2013届高考英语维“升”素9 创造发明(完形填空)

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《2013届高考英语维“升”素9 创造发明(完形填空)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013届高考英语维“升”素9 创造发明(完形填空)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高考维“升”素9创造发明(时间:25分钟 分值:46分)维A 完形填空(每题1.5分,满分30分) 高考曾用材料:2011陕西卷完形填空选材相似度:设题相似度:难度系数:The town I live in is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch people who run red lights.It _1_ me of how many people Ive seen who take the yellow light as a signal to go faster.I also cant _2_ why people

2、 dont move when the traffic light has turned green.Above all,there are those _3_ situations in which someone doesnt even _4_ that the light is red,and just keeps going;that is why so many accidents happen!All these situations make me _5_ about the purpose of traffic lights.However,its even more _6_

3、to imagine letting people make their own _7_ at crowded intersections (十字路口)Do the biggest cars get to go first?Who decides who goes next?_8_ I guess I do like the idea of a system to _9_ traffic.And Ill do my best to _10_ the traffic rules:to go,to be _11_,and to stop when Im supposed to.It occurs

4、to me that my _12_ have done much the same for me in _13_ of teaching me how to live.They have given me many _14_ lights:to get along well with others,to listen and talk to them,to help others,to live with _15_ and purpose.They have also given me some red lights so that my _16_ doesnt go astray (误入歧

5、途):not to be greedy (贪婪的),to keep my temper (脾气),to control my desires.And there also have been some yellow caution lights:to watch how much I drink,to keep control of my behavior,to _17_ school regularly and work hard.If I obey these rules,my life will be as _18_ as it can be.Just as Im wise to pay

6、 attention to the traffic lights when Im walking _19_ the street,Im wise to pay attention to the “life _20_” given to me by my parents.【语篇解读】本文为夹叙夹议类记叙文。作者生活的小镇将要在各交通灯处安装摄像头以记录那些闯红灯的人。这件事引发了作者一系列的思考。有交通灯时,有人不懂规则,懂的人又不以为然,满不在乎;但作者想到若没有交通规则,就会更加危险,所以作者的结论是:设立交通灯是必要的,行人应该遵守交通规则。由此作者还想到了生活,想到父母在他的生活中也给了

7、他三种指示灯,指引他的人生。 1A.informs Breminds Csuggests Dindicates答案B作者生活的小镇将要在各交通灯处安装摄像头以记录那些闯红灯的人。这件事引发了作者一系列的思考。remind“使某人想起”,常用于remind sb of/about sth。inform“通知”;suggest“建议”;indicate“指示,表明”。故选B。2A.realize Bunderstand Cclarify Dremember答案B作者想到,很多人在绿灯亮时却还站着不动,这些人是懂交通规则的,却满不在乎,作者觉得这些事不可理解。3A.surprising Bcompe

8、titive Cdangerous Dexciting答案C作者认为很危险的是那些不注意红灯的人,很多的交通事故也因此而发生。4A.feel Bstand Creceive Dnotice答案D黄灯和绿灯的情况谈完,作者谈到红灯。作者认为更危险的是没有注意红灯。5A.dare Bworry Ccomplain Dwonder答案D三种颜色的交通灯都谈完,作者认为交通灯对某些人来讲没有作用,所以作者总结说“这所有的情况都使我怀疑交通灯有什么意义”。wonder about“疑惑”。care about“关注,担心,在乎”;worry about“担心”;complain about“抱怨”。此处

9、表示作者通过思考后的结论。故选D。6A.frightening Brelaxing Cconfusing Dinteresting答案A上段谈到人们不遵守交通规则。此段作者设想没有交通灯会更可怕,会让行人无所适从,对比3空,我们就知道,此处应该是更“令人感到害怕的是”,故选A。7A.attempts Befforts Cdecisions Dpreparations答案C作者认为让人们在拥挤的十字路口自己决定如何行走是很可怕的。8A.Since BBut CSo DAs答案C“因此”作者认为还是有必要设置交通灯来控制交通的。前后两句是因果关系,因此选C。9A.affect Bcontrol C

10、serve Dimprove答案B该空前面的a system指的就是交通灯,其作用就是“控制”交通。10A.obey Brecognize Creflect Danalyze答案A通过对比,作者觉得还是要有交通灯,也还是要“遵守”交通规则。11A.sensitive Bannoyed Ccautious Dconcerned答案C前面有冒号,后面的内容与冒号前面的内容有很大的关系。交通信号就是:绿灯行,黄灯缓行,红灯停。缓行也就是要小心“谨慎”,过交通灯处时每时每刻都要集中注意力。根据下文的“And there also have been some yellow caution lights

11、”也可推知。故选C。12A.teachers Brelatives Cparents Dfriends答案C从文章最后一句中的“.given to me by my parents.”可知此处讲的是父母,故选C。13A.case Bhonour Cplace Dterms答案Din terms of 就而言。in case of“假使,以防”;in honour of “纪念”;in place of “代替”。故选D。14A.yellow Bred Ccolorful Dgreen答案D该段是作者的议论。作者认为自己的父母给了他生活上的正确引导,就像是交通灯一样,应该有三种。大胆前行的是绿灯

12、,应该避免的是红灯,应该警惕的是黄灯。根据冒号后的“与人和睦相处,帮助他人”可知,这是应该做的。故选D。15A.adventure Bjoy Cpanic Dchance答案B该题应该同上一题连在一起看。都是正面的应为“过上快乐的有意义的生活”。故选B。16A.confidence Blife Cdream Dbelief答案B父母给自己规定了一些不该做的事情,以使自己的“人生”不会误入歧途。17A.attend Bstart Cleave Djoin答案Aattend school上学,固定搭配。故选A。18A.good Bconvenient Cspecial Dsimple答案A 如果作

13、者能遵守所有的信号指示,他的生活就会过得很好,故选A。19A.through Bacross Cbeyond Dabove答案B过街,是从物体表面穿过,用across。故选B。20A.purposes Bfeatures Cqualities Dsignals答案D此处作者把生活中的各种情况比作三种交通信号灯,故选D。维B1 阅读理解(每题2分,满分8分)高考曾用材料:2012福建卷C篇选材相似度:设题相似度:难度系数:Early in the autumn of 1674,Henry Oldenburg,secretary of the Royal Society in London,rec

14、eived an extraordinary letter.Sent by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek,a draper from Delft in the Netherlands,it contained an unlikelysounding claim.Using a microscope of his own invention,van Leeuwenhoek had seen tiny creatures,invisible to the naked eye,living in lake water.Some of these “animalcules (微生物)

15、” were so small,he later estimated that 30 million of them would still be smaller than a grain of sand.Royal Society fellows couldnt believe it.Even with his most powerful instruments,the celebrated English microscopist Robert Hooke had never observed anything like the little creatures.In fact,the Dutchman had developed far superior lenses to Hookes,and had discovered


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