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1、高二英语 单词典句考点(Unit 20NEW FRONTIERS) 北师大版选修7四点剖析单词典句考点1. assist vt. 帮助;协助经典例句 Li Hua has been assisting me with my English.李华一直帮助我学习英语。The designer asked me to assist him in designing a new building.设计者要我协助他设计一座新建筑物。考点聚焦1)派生词:assistance n. 协助, 援助, 补助; assistant n. 助手, 助教2)同义词:help vt. 帮助3) 固定搭配。assist

2、sb. with/in doing/sth. 帮助某人做某事。如:I assist my mother with/in doing housework every Sunday.我每个星期天帮助我妈妈整理家务。4)assist vi. 帮助;协助, 常和介词with/in连用。He assisted in designing the new bridge.他协助设计那座新桥。5)assist vi. 到场, 出席,参加,和介词in/at连用。如:She refused to assist at the reception for reasons unknown.不知什么缘故她不肯出席招待会。W

3、e assisted at the graduation ceremony last Monday.上周一我们参加了毕业典礼。6)短语:assist sb. to his feet搀扶某人站起来活学活用1. 选词填空Dont be nervous. The police will _ you in finding her address. (assistant,assist)答案:assist2. emotional adj. 感情的巧记提示 emotion(感情)-al(形容词后缀)经典例句 Sometimes emotional problems might lead to serious

4、 results.有时候情绪问题会导致严重的结果。考点聚焦1)派生词: emotionalize v. 使激动, 使动情;emotionally adv. 在情绪上;emotionless adj. 不露情感的, 没有情感的。2)emotional adj. 感情的。如:Winning gave us emotional satisfaction.获胜给予我们感情上的满足。3)emotional adj. 易动情的;感情脆弱的。如:She is an emotional actress.她是个善于表达情感的演员。活学活用2. 汉译英他的动人的演说鼓励了我们。_答案:His emotional

5、speech encouraged us.3. technical adj. 技术的巧记提示 technic(技术, 手法)-al (形容词后缀)经典例句 To build this machine,you must have technical ability.要制造这台机器,你们必须有技术能力。考点聚焦1)派生词: technicalize vt. 使技术化, 使专门化; technically adv. 技术上, 学术上, 工艺上; technician n. 技术员, 技师2) technical adj. 技术的,工艺的,技能的。如:He is looking for a techn

6、ical job.他正在寻找一个技术性的工作。活学活用3. 单项填空The job calls for _ skill.A. technicallyB. technicianC. technicD. technical答案:D4. handy adj. 方便使用的巧记提示 hand(手)-y(形容词后缀)经典例句 The school is close to our houses, so it is quite handy for the children.学校离我们家很近, 所以孩子们上学很方便。A vacuum cleaner is a handy household tool.吸尘器是一

7、种方便使用的家庭用具。考点聚焦1)同义词:useful adj. 有用的,有益的2)反义词:unhandy adj. 不方便的3)handy常和介词for连用。常作表语或定语。如:This is a handy little safety box. 这是一只方便使用的小保险箱。This house is handy for the market. 这房子离市场很近。4)固定搭配:sB. be handy with. . . 某人善用某种工具sth. is handy. 某物就在附近sth. come in handy. 某物迟早有用活学活用4. 汉译英王老师善于言谈。_答案:Mr. Wang

8、is handy with words.5. shortly adv. 不久;很快巧记提示 short(短的)-ly(副词后缀)经典例句 I shall be seeing him shortly.我不久就会见到他。Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were arrested.过了没有多久, 警察截住了那辆汽车, 两个贼都被抓获了。考点聚焦1)派生词:shortly adj. 立刻;不久;简短的2)合成词:shortsighted adj. 近视的, 眼光短浅的;shortwave n. 短波;shortwe

9、ight n. 重量不足, 短斤缺两3)短语shortly after. . . 之后立即;shortly before. . . 之前不久。活学活用5. We left shortly after six and we arrived _ the film started.A. shortly beforeB. short afterC. soonD. at once答案:A6. assess vt. 评价;评估经典例句 Damage caused by the flood to the village was assessed at $40, 000.洪水给这个村子造成的损失估定为4万美元

10、。考点聚焦1)派生词:assessment n. 估价, 被估定的金额2)assess常用于被动结构,后面接介词at。如:The annual income of teachers in this place was assessed at900.这地方的学校教师的收入为900美元。3)assess vt. 征税, 罚款。如:They assessed a tax of 300 yuan on me last month.上个月他们向我征税三百元。4)注意下列短语的用法:assess sb. at. . . 给某人估算assess tax on sb. s property对某人的财产征税as

11、sess sb. s efforts评价某人的工作活学活用6. 汉译英现在来评价新法规的效果为时尚早。_答案:It is too early to assess the effects of the new legislation.7. invest vt. 投资巧记提示 in(在里)+vest(衣服)经典例句 The state has planned to invest two millions in the dam.国家计划投资两百万元修建这个大坝。考点聚焦1)派生词:investable adj. 可供投资的2)invest vt. 投资, 投入。如:He invested all h

12、is money in his education.他把钱全部投入他的教育中。3) invest vt. 投入精力、时间等, 常与介词in连用。如:Ive invested a lot of time and effort in this plan.我已在这计划中投入了大量的时间和精力。She invested in a painting.她投资于一幅油画。4)invest vt. 笼罩;包围。如:Fog invests the city.大雾笼罩城市。The enemy invested the city and cut it off from our army.敌人包围了城市, 并把它同我

13、们的部队隔绝。5)invest vt. 授予, 和介词with连用。如:The trade union is invested with the power to call a strike.工会被授予号召罢工的权力。活学活用7. 单词拼写He i _ a lot of money and time in trying to help disabled children.答案:invested8. rescue vt. 拯救;救援经典例句 He rescued three children from the burning building.他从失火的建筑物中救出了三个孩子。The life

14、boat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.救生艇被派出去救沉船的水手。考点聚焦1)派生词:rescuer n. 救助者;rescuee n. 被营救者;rescuable adj. 可营救的, 可救援的2)rescue sb. /sth. from v. 营救某人。如:We rescued the boy who fell into the river.我们救起了掉进河里的小孩。3) come to sb. s rescue= go to sb. s rescue进行援救. 如:We came to his rescue and pulled him out of the river.我们来救他,把他从河里拉了出来。4)短语:search and rescue搜索和营救rescue party援救队9. original adj. 最早的;起初的巧记提示 origin(起源)+-al(形容词后缀)经典例句 Who was the original owner of this house?谁是这座房子最早的主人?The original price of the car was a bit too high.这辆汽车的原价太高了一点。考点聚焦1)派生词:originate vt. 引起


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