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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上从高考题看with复合结构 请看下面几道高考题:1. With no one to _ in such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless (2006年陕西卷)A turn to B turn on C turn off D turn over2. I couldnt do my homework with all that noise _ (2005年北京卷)A going on B goes on C went on D to go on3._and no way to reduce her pain a

2、nd suffering from the terrible disease, the patient sought her doctors help to end her life (2005年江西卷)A Having given up hope of cure B With no hope for cureC There being hope for cure D In the hope of cure解析:答案分别为A、A、B。这三道题考查了“with / without + 宾语 + 宾语补足语”结构。这一结构被称为with复合结构。with复合结构是高中阶段语法的一个难点。这个结构表

3、示状态或说明背景情况。正确使用此结构, 不但可以使句子简洁、明了, 还可以增强语言表现力。下面就这个结构的构成及用法作一小结。一、with复合结构的构成1 with + 宾语 + 现在分词doing表示主动或正在进行的动作With so many people communicating in English every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English 有这么多人每天用英语交流, 精通英语将会变得越来越重要。The day was fine, with a flesh

4、 breeze blowing 天气晴朗, 和风吹拂。2 with + 宾语 + 过去分词done表示被动或完成了的动作It was a pity that the great writer died with his works unfinished遗憾的是那位大作家去世了,留下未完成的作品。With the problem settled, we felt relieved 问题解决了, 我们感到很轻松。3 with + 宾语 + 形容词在句中常作状语The students raised their heads with eyes full of curiosity学生们抬起头, 眼里充

5、满了好奇。With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it will rain 天气这么闷热, 十有八九会下雨。4 with + 宾语 + 副词在句中常作状语The naughty boy stood before the teacher with his head down 那个淘气的男孩低着头站在老师面前。Flames lighted up many parts of Vesuvius; their light scared people but my uncle told them that flames came from the

6、homes of farmers who had left in a panic with the kitchen fires still on火焰照亮了维苏威的许多地方; 它们的亮光使人们恐惧不已。但我叔叔告诉他们说这火焰是从农夫的房子冒出来的, 这些人在恐惧中离开, 厨房的火都没熄。5 with + 宾语 + 介词短语在句中常作定语或状语The Nanshan was on her way from the south to Fuzhou, with Chinese workers on board, returning to their home villages in the prov

7、ince of Fujian南山号行驶在从南方开往福州的路上,船上载有准备返回福建农村的中国工人们。We human beings could not survive without all the plants and animals around us 没有周围的动物和植物, 我们人类就无法生存。6 with + 宾语 + to doto do表示将要发生的动作The hurricane, with its power to sink ships and to destroy strong walls, had found this little ship in its path 飓风威力

8、无比, 它能使船只沉没、毁坏坚固的墙, 它一路风驰电掣来到小船前。With so many dishes to wash, I can not go with you有这么多盘子要洗, 我不能跟你一起去。7 with + 宾语 + 名词在句中作定语或状语Wu Song fought the tiger with a stick as his only weapon 武松和老虎搏斗,木棍是他唯一的武器。Lun Xun fought against the enemy with a pen as his only weapon鲁迅用他唯一的武器笔同敌人做斗争。二、with复合结构的用法1 用作状语

9、, 可表示条件、原因、时间、伴随、方式等情况。可以和相应的状语从句转换。(1)表示条件, 相当于一个条件状语从句。如:With you to help us, we will be able to finish the task in time=If you help us, we will be able to finish the task in time 如果你帮助我们, 我们就能及时完成这个任务。(2)表示原因, 相当于一个原因状语从句。如:With two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend=As

10、 there are two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend 由于有两个考试要担心(通不过), 这个周末我真的要努力了。(3)表示时间, 相当于一个时间状语从句。如:With the work done, we went home=After the work had been done, we went home. 工作做完后, 我们就回家了。(4)表示伴随, 相当于一个并列句。如:The boy sat at the corner, with tears welling up in his eyes

11、=The boy sat at the corner, and tears were welling up in his eyes 小男孩坐在角落里, 眼中含满泪水。(5)表示方式, 相当于一个并列句。如:He was asleep with his head on his arms=He was asleep and his head was on his arms 他头枕着胳膊睡着了。2 用作定语, 相当于一个定语从句, 修饰前面的名词。I like stamps with a bird design on them =I like stamps on which there is a bird design 我喜欢有鸟类图案的邮票。There was also a gun and a thin piece of rope with the end tied in a circle =There was also a gun and a thin piece of rope whose end was tied in a circle 还有一支枪和一根细绳, 绳子的末端系成一个圆圈。专心-专注-专业


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