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1、李阳标准美语发音及口语教程1A第一单元 良好的开端第1节1. Please have a seat. Please make yourself at home.2. Eat more fish, less meat. Fish is better for your health.3. Seeing is believing. I dont believe what I hear. I only believe what I see.4. Im proud to be Chinese. Im proud to be an international Chinese.5. Feel free to

2、 call me if you need my help. You have my phone number.6. Sweet dreams, see you tomorrow.7. I believe you can speak good English. I believe you have the talent.8. I totally agree with you. I enjoy meeting you very much. We can do great things together.9. Im afraid I disagree with you. I have a diffe

3、rent opinion.10. If you want to speak good English, you need to repeat, repeat and repeat. This is the only secret.特别奉献1We need to see your passport, please.Sure, here you go. Do you need to see my ID card?No, we only need your passport.特别奉献2Please feel free to call me. Please feel free to look arou

4、nd. Please feel free to ask questions. Please feel free to make yourself at home. Please feel free to drop by. Please feel free to eat some more. Please feel free to call me Li Yang. Please feel free to ask me any question you like.超级挑战:这次我请客Thank you for inviting me to eat. Its my treat this time.

5、Please let me pay the bill. You can treat me next time we eat. It has been my dream to meet you. I really enjoyed this meal. I really enjoyed speaking with you. Thank you for your time. We should meet every week and eat dinner together.第2节1. Im finished. It was very good. It was delicious.2. The foo

6、d here is terrific. I love it. Its out of this world.3. Ive just finished reading this book. It is very good.4. Please give me a minute. Let me think about it.5. I need to discuss it with my superiors.6. Chinese food is very different from Japanese food.7. Its not difficult. Its very easy.8. This pi

7、nk one is very pretty.9. Its a little bit too big.10. Im sick of this weather. Im sick of this traffic. Im sick of my job. Im sick of my poor English. Im sick of waiting. Im sick of you. Im sick of your complaining. Im sick of your nagging. Im sick of .特别奉献Does it fit?Yes, it fits, but it isnt very

8、pretty.This pink one is very pretty, but its a little bit too big.Well, this silk one isnt big. It will fit you.No, but its a little freely. 超级挑战:英语和汉语Ladies and gentlemen, today I want to talk about the differences between English and Chinese. English is very different from Chinese. The sounds are

9、different, the grammar is different, and the writing is totally different. Its very difficult to speak English well. If you want to speak English well, you must forget about the differences, just practice correct sentences until youre used to them. The more sentences you can blurt out, the better yo

10、u can express yourself. If you believe in yourself and practice crazily every day, you will make it, you will conquer English. Chinese is the most difficult language in the world. If you can speak Chinese, you can speak English. 第3节1. Breakfast is ready. Eat it before it gets cold.2. When will it be

11、 ready?3. Lets get together again soon.4. Well, lets get everything ready.5. Every day and in every way, everything is getting better and better.6. We should never let our country down. We must get ready for the future.7. We have a test next Wednesday. Id better study.8. Please help yourself, make y

12、ourself at home.9. Please be my guest and have a seat.10. You are our special guest. Lets have a toast to our friendship.11. Treasure every breath. Treasure your life. Treasure your good health. Treasure everything important in life.特别奉献11. Better late than never.2. All is well that ends well.3. Bet

13、ter to do well than to say well.4. East or west, home is the best.特别奉献2I love to exercise. When I exercise I feel fresh and energetic.超级挑战:如何记单词Many people tell me that it is very hard to remember new words. They complain that no matter how hard they try to memorize new words they always forget them

14、. They best way to remember new words is to practice them every day, practice them in sentences and in paragraphs. Listen to tapes and read along every day, otherwise you will forget easily. If you need my help, please call me. Were friends. Friends help each other. Lets conquer new words together.第

15、4节1. Thats fantastic. Thats absolutely fantastic.2. What happened? Why are you so mad?3. I have a happy family. My family are always talking and laughing.4. How long have you been married?5. Thats a very bad sentence. People will get mad if you say that.6. I have to call you back. Im busy now.7. I cant stand your bad habits.8. Every moment in life matters. Live in a moment.9. Whats your action plan?10. Grab every chance to practice English. Practice is the only secret to success.特别奉献How can I improve my English?Grab every chance to practice English. This is the absolutely the fastest way to


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