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1、2022年考博英语-中国农业科学院考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 不定项选择题A finalist in a youth oratorical contest, Ceciles speech focuses on a history of Americans and the world turning their backs on injustice, losing sight of “our humanitarian obligation.” The unconscionable acts of history are repeating, but the world is “bic

2、kering over the terminology that is used to describe what Darfur is facing,” she said, with a swing of her hip and an indignant glare.How could the United States that bonded after Sept. 11, 2001, leave people on rooftops surrounded by floodwaters almost four years later, she questioned. It all comes

3、 down to “people neglecting people, ” she said matter-of-factly.“Everybody is part of Gods creation. Everybody deserves help. We all are going to need it eventually in our lifetime, and for us to neglect anyone from anywhere is just horrible,” Cecile said, shaking her head.Emoni draws parallels betw

4、een the Holocaust and current events in Africa by citing a lack of guidance, understanding and compassion.“How can we say hope for those unseen when we do not help them have hope or believe there is hope because we cant see them?” the Godwin Middle School student asked, nearly making the walls shake

5、 with her emphasis on the word “we”.The world has a history of great leaders who brought international wrongs to light, she said, jabbing her index finger into the air in front of her. The situation in Darfur has primarily been ignored because the world lacks a powerful leader to get that message ou

6、t, she said, furiously pacing the classroom floor.“I think if people learn about it and they hear about itif they understood it, then we can make a difference,” Emoni said, getting to the heart of her argument.All three students understand it could be their voice that motivates the masses tomorrow.

7、Their speeches could bring the issues into the light as they follow the tradition of great orators before them on the day honoring one of the greatest.After careful, quiet consideration, Seth said the contest and celebration would have moved King.“It is the little people trying to make a difference,

8、 reciting speeches and all of this. He can feel happy that his work, like, what he left behind, is still going on as if he was here today,” he said.“And how did he start it? He started it through his voice, you know. Through just speaking up for what is right. And not being afraid of what people thi

9、nk of you, but knowing what is right and setting aside all other things,” an excited and boisterous Cecile said.53. The word “boisterous” in the last paragraph can be substituted by( ).54. In her speech, Cecile, a finalist in a youth oratorical contest accuses America of( ).55. Emoni, another contes

10、tant, compared the Holocaust to current events in Africa by not citing( ).56. Emoni said the world lacks( ).57. Emonis main points did not include( ).58. Seth, another contestant, said if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were there, he would( ).问题1选项A.loudB.quiteC.niceD.noisy问题2选项A.fulfilling humanitaria

11、n obligationsB.promoting justice worldwideC.neglecting peopleD.using terminology to describe what Darfur is facing问题3选项A.lack of foodB.lack of guidanceC.lack of understandingD.lack of compassion问题4选项A.a powerful leader to crush wrongB.a powerful leader to bring international wrong to lightC.someone

12、who understands the problemD.someone who cares about injustice问题5选项A.only listening and learningB.hearing and learningC.understandingD.making a difference问题6选项A.be afraid of what people would thinkB.not know what is right in todays worldC.feel happy that his work was still going onD.want the student

13、 to study harder【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:A第6题:C【解析】53.【试题答案】D【试题解析】词义辨析题。根据题干,可以定位到文章最后一段最后一句an excited and boisterous Cecile said(兴奋而喧闹的塞西尔说),文章开头就提到了文章是辩论赛的决赛,那么辩论赛的现场应该是兴奋而又喧闹的,所以可推测boisterous指的应该是“喧闹的”。D选项“嘈杂的;喧闹的”,符合文章词义,D选项正确。A选项“大声的”,跟“喧闹”有一定的区别,可排除。B选项“相当”,不符合文章内容,可排除。C选项“精密的,美好的”,不符合文章内容

14、,可排除。因此D选项正确。54.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。文章第一段the world turning their backs on injustice, losing sight of our humanitarian obligation. The world is “bickering over the terminology that is used to describe what Darfur is facing,”(全世界对不公正置之不理,忽视了我们的人道主义义务。世界正在为描述达尔富尔所面临的问题的术语而争吵)这是Cecile对整个世界的控诉,不是对美国的控诉。第二

15、段的内容才是对美国的控诉,即It all comes down to people neglecting people.(这一切都归结于人们忽视他人),C选项“忽视人民”符合文章内容,C选项正确。A选项“履行人道主义义务”,文章提到,忽视了我们的人道主义义务,A选项可排除。B选项“促进全球正义”,不符合文章内容,可排除。D选项“用术语来描述达尔富尔所面临的问题”,文章提到世界正在为描述达尔富尔所面临的问题的术语而争吵,并没有用术语解决问题,D选项可排除。因此C选项正确。55.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据第四段Emoni draws parallels between the Holocaust and current events in Africa by citing a lack of guidance, understanding and compassion.(Emoni以缺乏指导、理解和同情为例,将大屠杀和非洲的当前事件进行了对比),A选项“食物的缺乏”,没有提及,可排除。B选项“缺乏指导”、C选项“缺乏理解”,D选项“缺乏同情心”,文章提到,Emoni以缺乏指导、理解和同情为例。可排除B、C、D选项。因此A选项正确。56.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。根据第六段第二句The situation in Darf



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