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1、 What did Daming do 教学设计. Teaching Aims:1. Function: Describe actions in the past. 2. Language: Where/How/When/What did?3. Vocabulary: hour mountain . Main Points:1. Language: Where/How/When/What did? 2. Vocabulary: hour mountain. Difficult Point:Describe actions in the past. Teaching Aids: Recorder

2、 photos cards. 课前准备: 师:板书课题及相关内容生: 自己到某些名胜古迹的照片.Teaching Steps:PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSE.Warm-upSing songs. The students sing the songWhere did you go? The London Eye.歌曲热身,营造愉悦轻松的课堂氛围。. Lead-in1. Say the words of the past tense.2. Talk about the photos. 1. After singing the song, the students

3、 say out the past of the verbs in the song.2. The teacher writes the words on the blackboard.3. Show a photo of myself which was taken in Qingdao. 4. T: Can you use the words on the blackboard to ask me any questions you want to know? Ss: (小组讨论2分钟,学生举手发言。)Write the questions on the blackboard and an

4、swer the questions the students asked.Where did you go? I went to _.When did you go? I went there _.What did you see? I saw _.Who did you meet? I met _.What did you buy? I bought _.Ss:(小组讨论上面的问题组成一片简单的文章)5. One student tells the article. The other students help him.说出歌曲中的过去式,不仅对下面的讨论作好铺垫,也及时的复习了第一模块

5、的内容。培养学生发现问题并及时提出问题,然后试着解决问题的习惯是各科教学中不容忽视的任务。学生根据黑板上的问题和答案组织文章锻炼了他们的语言组织能力。. Set the task.1. Preview main points: at the weekend, in the morning, by bus, for one hour, lots of, take photos of.2. Sentences: Describe actions in the past.1、 Learn the text by themselves. Underline the new words and some

6、 difficulties. 2、 Listen to the tape and solve some problems.3、 Read the text again and find some main points.4、 Communicate the main points with their partners.5、 Teacher checks their tasks and writes the main points on the blackboard. If they have any questions, they can ask.6、 Praise them.学生在自学和互

7、学中既看到了他人的长处也锻炼了自己的思维。教师适时地引导和检查能让学生在有限的时间内有效的完成任务。鼓励和表扬必不可少。. Presentation 1Learn the text and finish Part 2.3. The sounds of some letters3. The song1. T: look at the picture on Page 12. Who are they? Ss: They are Daming and his father.T: Where is this place?Ss: Its the Great Wall.T: What is Daming

8、doing?Ss: Hes taking photos.T: Good! Who can introduce the Great Wall to us?S;Read the passage they wrote.2. Listen to the tape and repeat. 3. Read the text together.4. Listen to the tape and repeat it again.5. Now finish the questions in Activity 2. Write the answers on their books.6. Check the ans

9、wers.7. Correct the mistakes.8. Recite the text by looking at the questions and the answers. They can recite in groups. 9. Choose one best group and praise them.1. Listen to the tape and pay attention to the colorful letters. 2. Listen to the tape and follow the tape. 3. Teacher writes the phonetic symbols on the blackboard and leads them to read.4. Have the students suggest other words that contain the same sounds.


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