2005年6月7.英语教学法教程,王蔷, 高等教育出版社,2000年7月教学

3、方式教师授课可采用多种方式,如讲授、讨论、自学指导、参与式教学及其他方式。既可以采用其中一种,也可以是多种教学方式的综合运用。考核方式1期末考核(50%):2平时考核(40%):3能力考核(10%): 课 程 概 述(本课程在学科或专业中的地位和作用、教学目标、内容简介等)大学英语课程在我校本科培养中具有重要的地位。大学英语课程作为一门基础学科,既是一门非英语专业大学生公共必修基础课,也是一门融语言知识,技能运用,学习和交际策略培养和跨文化交际修养为一体的综合性课程,它涉及语言知识,语言技能,学习策略,文化意识和情感价值等方面内容。根据我校“一个主基调、两个发展极”的发展战略,着力提高本科教学

4、质量,打造一流本科教育。我校从2016级实施“大类招生,分流培养”改革措施。因此,大学英语教学旨在培养学生的语言运用能力,沟通能力,培养学生的英语学习兴趣,增强学生竞争意识,提高学生自主学习能力,能较好的掌握英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听,说,读,写,译的能力。为培养“厚基础、宽口径”的、并适应区域经济社会发展的高素质“儒魂商才”打下坚实的语言基础。课 时 分 配 表章次章 名讲授学时实验学时实践学时备注Unit 1Competition and Cooperation 64Unit 4Biochemistry6Unit 6Career6Unit 8Advertising6课堂理论教学学时合

5、计24实验课程学时合计4总学时总计32 (含四级讲解4学时)Unit 4 Biochemistry 授课内容Unit 4:BiochemistryPart One Listening Comprehension: Listening for Important DetailsPart Two Reading ComprehensionPart Three Intensive Reading: Should We Take Computer Addiction Seriously? Part Four Oral Practice: BiochemistryPart Five Writing: E

6、ssay Writing Practical Writing Instructions (1)教学目的与要求 1. to master new words, phrases typical sentence patterns and grammatical structures in the text;2. to understand the main idea of the text and know some background information related to the text;3. to grasp the writing skill: Sentence Writing;

7、4. to conduct a series of speaking activities related to the topic of biochemistry重点1. Understand the definition of biochemistry2. Master Key words & phrases3. Understand some long and difficult sentences in the text;4. Analyze the structure of the text and the way to develop it;5. Learn writing tec

8、hnique of sentence writing难点1. Make correct use of key words and phrases2. Analyze the structure of some long and difficult sentences and translate them3. Practice writing and speaking教学过程设计1. Listening Strategy: Identifying Causes and Effects2. Fast Reading: Dolly: The Heaven Sent Sheep3. Text stud

9、y: Genetically Modified Foods-Feed the World? 1) Pre-reading: a. warm up questions and activitiesb. Background information 2) While-reading: a. Text structure b. Comprehension of the text c. Words and phrases d. difficult sentences 3) Post-reading a. Summary of the text b. homework教学时数 6Part one Lis

10、tening Strategy Identifying Causes and EffectsIdentifying causes and effects is a very important strategy in listening comprehension. A cause is the reason why something happens, and an effect is the event that happens as a result of the cause or the reason. So while listening, it is necessary for u

11、s to make clear the relationship between a cause and its effect. Usually, there are some lexical markers indicating the relation between causes and effects.Cause-effect expressionsbecausebecause ofcaused bythanks tolead toattribute toon account ofresult inThusOwing toResult fromthereforeCausesThere

12、are several reasons for this. Firstly,Other causes played a part. Firstly,A key factor wasThis is due toThis is a reflection of EffectsAs a result,Consequently,This meant thatOne consequence of this is thatPart Two Fast Reading: Dolly: The Heaven Sent Sheep 在讲解阅读技巧过程中学生可以分小组进行讨论如何运用这些技巧来选择题目的正确回答,教师

13、最后再来核对答案。Part ThreeText: Genetically Modified Foods-Feed the World?u Pre-readingWarm-up Questions / Activities1. Purposes:To familiarize students with the topics in the text2. Activity oneDirections: Ask Ss watch a video clip and answer the following questions.1) Have you ever eaten genetically modi

14、fied (GM) foods? Can you list some GM foods?Tips:l Yes, we can buy them from supermarkets. l No, I still have concerns about their safety and the possible side-effects. l soybean, corn, cotton and canola, potato, tomato, wheat 2) What do you know about gene technology?What do you know about genetically modified foods?l gene technology, genetic engineering, genetic modification, modern biotechnology l molecula


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