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1、最新冀教版四年级上册英语教案 课件分别出示a red T-shirt, black trousers, a green shirt图片, 图1a red T-shirt:读句子:This is a T-shirt. Its red. 将两句话合并成一句:This is a red T-shirt. 同理:This is a a green shirt. These are black trousers. 3. What is he/she wearing? 看书讨论每个人穿的衣服,针对每幅图提问What is he/she wearing?让学生答复:He/She is wearing a g

2、reen sweater / white T-shirt.听录音跟读并练习背诵。 根据学生的穿着练习对话。 4. Lets play! 和学生一起做游戏。先看教科书,练习读一读游戏内容,再根据描述的衣服猜猜是谁? 活动手册. Class closing:用汉语问这节课学了什么,并复习所学内容。 Goodbye, class! 板书设计 Lesson1 Skirt and trousers This is a shirt, skirt,sweater, T-shirt. These are shirts, trousers, pants. Lesson2 New and Old 教学目标 知识目

3、标 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:is, are, new, old, t, hey 2.学生能听懂、会说句子:This is a new sweater. These are old trousers.Is it new? Yes. Are they new? No. Theyre old. 能力目标1.在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话对每季度所穿衣服能加上颜色进行描述 2.养成听录音和跟读句子的习惯。 情感目标 在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。 重点 同知识目标12 难点 代词it和they的区别及其在句子中的具体应用 教具 教学光盘、上一课的词汇卡和图片、新旧物品的图片

4、或实物 教学过程 . Class opening and review Greeting。并复习上节课学过的衣服单词,利用句型Whats this/What are these? This is a? These are? Lesson hook:今天我们要学习谈论衣服的更多说法。 . New concepts: 1. New or old? 看第一局部4幅图,讨论左右两边的衣服有什么不同。板书:new,old 课件出示新旧衣服图片,问:Is this a new/an old sweater? Are these new/old trousers? 出示四幅图的句子:This is a ne

5、w sweater. This is an old sweater. These are new trousers. These are old trousers.领读2遍,学生看书播放录音三遍跟读,练习读熟。 练习:1示范练习:教师指向毛衣图片,与学生甲对话 Whats this? Its a sweater. Is it new? Yes. Its a new sweater. 再指向裤子:What are these? These are trousers. Are these old? No. Theyre new trousers. (2)链式游戏:学生用自己穿的衣服进行问答:Wha

6、ts this? Its a?/ Theyre? 2. Lets do it! 看书讨论每幅图的新旧问题,指导学生怎样写句子。先在空格里填写匹配的单词,再写句子。 3. I like your skirt. 看书跟读课文,再分角色朗读,表演。再次播放光盘,练习读背课文。 游戏:向右移动 学生面对面站成两排,与他对面的学生对话: I like your skirt. Is it new? Yes/No. Its new/old.4. Lets chant. 领读歌词,理解歌词大意,再放光盘跟唱。 稳固检验:活动手册 . Class closing 今天学习了谈论衣服的新方法,也学习了如何赞美他人

7、的衣服I like your? Its nice. 板书设计 Lesson 2 New and old new,old This is a new sweater. These are old trousers. Is it new? Yes. Are they new? No. Theyre old. Lesson 3 Coat and Scarf 教学目标 知识目标 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:coat, cap, Miss 2.学生能听懂、会说句子:What is she wearing? She is wearing a coat. Is this your cap? Are

8、 these your gloves? 能力目标 在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话 情感目标 在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。 重点 同知识目标12 难点 理解元音字母a在单词coat和cap中的不同发音 教具教学光盘、上一课的词汇卡和图片、颜色单词卡片、新学单词卡:coat, cap,gloves,scarf 教学过程 . Class opening and review Greeting。并复习上节课学过的衣服单词,利用句型Whats this/What are these? This is a? These are? I like your skirt. Is it new?

9、利用单词卡复习颜色单词:red, blue, black, yellow, green, orange, brown Lesson hook:从今天开始我们来学习冬天的衣服用英语怎么说。 . New concepts: 1. What is she wearing? 课件出示女孩穿着冬装图片,讨论:图中女孩穿着什么样的服装?出示新授单词,边指边问: Whats this? Its a? What colour is it? Its? 问手套:What are these? They are gloves. This is my coat, cap,gloves,scarf 再看女孩穿着冬装图片

10、,问:What is she wearing? She is wearing a coat/ cap/gloves/scarf. Its nice. 练习:角色扮演 Whats this? Its a I like your Is it new? No. Its old. Its nice. Thanks. 2. Lets do it! Read and draw.读一读方框中的句子,并画出相应颜色的服装。3. Is this your cap? 播放光盘两遍,逐句理解句意。this是单数,these是复数。再放光盘跟读课文,并练习熟读。 练习:角色扮演 S1: Is this your ca

11、p? S2:No.Its not my _. S1: Is this your cap? S3: Yes. Its my_. Thanks. 4. Lets play! 先看教科书,练习读一读游戏内容,再进行猜是谁的衣服问答。 稳固检验:活动手册 . Class closing 回忆这节课学了哪些衣服的单词,怎么问、答? 板书设计 Lesson 3 Coat and scarf What is she wearing? She is wearing a coat/ cap/gloves/scarf. Is this your cap? No. Are these your gloves? Ye

12、s. Thanks. Lesson4 Shoes and Socks /教学目标 知识目标 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:dress, shoe, sock, shorts, not 2.学生能听懂、会说句子:Are these his shorts? Yes, they are. Is this her dress? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 能力目标 在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话 情感目标 在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。 重点 同知识目标12 难点 this与these 的区别及在句中的应用 教具 教学光盘、上一课的词汇卡和图片、新学单词卡和

13、图片:dress,shoe, sock, shorts 教学过程 . Class opening and review Greeting。复习上节课学过的衣服单词,利用句型Whats this/What are these? This is a? These are? I like your skirt. Is it new? 利用单词卡复习颜色单词:red, blue, black, yellow, green, orange, brown Lesson hook:今天我们继续学习服装。 . New concepts: 1. What are they wearing? 课件出示新单词图片:

14、dress, shoe, sock, shorts,领读并学习其中的元音的读音。在用单词卡练读。 看教科书第一局部:Who wears dresses/shorts? Can you see the difference between a dress and a skirt(转 载 于:wWw.HnnsCY.cOM :最新冀教版四年级上册英语教案)? When do we wear shorts? On what part of body do we put socks and shoes? 请穿长裙、短裤的学生到前面,其他学生分别做练习: He is wearing shorts. He

15、is cool. She is wearing a dress. She looks nice.播放两遍第一局部的录音。 2. Lets do it! Look and write. 说明:this是单数,these是复数。哪些服装是单数,哪些服装是复数?补充完整句子。 3. Are these his shorts? Is this her dress? 先复习物主代词:Imy,youyour,hehis,sheher,theytheir,weour 例如:I am wearing a sweater. This is my sweater. 让学生用其余代词练习。 看书第三局部,通过对话介绍新句型。Are these his shorts? Yes, they are. Is this her dress? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 示范展示: T: Is this your_? S1: No. (指物品主人)T:Is this his/her_? S1: Yes. T: Yes. Its


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