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1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页省直管县体制论文:省直管县体制背景下县级政府决策制度化建设研究【中文摘要】省直管县体制改革实施后所带来的推动地域经济发展的积极效应使这种管理体制获得了社会领域、经济领域以及学界的普遍认可,但任何一种管理体制的革新都难以避免地会引发各种各样的潜在问题。省直管县体制改革的实施使得县级政府权力扩大、决策环境发生变化、应对各种经济社会事务时也有了更大的灵活性,但扩权后的县级政府能否秉持执政为民的服务理念,关心人民的福祉,尤其是在决策过程中能否有效避免决策失误、权力滥用、盲目逐利求绩等问题将直接影响到省直管县体制改革的实际效



4、、和谐决策,避免县与市、县与县之间因争夺资源而展开的恶性竞争,更快更好地推动县域经济社会的协调发展。【英文摘要】The reform of province directly governing counties obtains generally accepted of social fields, economic fields and academic circles for its positive effect of promoting regional economic development. But it is difficult for any kind of managem

5、ent system innovation to avoid potential problems it brings. This reform makes counties government more flexible to expending the power of county government excisions-making, changing the environment of decision-making and dealing with all kinds of social and economic affairs. But whether the county

6、 government can uphold the service concept of power for the people and concern about the welfare of the people, particularly can effectively avoid problems as decision error, power abuse, blind for profit performance will directly influence the practical effect of implementing province directly gove

7、rning counties.Implementing the reform of province directly governing counties has changed the relationship between provincial, municipal and county. The relationship between counties has more complex. The county government during the process of responding and decision-making has handled so many pro

8、blems. Such as how to scientifically cohesion decision-making of county government and policy, regulation, requirements of provincial government; How to deal with the potential contradiction during the decision-making process and how to alleviate the friction caused by regional competition and coord

9、inate regional development. The problems that should be pay attention, precaution and solve after implementing province directly governing counties. The assumption about rationaleconomic manin classical economics say that man is self-interest idealist, their behaviors motive is seeking effectiveness

10、 maximization of themselves. Under this theory, the government and government officials also inevitably reflect rationaleconomic manfeatures in the decision-making process, the county government officials also have their own interests, value preferences, not only including the public interest should

11、 they seek, but also including the groups interests or selfish interests, so it is hard to deny the power of decision-making might be abuse by minority interest groups. Therefore, it is necessary used order, rules, mechanism and pattern to regulate and restraint the county government decision-making

12、 behavior.But the institutionalized construction of county government decision-making should not be blind. Its purpose is to promote the county government decision-making level, so need to follow the rules of simplify and efficacy, coordination and unity, to promote democracy and science. Through im

13、proving the county government decision-making mechanism, establishing scientific government decision-making system, and perfecting administrative legal system and adopt scientific county government performance evaluation system, the system give full play in overcoming difficulties of county governme

14、nt decision-making people single, decision-making system is not perfect, decision-making transparency is not high and so on. Meanwhile through the system guiding county governments democratic decision-making, scientific decision-making and harmonious decision-making, it avoids malignant competition

15、for resources between counties and cities, counties and counties, so that to promote the coordinated development of the county economy and society better and faster.【关键词】省直管县体制 改革 县级政府 政府决策 制度化建设【英文关键词】the province directly governing counties reform county government government decision-making insti

16、tutionalization【目录】省直管县体制背景下县级政府决策制度化建设研究 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 第1章 绪论 10-19 1.1 选题的背景和意义 10-11 1.1.1 选题的背景 10-11 1.1.2 选题的意义 11 1.2 国内外研究综述 11-16 1.2.1 国外关于政府决策及其制度化建设的研究综述 11-14 1.2.2 国内关于政府决策及其制度化建设的研究综述 14-16 1.3 研究的方法及可能的创新点 16-19 1.3.1 研究的思路 16 1.3.2 研究的方法 16-17 1.3.3 可能的创新点 17-19 第2章 县级政府决策制度化的内涵及理论基础 19-27 2.1 县级政府决策制度化的概念界定 19-23 2.1.1 县级政府及县级政府决策 19-21 2.


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