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1、Aabsenteeism 旷工,缺勤例:Improvements in working conditions helped to reduce levels of absenteeism.工作条件的改善使旷工率降低。accident frequency rate 意外伤亡事故频率(按每百万工作小时记)例:Steps are being taken to cut down the accident frequency rate.有关方面正在采取措施降低意外伤亡事故频率。accommodation (应急的)短期贷款例:Were going to request a shortterm accom

2、modation from the bank to cover these payments until we can find other funds.我们准备向银行请求短期贷款以支付这些款项,直到找到其他资金。accommodation address 临时通信地址例:Please write to my accommodation address.请把信寄到我的临时通信地址account 客户,生意往来关系The firm is one of our major accounts.那家公司是我们的主要客户之一。acid test 决定性的考验例:The acid test is whet

3、her or not somebody will actually buy the product.决定性的考验在于是否确实有人会买这种产品。acquire 购入,取得所有权例:This is ABC co.s newly acquired factory in Poland.这是ABC公司在破烂就、新收购的工厂。acquisition 收购例:The accelerated rate of globalization has left companies desperately seeking overseas acquisitions in order to remain competit

4、ive.不断加速的全球化迫使各公司千方百计收购海外公司,以保持竞争力。acrosstheboard 全面,全体例:They have decided to increase prices by 4% acrosstheboard.他们决定全面提高价格4%。例:To save money, identify current problems, and make the old company more efficient, the new president ordered an acrosstheboard examination of expenditures and operational

5、 procedures in every department.为节省开支,发现问题,提高公司效率,新总裁要求对每个部门的开支和运营程序进行全面审查。activity 经营项目,经营业务 / 例:The main activities of the company are manufacturing computer components and direct retailing to consumers.该公司的主要经营项目为生产电脑部件并直接销售给顾客。actuals 实际数字(相对于估计的数目)例:These are the actuals for last years turnover

6、.这些是去年的实际营业额。addition (某一产品系列中的)新增产品例:The KR 700 is the latest addition to our range of fax machines.KR700是我公司传真机系列中的最新产品。address 处理,解决例:In an attempt to address this problems, major banks are about to offer start-up packages to assist new business.为了解决这个问题,几家大银行计划提供全套支持新兴公司的信息包,以协助新开办的企业。address bo

7、ok 通讯簿例:Make sure you have everybodys name in your address book.切记在通讯簿里记下所有人的名字。advanced orders 预定货量例:The development of the game has taken two years but advanced orders are impressive.开发制作该游戏软件长达两年,但预订量十分喜人。advance publicity 前期宣传例:The product has sold well considering it was not given much advance

8、publicity.鉴于前期宣传不够,该产品的销路已算不错。advertising business 广告业例:Dentsu is in the advertising business.日本电通公司经营广告业务。advice note 通知单(供货商给收货人,列明货物性质、数量、运输日期及方式等)例:We have received an advice note for the goods we ordered.我们已接到所定货物的通知单。advisory board 咨询委员会例:You will benefit from establishing an advisory board of

9、 experienced business people who can guide you through the growth process.在企业成长过程中,成立一个由经验丰富的企业家组成的咨询委员会对其进行指导,将使公司受益无穷。advisory service 咨询服务例:The bank provides a financial advisory service for all its clients.这家银行为所有客户提供金融咨询服务。aero (车辆等)流线型的例:We lowered the front end for more visibility, and soften

10、ed the lines for a more aero look.我们降低车头是视野更清晰,将轮廓变柔和以强化其流线型外观。affiliation 附属机构例:Please put your name, address and affiliation.请在表格上写明姓名、地址及所属单位。aftersaleswarranty 售后保单agent 作用力例:We believe that business can be a powerful agent for social change.我们认为商业可以使社会变革的一个强大作用力。air freight operator 空运公司例:This

11、air freight operator has no travel service.这家空运公司没有客运业务。air miles 里程奖,亦作air-miles awards例:The attraction of air miles is easy to understand.体会里程奖的吸引力是很容易的。allotment 配股例:Allotment has been made by random draw because of over subscription.由于超额认购,公司通过抽签进行配股。allrisk policy 全险,综合险,全险保单例:We have taken out

12、 an allrisks policy on the electronic equipment.我们已为电子设备办理了全险。amalgamate 合并例:The two firms are amalgamating in increase productivity and save running costs.两家公司正进行合并,以提高生产率和节省营运成本。amenity 设施齐全的现代化福利生活区例:This area has been developed into an amenity.这一地区开发成为了生活设施配套齐全的现代住宅小区。amortization 摊销例:Amortizati

13、on is the depreciation of intangible assets such as Patents and Goodwill.推销意味着专利和商誉等无形资产的贬值。annual report 年报例:An annual report is a document which tells you about the companys performance over the year.年报时公司年度业绩的文字报告。annual return 年度报表例:We are in the middle of making our annual return.我们正在编制年度报表。app

14、le polishing 逢迎,拍马(只为了自我利益吹捧上司的行为)例:Other employees didnt like him and believed that his recent promotion was more the result of his apple polishing than his actual achievements.员工们不喜欢他,认为他进来的提升更多是因为他会溜须拍马,而不是工作业绩。appraisal 评价,评估例:annual appraisal interviews年度能力评估面试arrival notice 到货通知(由承运人发给收货人)例:We

15、 have not yet received the carriers arrival notice.我们尚未接到运输公司的到货通知。asleep at the switch 玩忽职守,坐失良机例:Interest rates dropped significantly for a month before climbing back to higher levels, but our finance manager was asleep at the switch and failed to renegotiate our loans.利率在重新升至较高水平之前曾在一个月内大幅下降,但是财务经理玩忽职守,没能抓住机会重新协商贷款条件。assembly line 装配线例:He first worked on the shop floor on the assembly line.他先是在工厂的装配线上工作。例:I hope that all the training programs they run for the staff on the assembly line might have begun to have an effect.希望那些为工作


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