完成句子 (2)

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1、1 到底是谁跟你说的?Who _ _ told you that?2 老师让学生们坚持英语学习,并且不要停止使用。The teacher asked us to _ _ our English study and not to _ _.3 一阵舒适温暖的风掠过河面。A wind, soft and warm, _ _ _ the river.4 我忙于看小说,结果忘了时间。I was _ _ _ a novel that I forgot to look at the time.5 如果你们有什么问题,请随时举手问我。If you have any questions, _ _ to _ _

2、your hands and ask me.6 这所新房子是属于我叔叔的。This new house _ _ my uncle.7 老师让他把地上所有的书都堆放好。The teacher _ him _ _ all the books on the floor.8 这种自行车正在展出。This kind of bicycle is _ _ now.9 我宁愿走着去那,也不愿做公共汽车。I _ _ walk there _ _ go _ _.10 贾维斯女士去世后,她的女儿继承了她的信念。After Mrs Jarvis died, her daughter _ _ the same idea

3、.11 他去了柏林,没多久就给我来了一封邮件。He went to Berlin and _ _he sent me an e-mail.12 无论他是怎么完成的,这都是一个巨大的成功。_ _ _ she did it, it was a _ _.13 我以能在一小时内完成这么艰巨的工作而自豪。_ _ _ _ _hard work in an hour.14 你必须及时把图书归还到图书馆。You must _ the book _ the library _ _.15 张建乐于助人,所以他的同学们对他评价很高。Zhang Jian _ _ others, so his classmates _

4、 _ _ him.16 我希望梦想早日实现。I hope my dream will _ _ soon.17 来自澳大利亚的文尼遇到许多困难,但他从不放弃。Vinny, from Australia, _ _ so many difficulties, but he never _ _.18 没有人关心这位老人,他感到非常孤独。The old man_ _ with nobody _ _ him.19 他没有时间休息,更不用说打篮球了。He had no time to have a rest, _ _ play basketball.20 据说我们的新校长是一位三十岁的年轻人。_ _ _ o

5、ur new headmaster is a _young man.21 科学家们说“非典”与野生动物有关。Scientists says that SARS has _ _ _ _ wild animals.22 爱迪生总是试验一些新想法,直到他发明了他想要的为止。Edison kept _ _ some new ideas until he _ _ he _.23 水太少我觉得不够我们用三天There is _ little water _ I dont think we can _ _ for three days.24 人口的增长也许是当今世界上最大的挑战。The _ _ may be

6、 the _ _ of the world today.25 她脸上充满了笑容。There is a big _ _ her face.26 你最好不要在交通高峰期间开快车。Youd _ _ drive fast _ _ _ _.27 如果你不小心撞到某人,请向他道歉。If you _ _ someone carelessly, please say sorry to him.28 在公共场合吐痰是不礼貌的。Its not polite _ _ _ _.Its _ _ _ _ _29 这件事情我以前听说过。I have _ _ it before.30 昨天的家长会议校长的讲话建华结束The

7、parents meeting _ _ a speech given by the headmaster yesterday.31 我希望一切正常。I hope _ _ _.32 好像他听不到我的声音,他正专注于他的研究工作。_ _ he couldnt hear me. He _ his _ to his research work.33 我像他那么大的时候曾在花园里种过各种各样的花。I _ _ grow _ _ of flowers in the garden when I was her age.34 老师想让学生保持安静。The teacher wants to _ the stude

8、nts _.35 据说这些岛上盛产石油。_ _ that these islands are _ _ oil.36 因为某种我们不知道的原因,恐龙绝迹了。Dinosaurs _ _ for some reason we dont know.37 这是我亲眼所见。I saw it _ _ _ _.38 我肯定你只有在计算机房才能找到他Im sure you can find him _ _ in the computer room.39 所有这些问题老师并不是都能回答。The teacher couldnt answer _ _ the questions.40 夜幕降临,圣诞树都亮起来了。Ni

9、ght _ _. The Christmas trees _ _.41 查一下你们是否都有飞机票。The girl _ _ you took by _ _ is crying.42 我每一个姑妈都送给了我一件礼物。_ _ my aunts has given me a present.43 没有人确切地知道毛埃的来历。_ _ _ _ _ how the Moai _ _ _.44 这里一年四季既不太热又不太冷。It is _ too hot _ too cold all the year round.45 小林今天早晨见到一个钱包并把它交给老师Xiao Lin _ _ a wallet _ h

10、er _ to school this morning and _ it _ the teacher.46 一周又一周,一个想法在他的头脑里逐渐形成。Week after week, an idea slowly _ _ in his mind.47 那些旧建筑物很快就要被拆除了。Those old buildings will soon be _ _.48 嘲笑残疾人士非常不礼貌的Its _ to _ _ _ people.49 到目前为止,没有人到过比月球更远的地方。_ _, no man has travelled _ _ the moon.50 请收起你们脸上的笑容,不要讲话了。_ t

11、he naughty smile _ your face, and _ _.51 这件工作并不如你想象的那么容易。This work is _ _ _ _ you think.52 李蕾说他有足够的信心解决这个问题。Li Lei said he had _ _ in _ _the problem.53 地球表面四分之三被水覆盖着。_ _ of the earths surface is _ _ water.54 我们需要一位会将法语的导游。We need a _ _ can speak French.55 小李打来电话时他碰巧出去了。 He _ _ be out when Xiao Li telephoned.56 如何预防疾病是值得研究的。_ to _ diseases _ _ studying.57 门已经锁了,但你最好还是去查看一下。The doors lock, but youd better go and _ _.58 天津的变化使我们感到惊讶。We _ _ _ the changes in Tianjin.59 现在许多老人喜欢做点儿什么,而不喜欢闲呆着。Many old people _ _ something _ _ nothing now.60 这条河被污染了。河里的水毒死了大多数生物。This river is polluted. The wate


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