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1、 The land end,the sea begin! 陆止于此,海始于斯一:Portugal nautical motif 葡萄牙航海动机1:Portugal is a narrow strip of coastal land and the land, there is little inland. Fidel Gentile eastern expansion blocked any attempt it on land葡萄牙国土是一块狭长的沿海土地,几乎没有什么内陆地区。东部的卡斯蒂莱堵塞了它在陆地上的任何扩张图谋。2 Ottoman Empire blocked the road

2、to East-West trade, Portugal outflow of gold, oriental spice has a great desire奥斯曼土耳其帝国阻断东西方上路,葡萄牙黄金外流,且对东方香料等商品有迫切需求3The spread of Christianity is the great Portuguese maritime exploration of spiritual power宣扬基督教是葡萄牙航海冒险的巨大精神动力二Portugal to sailing conditions 葡萄牙得以航海的条件1Relatively stable domestic en

3、vironment: Spain is still fighting to recover the homeland, Germany Bangguo melee. The Portuguese established a strong monarchy, ingenious Prince Enrique, the parties excellence cage in command.1:相对稳定的国内环境:西班牙还在为收复国土而战,德意志邦国混战。而葡萄牙建立起了强大的君主制国家,雄才大略的恩里克王子,将各方英才笼于麾下。Prince Enrique contribution to the

4、maritime industry:恩里克王子对航海事业的贡献:1Founder sailing school sailing talent cultivation in 1420 Prince Henry of Portugal Sagres sailing school was founded, the Observatory, and save data library, it is increasingly clear map of the world based on detailed information to support completion.1创办航海学校培养航海人才 1

5、420年亨利王子在葡萄牙萨格里什创办航海学校,天文台,及保存资料的图书馆,世界地图的愈加清晰正是建立在详细的资料支持下完成的。2Improved shipbuilding and compass, significantly increasing the accuracy of the compass. Its improved three-masted dhows, lightweight flexible, easy to control, becoming a huge material basis Portuguese sailing.2改进造船和指南针,大幅提升了指南针的精确度。其改

6、进的三桅三角帆船,轻巧灵便,易于操控,成为葡萄牙航海的巨大物质基础。3collect navigational information, to map the world, numerous sailing explore the world face increasingly clear in front of everybody.3搜集航海资料,绘制世界地图,无数次的航海探索使世界面貌逐渐清晰于众人面前。二Urgent need to open up the situation of the economic environment, blocking the East-West trad

7、e makes Portugal a serious outflow of gold, oriental spices scarce commodity especially adventurous spirit inspired the Portuguese. On the verge of economic collapse forced the Portuguese new environment to explore.二急需打开局面的经济环境,东西方贸易的阻断使葡萄牙黄金外流严重,东方商品尤其是香料的奇缺激发了葡萄牙人的冒险精神。濒临崩溃的经济环境逼迫葡萄牙人进行新的探索。三Enlig

8、htened personnel policy breeds adventurer adventurous spirit: as an outstanding navigator Dias, Vasco da Gama, and so on. Seafaring people gathered so rapidly implemented.三开明的人才政策蕴育了极富冒险精神的冒险家:如迪亚士,达伽马等等杰出的航海家。人才的聚集使航海事业得以迅速推行。三:The great achievements of the Portuguese maritime industry 葡萄牙航海事业的巨大成就

9、一August 1487, Dias was ordered to leave the fleet in Lisbon, visit the West African coast. June 1488, Dias arrived at the southern tip of Africa, Cape of Good Hope was named King Noan II.1487年8月,巴托罗梅乌迪亚士奉命率船队离开里斯本,考察西非海岸。1488年6月,迪亚士抵达非洲的最南端,国王诺昂二世取名好望角。二July 8, 1497, amounted to. Gama led a fleet of

10、 four ships and about 170 sailors from Lisbon exploring bypass Hope route to India.1497年7月8日,达.伽马率领由4艘船、约170名水手组成的船队由里斯本出发探索绕过“好望角”通往印度的航线。三March 2, 1498, to enter Mozambique. 23 days sailing across the Arabian Sea, in l498 in May 20, leaving nearly 10 months after Portugal, Gama arrived in southern

11、 Indias most famous commercial center of Calicut.1498年3月2日,进入莫桑比克。航行23天,穿过阿拉伯海,于l498年5月20日,离开葡萄牙近10个月后,伽马到达印度南部最著名的商业中心卡利卡特。四Gammas flagship up in the September 9, 1499 to arrive in Lisbon. spices and other goods shipped back to profit in Europe was 60 times the cost of the expedition!达伽马的旗舰则在1499年9

12、月9日才抵达里斯本。运回香料等货物在欧洲的获利为这次远征费用的60倍!五In 1510, Portugals second appointed Viceroy of India Albuquerque Quaker armed vessels led by the Portuguese occupation of Goa, India, to establish a stronghold continued eastward expansion. The following year they conquered Malacca in Malaysia in 1515, Hormuz also

13、 fell into their hands1510年,葡萄牙任命的第二任“印度总督”阿尔布魁克带领葡萄牙的武装船舰占领了印度的果阿,建立起继续向东扩张的据点。次年又征服了马来西亚的马六甲1515年,霍尔木兹也沦入其手四:the Portuguese maritime significance 葡萄牙航海的意义Positive significance: 积极意义:一:The world is increasingly becoming an interrelated whole, in order to expand the market the seeds of capitalism an

14、d labor resources.使世界日益成为一个相互联系的整体,为资本主义萌芽扩展了市场和劳动力资源。二Europe triggered a large influx of gold prices and currency land revolution, the lives of local people to make a huge development. Portugal dynasty late a lot of gold outflow, also helped the rise of the Mediterranean countries, the European cap

15、italist revolution is significant.大量黄金涌入引发欧洲的价格革命和土地革命,使当地人民生活得到巨大发展。葡萄牙王朝后期大量黄金外流,也帮助了地中海沿岸国家的崛起,为欧洲资本主义革命意义重大。三:Portugal to establish a broad colony, emerged as the first moment of a world dominated empire.使葡萄牙建立起广泛的殖民地,崛起成为雄霸一时的第一个世界性帝国。Negative impact: the colonies, the Portuguese is the hero of

16、 the ages, the first sin of all evil消极影响:对殖民地来说,葡萄牙是千秋之功臣,万恶之罪首。四:Portuguese navigators arrived colony advanced civilization destroying the old slavery civilization and promote the local civilization process objectively, when brought to the local production of advanced production technology an innovation.葡萄牙航海家到达殖民地,以先进文明摧毁当地旧的奴隶制文明,客观上促进了当地的文明化进程,带去的先进生


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