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1、为外贸新手量身定做的口语和礼仪礼节一A call from a buyer 客户来电接 时,由于无法看到对方的容貌、表情,只能听到对方的声音,因此对声音的敏感度就格外重要。对在外贸等部门工作的职员来说,接听外国客户打来的 是家常便饭。有的人一听到话筒传来“Hello的声音,常常会变得紧张,其原因一方面是怕听不太懂,另一方面是怕赶不上对方说话的阿速度,因而造成沟通不畅的情况。假设想克服这种恐惧感,首先,必须要把“听不懂很丢脸的念头丢掉才行。当你赶不上对方说话的速度时,可以委婉的说:Im sorry I cant follow you. Would you repeat it?抱歉,我跟不上你。你

2、愿意再说一遍吗?I couldnt catch you. Would you speak more slowly?我跟不上你。你愿意讲慢一点吗?万一周围环境太吵,以致于无法听清楚对方说话时,如果你说的是,Will you speak more clearly?(你能不能讲清楚点?)也许自尊心强的外国客户听来,可能会感到不快乐,因为用“clear“这个词,意思是对方讲话不够清楚,口齿不清。此时不妨改用以下说法,较为适宜:Would you speak more loudly, please?我听不见你说的话。你愿意讲大点声音吗?当你忙得不可开交,却接到一通冗长的 时,可以用Thank you f

3、or calling. I wish we could talk longer, but I have kept my visitor waiting.谢谢你打来 。我希望我们能谈一会,但我已经让来客久等了。这样,既使对方了解到谈话应该结束,同时也不会显得没有礼貌。我最初与老外通 时,也十分紧张,可是越紧张越听不懂。这可能需要一段时间才能克服这种心理。另外,听不懂的地方一定要再问,如果 里实在听不懂,可以跟客户说可否发邮件确认,以免造成误解。期待大家有接到任何人的 都能应对自由的那一天!英语爱好者 明天会给大家贴一些经典的 用语。可能觉得简单,但绝对实用,尤其是对于那些刚参加工作外语不是很好的

4、外贸人员。为外贸新手量身定做的口语和礼仪礼节二今天的内容是一些简单实用的 英语。看似简单,用的时候你可不一定会说呦。1. Hello, this is Company. Speaking.喂你好,公司。请讲。2. ABC Company. Good morning.这里是ABC公司。早上好。3. Who is calling, please?=May I ask your name?=May I have your name, please?=Who am I speaking to?请问你是哪位?4. May I speak to Mr. Cowley, please?=Id like to

5、 speak to Mr. Cowley.=Mr. Cowley, please.请找考利先生接 。5Would you give me the Overseas Department? =Overseas Department, please. =Would you please transfer me to the Overseas Department? =Could you connect me with the Overseas Department? 请接海外部。6Could you speak more slowly (loudly), please? 请说慢大声些。7. Cou

6、ld you say it again, please?=I beg your pardon?请再说一遍。8. One moment, please.=Just a moment, please.=Please wait for a moment.=Please hold the line a moment.=Please stay on the line.请稍等9. Just a moment, please. Ill call her.请稍等,我去叫她。10. Hold on, please. Ill get her for you. 请稍等,我去找她。11. I see, I will

7、transfer your phone to customer service. 知道了,我替你转接客户效劳部。12. This is Mary Zhang of Customer Service, thank you for your patience. 我是客户部张玛丽,让你久等了。13. Who do you want to speak to? =To whom would you like to speak? 轻微你找哪位?14. Im sorry, he is not here right now. =Im awfully sorry, he is not in just now.

8、抱歉,她现在不在。15. Im afraid hes on another line. Would you mind holding? 很抱歉,她正在听别人的 ,请问能否稍等一下?16. What number ar you calling? 你打的 号码是多少?17. Im sorry, theres no one by that name here. =Im sorry, ther e isnt anyone named in this office. 抱歉,这里没有这个人。18. Im afraid you have got the wrong number. 你好似打错号码了。19.

9、Im sorry you have the wrong extension. Hold on the line and Ill transfer you to Mr. Zhao. 很遗憾,你的分机号码没拨对。请稍候,我把 转给赵先生。20. We seem to have a poor connection. 信号不太好。21. Im sorry its a bad line. Please hang up and Ill call again.很遗憾,线路太糟了。把 挂了,我再给你打过来。22. Im afraid its a bad connection. Can you call bac

10、k?线路太糟了。部给我打过来,好吗?23. He is busy (tied up) at the moment. 他正忙。 He is out of the office. 他出去了。 He is in conference. 他在开会。 He is away on business. 他出差了。24. Can I have your name and number, please? 请问你贵姓? 号码是多少?25. Where can he contact you? 他该怎么与你联系?未完,待续为外贸新手量身定做的口语和礼仪礼节三【接上回】26What number are you cal

11、ling from, please?请问,你的号码是多少?27How do you spell your name?=Could you spell your name, please?你的姓名怎么拼写?28My telephone number is 3271-6879.我的 号码是32716879。29Good. Ill ask her to call you as soon as shes back. =Fine. Ill ask her to phone you as soon as she comes in.好的,她一回来,我就叫她给你打 。30Right. Ill let him

12、know when he is in.好的,他回来时,我告诉他。31Could you tell me when hell be back? =Can you give me some idea what time hell be in?=What time do you think hell be back?可以告诉我他什么时候回来吗?32I have something very urgent, please!我有要紧的事,拜托!33I have something very urgent, could you kindly let me know his mobile phone num

13、ber?我有很要紧的事,可不可以告诉我他的 号码?34Is there any message?May I take a message for him?要不要留话?35Please take a message for him.请转告他。36Can I leave a message for him?可以留言吗?37Could you let her know I called? This is Luo Gang.请转告她我给她打过 。我叫罗刚。38No, thank you. Its not urgent. Ill call back later.不用了,谢谢,没什么急事。我等会再打过来。

14、39Please ask him to call at 3287-6571.请他打32876571。40Please call back later.=Please call again later.请待会再打过来。41Would you like him to call you?要不要他给你回电?42The line is busy.=The line is engaged now. 正忙。43Thank you very much for calling.感谢你打来 。44Please feel free to call me again.欢送您再次致电。明天跟大家分享“接客户方面的用语。为外贸新手量身定做的口语和礼仪礼节四Picking up a Buyer 接客户到机场迎接客户,事先要和对方约在特定地点见面如:机场的咖啡厅等,以免找不到人。与人相约,要守时。让客户久等,是很失礼的行为。如果彼此没见过面,可先问清对方的外形、特征和当天穿着。当天到达约定地点,发现有符合特征的人,即可直接向前询问。如:A:Excuse me, are you Mrs. Penn?对不起,请问你是佩恩太太吗?B: Hello! Its a pleasure to meet you at last. 你好!很


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