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1、国家重大科研装备研制项目实施方案项目名称:用于昆虫微观结构及仿生学研究的显微CT研发总经费: 500 万元牵头单位:深圳先进技术研究院(盖章)项目 负责人 1:胡庆茂 Emai 1:qm. husiat.ac. cn电话:0755-26803556 手机: 13760104987项目 负责人 2:梁爱萍 Emai 1: liangapioz. ac. cn电话:010- 64807226 手机: 13522861810使用单位:中国科学院动物研究所联系人: 马人实施周期: 24 个月中国科学院计划财务局编制二OO八年3月17J Genant HK, Gordon C, Jiang Y, Lan

2、g TF, Link TM, Majumdar S. Advanced imaging of bone macro and micro structure. Bone 1999, 25(1): 149-152.8 Borah B, Gross GJ, Dufresne TE, Smith TS, Cockman MD. Chmielewski PA. Lundy MW. Hartke JR. Sod EW. Three-dimensional microimaging (MRmicroI and Micro-CT), finite element modeling, and rapid pro

3、totyping provide unique insights into bone architecture in osteoporosis. The Anatomical Record. 2001, 265(2): 101-110.9j Gross GJ, Dufresne TE, Smith T, Cockman MD, Chmielewski PA, Combs KS, Borah B. Bone architecture and image synthesis. Morphologic. 1999, 83(261): 21-24.10 许宋锋,王臻.Micro-CT在骨科的应用和进展

4、.中国骨肿瘤骨病.2004, 3(4): 236-241.11 Hu JH, Ding M, Soballe K, Bechtold JE, Danielsen CC, Day JS, Hvid I. Effects of short-term alendronate treatment on the three-dimensional microstructural, physical and mechanical properties of dog trabecular bone. Bone. 2002, 31: 591-597.12 Ding M, Odgaard A, Linde F,

5、 Hvid I. Age-rclatcd variations in the microstructure of human tibial cancellous bone. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2002, 20(3): 615-621.13 Jaecques SV, Oostenvyck HV, Muraru L, Cleynenbreugel TV, Smet ED, Wevers M, Naert I, Sloten JV. Individualized, micro CT-bascd finite element modeling as a

6、tool for biomechanical analysis related to tissue engineering of bone. Biomaterial. 2004, 25(9): 1683-1696.14 Lin ASP, Barrows TH, Cartmell SH, Guldberg RE. Micro-architectural and mechanical characterization of oriented porous polymer scaffolds. Biomatcrials. 2003, 24(3): 481-489.15 Ho ST, Hutmache

7、r DW. A comparison of micro CT with other techniques used in the characterization of scaffolds. Biomaterials. 2006, 27: 1362-1376.16 Morimoto K, Shimizu T, Furukawa K, Morio H, Kurosawa H, Shirasawa T. Transgenic expression of the EXT2 gene in developing chondrocytes enhances the synthesis of hepari

8、n sulfate and bone formation in mice. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2002, 292(4): 999-1009.17 Terakado M, Hashimoto K, Arai Y, Honda M, Sekiwa T, Sato H. Diagnostic imaging with newly developed ortho cubic super-high resolution computed tomography (orlho-CT). Oral Surgery, Ora

9、l Medicine, Oral Pathology. Oral Radiology and Endodontics. 2000, 89(4): 509-518.18 Arai Y, Honda K, Iwai K. Shinoda K. Practical model “3DX of limited cone-beam X-ray CT for dental use. International Congress Series. 2001, 1230: 713-718.191 王疆,倪龙兴,徐超,韩冰.逆向工程软件结合Micro-CT技术在牙体组织精细三维有限元模型建立中 的应用.第四军医大

10、学学报.2006, 27(8):744-747.120 郭履灿,陈惟昌.显微CT的发展及其对美容-保健的影响.CT理论与应用研究.2001, 10(2):41-42.121 Lee J, Beighley P, Ritman E, Smith N. Automatic segmentation of 3D micro-CT coronary vascular images. Medical Image Analysis. 2007, 11: 630-647.122 Guildberg RE, Ballock RT, Boyan BD, Duvall CL, Lin ASP, Nagaraja

11、S, Oest M, Phillips J, Porter BD, Robertson G, Taylor WR. Analyzing bone, blood vessels, and biomaterials with microcomputed tomography. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine. 2003, 22(5): 77-83.123 Wan SY, Ritman EL, Higgins WE. Multi-generational analysis and visualization of the vascu

12、lar tree in 3D niicro-CT images. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2002. 32: 55-71.124 Cnudde V, Masschaele B, Dierick M, Vlassenbroeck J, Van Hoorebeke LV, Jacobs P. Recent progress in X-ray CT as a geosciences tool. Applied Geochemistry. 2006, 21: 826-832.125 陈志华,潘琳,李红艳等.X射线相位衬度显微成像的原理与进展.CT理论与应用

13、研究.2005, 14(1):52-56.126 Poddar AH, Krol A, Beaumont J, Price RL, Slamani MA, Fawcett J, Subramanian A, Coman IL, Lipson ED, Feiglin DH. Ullrahigh resolution 3D model of murine heart from micro-CT and serial confocal laser scanning microscopy images. 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. 2615-2617.12

14、7 朱广文,张延军.PET/CT和微PET/CT的应用.大连医科大学学报.2005, 27(4): 321-323.128孙毅.仿生学研究的若干新进展.科技情报开发与经济.2006, 16(11): 143.29 邵世磊,周国民.昆虫信息数字化模型初步研究.安徽农业科学.2007, 35(10):2848-2850.30 杨红珍,沈佐锐,刘芳,张建伟,赵若琼.昆虫数字化博物馆的建设.昆虫知识Chinese Bulletin of Entomology. 2007,44(3): 440-445.四、研制项目的目标、任务和内容研究目标依据科研团队已有的工作基础和本项目的需要,设定研究目标如下:(1

15、)建立一个研究高分辨率昆虫微结构的显微-CT实验平台,为研究昆虫仿生学提供更精细 的构造依据,为昆虫三维建模提供技术支撑;(2)研究并解决从微观成像到图像分析、三维立体模型建立过程中的技术问题,为建立可交 互式的数字昆虫,并进一步创建全新的、更完整意义的数字化昆虫博物馆创造条件;(3)通过摸索和改进显微CT硬件、软件的性能,获得相应的知识产权,逐步实现显微-CT 从局部到整体的自主开发,为国内高清、快速的CT成像仪器的研制及开发提供基石。(4)选择我国特有昆虫,运用显微CT技术,围绕控制昆虫飞行的相关肌肉结构的形态多样性 及功能和全变态类昆虫幼期及成虫期头部肌肉形态、功能比较研究及其在个体发育

16、中的作用机理 研究两个核心课题;拓展形态学研究的新领域,并为仿生学和仿生器件研究、系统学等领域提供 新的思路和证据。4.1 研究内容研究内容主要包括两部分:代表性昆虫内部精细结构和功能形态的研究、显微CT的自主研 发。令 代表性昆虫内部精细结构和功能形态的研究具体就以下两个问题展开研究:1)控制昆虫飞行的相关肌肉结构的形态多样性及功能:昆虫是动物界中数量最多、分布最广、最具多样性的一个类群,其如此繁盛的原因主要归功 于飞行能力的获得。昆虫的翅分为前翅和后翅,大部分类群的前翅为膜翅,但也有特化的类群, 如半翅目昆虫前翅特化为半鞘翅、直翅目昆虫前翅特化为覆翅、鞘翅目昆虫前翅特化为鞘翅、双 翅目后翅及捻翅目前翅退化为平衡棒。翅的变化必然导致其功能的相应转变,如鞘翅目昆虫的鞘 翅主要起保护作用,其飞行主要由后翅完成;


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