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1、英语写作-英语1个基本动词 1. accpt - eceed his nvitatn but I ddnt ccept.(我收到她的邀请,但我没接受。) 2. achieve-Hehoes ahiev all t mssoo . (她但愿不久达到所有目的。) 3 avis -My tacheradvise me to omore reding . (我的教师建议我多读。) ard-Mary wa notale aford a n ca.(玛丽买不起新车。).gre-Hr fater didnt gr tuy him a cmuter(她爸爸不批准给她买电脑。) 6. llw- Fatheral

2、owd me to go the ci (爸爸容许我去看电影。)7.affec -Te risei th ieof ice wl fectus all . (大米价格上涨影响我们所有人。) 8.amt-he s dmitte ito the uiversity.(她被大学录取。)9appear -aparsthat es lstintrst n ining(看来她对唱歌失去爱好了。)1.rive -T arrived in Hizhuon me (她们准时达到惠州。)1. attemp-He aempt to ad te nvel none sttn .(她试图一次读完那本故事。)12.att

3、-has nt lloedottend the ting.(她不容许参与会议。)3. trat -Bghtcolours attracbaies . (鲜艳的颜色可引起婴孩的注意。) 14. oid -We mus avod aking hesm miak(我们必须避免犯同一错误。)5. bcome(became, ecm)-he cuom h no become a rle. (那习俗现已变为成规。) 16 bgin (bgan,eun) - metngil beginatsevn cock . (会议将在七点开始。) 17. beliv -I belive wa ousay (我相信你说的

4、话。)8. bra (ro, boen)-He fell andbokehis l.(她跌倒,腿跌断了。)19. bng (rug,broug)-Bring me thepaper, leas(请把纸拿给我。)0. orrw -Tm aways borsmoney fromthe .(汤姆总是跟别人借钱。)2. buy (bog,o)wo ys omyistr bougt nexpensiv motin bke Then she ersuadetouy on 两年前,我姐姐买了一辆价钱昂贵的山地自行车,然后她说服我也买了一辆。22. cre-carsleoutsendingth mny on

5、himsef o lading a comfortab le. 她很少想到要把钱花在自己的身上,或享有舒服的生活。23caus-Touch otpanor iro r a men ycau irst egr burns短暂接触热锅或熨斗也许会引起一度烧伤。24.chage-Once sh has mad her min, nohingcan change t.她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她变化。5. cach (auht, cught)H s oi o ethem to thetrinatin to cc “True Nrt,” thecros-anaa train 她要带她们去火车站乘坐横越

6、加拿大的“真北方”号列车。26. choos (cos,chosen) joy Eglish, biogy n emistrBu wc onsould I os tostudyt unrity?我喜欢英语,生物和化学,但在大学我应当选择哪一门学科学习呢?7 olecndongso Jia Sixiclleted nformation ro goo fme, sudied t, and id eperimetsto fin th bt way. 为了这事她从有经验的农民那里收集信息,研究它,并做实验去找最佳方式。8 colt In 770, heAmbe Room wascompleted te

7、 way he ant. 77年,这间琥珀屋按照她的规定完毕了。29.onsder a Sixie wrote onhis advicein a ok caledQiMin ao Shu, ich s consideed t be aimportant summayofthe kowlede ofarming贾思勰在齐民要术这本书中记下了她的建议,这被觉得是农业知识的重要总结。0 cntrl nyhusnds of eopleded evey tme ther was deddisease otbreak.John Sone it would nverbeotrolledni iscauswa

8、s oun. 每次爆发致命的疾病(霍乱)时,就有大批的老百姓病死。约翰.斯诺懂得,在找到病源之前,疫情是无法控制的。3cost (os,cost) WangPnwi wa amazd ths n especilathe prices. Itcot re than god mealn hwn rtaurant. 王鹏伟对此感到吃惊,特别是对它们的价格。它比在她餐馆里吃一顿好饭还要贵。32.decideFindin tt hnu was heart-roken, her moter finaly decided to l the culecoss theil Way to eet one ear织

9、女伤心欲绝,最后王母只得决定让这对恋人每年跨过银河相会一次。3.cver he coury s coveredwith herryree flwers so ha i l a thut mit cvred wihnk sn. (节日里)整个国度到处是盛开的樱花,看上去就像覆盖了一层粉红色的雪。3. damage Sevral daylat mos ofthebiligs hih ha been mge wererpaired 几天后,大部分已经被损坏了的楼房被修好了。3. depnd Wheer li wlcotinueonthearthor mions o ears t coe willee

10、nd on wheher iproblem anboved. 生命能否在再地球上延续几百万年将取决于这个问题能否得到解决。36. esrbe Thre ofMark Twain most famus o decribpple on ths get riverthiissippe 马克.吐温最出名的三本故事描写了这条伟大的河流-密西西比河边的人们。37.detry 3:4 am on Jly 28, 96, he grae tuakeof the 0th ctury bgan. Erywhrethey ooke neary everythng was destroye. 1976年7月28日凌晨

11、3点42分,2世纪最大的地震开始了,人们无论朝哪里看,哪里的一切都几乎被毁了。38. dvelo Latr, soehue nils, calld dinosau, deelpd. 后来发展出一批叫做恐龙的巨型动物。39. discoer Fo exame, nethngsh iscer was that cimps hunt and eat meat an h alsodiscovered ow chims cmncewih echher. 比方说,她发现黑猩猩猎食动物,她还发现了黑猩猩之间是如何交流的。0 discusscuss whicsciene subjects (schaphysis, chemistry,biloy,geology and mathets)arepartofedie, bihemistry, geophysics orastronomy. 请讨论一下理科学科中(如物理,化学,生物,地质学和数学)哪一科是医药,生物化学地球物理学或天文学的一部分。41、drinkA man nnot whistleand ink at te saeie一种人不能同步又吹口哨又饮酒(一心不能二用)。2、nBr


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