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1、“教学中的互联网搜索”PEP四年级下册Unit6AtaFarmB部分教学案例一、教案背景1、面向学生:小学 2、学科:小学英语 3、课时:1课时4、课前准备:利用百度搜索引擎搜集一个农场的图片、超市购物的图片和一张蔬菜水果的图片二、教学课题:PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit6AtaFarmB部分教学设计三、教材分析: 本课是PEP人教版小学英语教材。这课时为小学英语四年级下册第六单元的第四课时, 主要学习B部分Lets learn中的单词:听、说、认读黑体单词cucumber,potato, onion, tomato,carrot以及它们的复数形式;本课的学习重点是学习单词在各项技能中的灵活

2、应用。教师要启发学生开动脑筋巧记单词,并结合Lets learn中的Look at the cucumbers. Theyre fresh. The potatoes are big来替换关键词,学生能够在所创设的情境中合理得体地应用所学的语言,为下节课的对话学习打下坚实的铺垫。四、学情分析:四年级学生学习这套教材已有一年半的时间了,对于教材的特点和结构都很熟悉。此阶段的学生活泼好动,好奇心强,勇于尝试,具有一定的逻辑思维能力和语言表达能力,并有很强的自尊心和求知欲,对于有关食物的话题在四年级上册第五单元已出现,学生比较感兴趣,为本单元的学习这个话题做足了充分的准备。五、教学目标1、知识目标:

3、(1)能够听、说、认读单词:tomato, cucumber, potato, onion, carrot,同时能够了解juicy,tasty,yummy,tender,smelly这六个单词的含义。(2)能够用所学的单词来描述蔬菜的特点、形状、口味和气味等。如. The potatoes are big. They are fresh.( 3 )能够在实际情景中运用所学的语言。(4)能够理解和学说Lets chant 的内容。2、能力目标:(1)培养学生与人合作的能力。(2)培养学生在实际生活中合理得体地运用英语的能力。3、情感目标:通过有关蔬菜知识的学习,培养学生合理饮食的良好习惯。4、德

4、育目标:教育学生热爱劳动,不劳无获(No pains, no gains)。六、教学重难点(1)教学重点:掌握单词:tomato, cucumber, potato, onion, carrot的单复数形式和句型:Look at the cucumbers. They are fresh. Yes. And the potatoes are big. 教学难点:学生能够在所创设的情景中合理得体地应用所学的语言。七、教学方法:(1)合作学习方法(2)情景教学方法八、教具准备:1.本课生词的单词卡片2.CAI教学课件3.相配套的教学录音带4.洋葱实物九、教学过程:Step1 Warming up1

5、. Play a game:“Me,too.”T: Ill tell you something about myself. If you are the same as me, please stand up and say“ Me, too.”Eg. I like red. I like noodles.I like strawberries.I like cats. I am from China.设计意图 通过一个简单的游戏,拉近师生之间的距离,从上课一开始就创设一种英语学习的氛围,同时所使用的句型又为接下来的课堂教学做好了铺垫。Step2 Presentation1.创设情境,导入新

6、课T: Today we are going to an interesting place. a) It has many trees and grass. b) It has many animals. c) It has many vegetables. d) There are potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and carrots.Can you guess? Where are we going?Ss: Farm. T: Yes, we are going to the farm. 出示【百度网页】呈现一个农场初步感知认识五种蔬菜http

7、:/ Look!Here come two cats. Guess! Whats this animal?出示CAI并让学生猜谜语:Hi! Im your friend. Im white. I have long ears. I can jump. Guess! Who am I ?Ss: Its a rabbit.T: Right. Cats like eating fish. What about the rabbit?Ss can answer it both in Chinese and English. Then T will show the word card and the

8、picture and drill it.( T 带读,抽个别小组读) Then lets count the carrots in the picture.Eg. One carrot, two carrots many carrots) 出示word card“carrots”并张贴,教师带读,抽查2小组读。2)I like carrots. They are yummy.(出示单词卡,背面注上中文,抽读个别学生,教师带读新单词) 趣味拍手操练chant: I like carrots. I like carrots.Yummy,yummy,yummy.(师生示范chant,生生pair

9、work)3) T: Look at the carrots. They are yummy.(出示句型,小组读,个别读)设计意图在多媒体的辅助下以一个谜语导入本课的新授知识,富有一定的创意,容易激发学生的好奇心,调动学生的积极性,并在自编的chant 中不知不觉地学习如何描述carrot 。3.Teach“cucumber(s)tenderfresh”1)T: Look! A plate. Whats on the plate? Who wants to come to the front and taste? Be brave! T: Close your eyes. Open your

10、mouth. Eat it. Tell us: What is it?S1: Its T: Yes. A cumumber. (出示单词卡)学生读。A game: Step the word Jump the word Shout the word cucumbers2)Show the pictures and the word card and count the cumumbers and elicit the word “cucumbers”.(Eg. One cucumber, cucumbers many cumumbers.)贴出图片和单词教学。T: Look at the cu

11、mumbers. Theyre tender. (出示实物黄瓜并拗段) Then , show the word “tender” and ask Ss to read it. 趣味操练: 生生互相击掌并摆手,cumumber,cumumber,tender, tender ,tender.(Use the different intonations.) 3)The cumumbers are tender. Theyre fresh. (Show two cumumbers and compare them.)Show the word card “fresh” and let Ss rea

12、d it.4)出示【百度网页】小组操练句子:“Look at Theyre”http:/ Look at the cumumbers. They are fresh. Look at the carrots. They are yummy.Look, so many things here. (apples,watermelons, oranges, carrots,cumumbers) Can you use “Look at Theyre”to describe them? 设计意图教师通过cumumber 并让学生品尝引出新单词的教学,并辅助一个单词游戏来深入巩固这个单词,通过比较让学生

13、了解fresh 的含义,这样直观教学法有助于学生理解和掌握单词。然后,教师结合学生已有的知识水平,出示大量的图片,让学生学着用句型Look at Theyre 对这些水果、蔬菜进行描述,把新旧知识有机地结合起来。4Teach“tomato (es)juicy”1)T: Look at the cumumbers. Theyre fresh. I like cumumbers.What does Sarah like? Listen and try to get the answer.(放录音: I like it very much. It is red. It is round. It is in the field. It is cheap in the market.)Ss: 当学生得出答案时,教师出示实物及单词,逐步引出one tomato, two tomatoes,从而引出tomato的复数形式。Play the finger exercises.请学生看老师的手指数量来判断应该使用tomato还是tomatoes。2)(出示实物tomato)T: Look at the tomatoes. What colour are they? Ss: T:Yes.Theyre red and juicy.(用刀切开并展示词卡)Then ask the boys and


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