外研版BOOK 5导学案Module 4

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1、初三上册英语导学案 Module 4 Great inventionsUnit Paper and printing have been used for ages(课前预习)、预习目标:1. 初步理解对话大意。 2 .理解记忆新单词和短语。3. 感知理解新语法:现在完成时和情态动词的被动语态。、预习过程一、 阅读对话,在文中划出下列词汇,并注出音标和词义。1、advantage (n.) / / 2、digital (adj.) / / 3、battery (n.) / / 4、charge (v.) / / _ 5、favour (n.) / / _ 6、publish (v.) / /_

2、7、ordinary (adj.) / / _8、replace (v.) / /_二、阅读对话,在文中找出下列短语,朗读并默写。1、能帮我个忙吗? 2、拍些照片_ 3、在参观之中 4、网络杂志 5、从现在开始 _ 6、意味着做 7、从书本中获得信息 8、被所取代_9、几个月 10、照看、负责(注意) 11、没关系 12、被借给某人 13、把留在 _ 14、给你 15、与相同 三、快读P26对话,回答问题:1、Why does Tony want to borrow his fathers digital camera ?2、Whats the important advantage of t

3、he online magazine ? 四、在对话中划出含有现在完成时、情态动词被动语态的句子,总结:现在完成时被动语态的构成:情态动词被动语态的构成:_五、再读对话,将下列句子与P27 activity 6 同义句匹配。A. Can I ask you a favour ? B. Whats wrong with an ordinary magazine ?C. Ill see to that . D. Is that clear ? E. Anyway , about the camera F. Promise六、语言点导学导练:1、Can I ask a favour ? 这是请求帮助

4、的一种表达方式,类似的说法还有:Could you do me a favour ? May I ask a favour of you ?Could you help me ,please ? Could you give me a hand ?肯定答语常用: Yes , all right . / OK / Certainly / With a pleasure否定答语常用: Sorry /Certainly not / Im afraid I cant2、 borrow 与 lend :borrow : 借来、借入 borrow sb sth = borrow sth from sb l

5、end : 借出、借给 lend sb sth =lend sth to sb七、预习重点自测:1.Can I ask a favour ? I cant find my bike .=Would you a favour ? I cant find my bike .2.Trains have already (被所替代)buses.3昨天我向爸爸借了一架相机。I a camera my father yesterday .=My father a camera me yesterday.4.Can he (borrow / lend) his football to us ?5. Miss

6、 Zhao encourages the children to (borrow / lend) books from school library.Unit Paper and printing have been used for ages . (课堂学习)、学习目标:1、 会用本课所学四会单词、短语2、 阅读理解对话并能复述,能用所学词汇、句型进行情景、口头表达和书面表达。3、 通过学习本单元,能激发学生进行发明创造的愿望,培养他们的创造性思维能力。、课堂学习过程:一、 交流检查:交流检查课前预习情况,生生、师生互动探讨解决预习中存在的问题。1. 用卡片复习本单元的单词和短语。 2、默写

7、几个重点短语二、自主学习1.Listen to tape , answer the questions:(1).What does Tony want to borrow from his father?(2).Can his father lend it to him ?(3). Has the battery been charged ?2 .Read the dialogue carefully , answer the questions:(4). How many issues have been published ?(5). What is going to be from no

8、w on ?(6). Does Tony think books can be replaced by computers ?(7). How long has the battery not been charged ?(8). How will Tony look after the camera ?3. listen and repeat in a low voice4.Read aloud for 7 minutes and try to fill in blanks .Tony wants to b digital camera f his father .He would like

9、 to t s p on the school visit t the museum . These photos are for his school magazine . Two issues h b p .But its going to be an o m from now on .Tony thinks if the magazine is online , paper w b n .His father thinks paper and printing h b u for ages ,but the same information can b r or even l t on

10、computers .Tonys dad is happy to l the camera to Tony , he tells Tony the battery . h b c for a c o months . Tony promises the camera w b l to anyone ,and it wont be l at school .三、课堂训练: A、用所给词的适当形式填空:1.Can books (replace) by computers ?2.The book written by Lao She (publish) many times .3. The batt

11、ery (not charge) for a couple of months .4.It (turn) off since your mums birthday party .5. These magazines (must return) to library in two weeks .B、完成句子6. Is an online magazine (与相同) an ordinary magazine ?7. Its going to be an online magazine (从现在开始) .8. Ill _ (照看) it .9. Tony wants to (拍些照片) the s

12、chool basketball match.教学反思新课标第一网Module 4 Unit 2 Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply(课前预习)、预习目标:1. 初步理解对话大意。 2. 理解记忆新单词和短语。、预习过程一、 阅读P28 课文,在文中划出下列词汇,并注出音标和词义。1、produce (v.) / / 2、invention (n.) / / 3、create (v.) / / 4、cotton (n.) / / 5、wood (n.) / / 6、ink (n.) / /7、block (n.) / / 8、knowledge (n.) / / 9. spread (v.) / / 二、按要求写出下列单词。10.invent (n.) 11. create (n.)


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