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1、湖南省常德市2020届高三英语上学期期末协作考试试题(扫描版)2019年下学期高三期末协作考试 英语 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 ACABB 6-10 ABACC 11-15 BCCBB 16-20 ABCAC21-25 BACBB 26-30 DCDCA 31-35 BBCBA 36-40 CAGFD41-45 ABADC 46-50 ACDCB 50-55 DBCAD 56-60 DBCBA61. that/which 62. in 63. are made 64. simply 65. is66. while 67. to satisfy 68. collection 69. le

2、ss 70. walking71.has achieved amazingly- amazingly amazing72. she start snowboarding- start started.73. that she could easily- that where74. because a terrible - because because of75. both of her leg.- leg legs76. Amy felt depressing.- depressing depressed.77. By the time he was 21,- he she78. At th

3、e first- 去掉the79. According with Amy-with to80. our fears which allows-which that书面表达One possible version:Dear James, Im so excited that youre agreed to celebrate the Spring Festival with me at my home!We can be ready to have you here two or three days before the festival. When you arrive here, we c

4、an work together to put up Chinese New Year Couplets, which is a part of our New Year celebrations, and you can learn some Chinese characters meanwhile. During the festival, we will visit my relatives and get lucky money. Thats a Chinese tradition and theres lots of fun. Ill also take you to some fl

5、ower markets, where we can appreciate various kinds of beautiful flowers and even buy some for the house decoration.Please let me know what else you would like to experience and Ill do my best. I cant wait to meet you here.Looking forward to hearing from you.部分解析阅读理解第一节A篇主题语境:人与社会-自然生态 本文是应用文,文章来源于B

6、BC“城市掠影”系列,介绍了英国伦敦四个公园的相关信息。21.细节题。从第五段第二行可得知,在RegentsPark可以遛狗。答案选B 22.推理判断题。从第一段第三,四行可得知,皇家公园直到19世纪才允许平民入内。答案选A23.推理判断题。该文章介绍了伦敦的四个公园,所以是旅游类型的文章。答案选CB篇主题语境:人与自我-生活与学习 本文是记叙文,文章来源于2019届北京市高三人大附中高三调研卷。作者讲述了自己走出舒适区,挑战自我,完成跑步项目的故事。24. B。根据文章第一段“pushing outside my comfort zone was not something I was ra

7、ised to do”可知作者不会主动突破自己的舒适区,因此答案为B。A项作者只是说自己不喜欢跑步,并非不喜欢所有运动;C项根据文章第四段“I started to join him at the track”可知作者是自己开始跑步,并非被丈夫说服;D项根据“I hesitated about doing it”可知作者并没有完全准备好。 25. B。根据文章“tough”,“breathing heavily and painfully”,“discomfort”,“pain”等词语可知作者这跑步的过程中非常痛苦,因此答案为B。其他三项均不符合作者的感受。 26. D。根据文章倒数第四段“I

8、 knew that if I actually finished this race I would have achieved something. So, I straightened up, and kicked it.”可知,作者在冲线时最后鼓舞她的是能够完成一些事情,因此答案为D。A不是最后鼓舞作者的因素;B项文章未提及受到奖牌的鼓舞;C项应该是人群的鼓舞,而非来自其他选手的鼓舞。 27. C。根据文章最后一段“My lungs and my comfort zone both expanded.”可知作者认为跑步让自己跳出了舒适区,因此答案为C。A项虽然作者完成了,但是完成地很艰

9、难;B项未提及;D项作者只是认为amazing,并不是most amazing的经历。C篇主题语境:人与社会-社会与文化 本文是说明文,讲述了英语语言中的“双关”现象及其历史,文章选用自21世纪英语报环球视野。28. D。根据第一段“And who decided to name the butchers Meat you there and the fish and chip shop The Plaice to Come?”可知炸鱼和薯条店叫作The Plaice to Come,选D。29. C。根据第二段最后一句“In shop titles and adverts, puns are

10、 used to get our attention.”可知C选项正确,其他选项文中均没有提到。30. A。作者在第二段解释什么是双关,第三段说双关有悠久的历史以及最后两段证明自己观点的时候都举了很多例子,因此主要是通过举例子还证明自己的观点的,故选A。31.B。文章讲到了广告和商店名称为什么喜欢用双关、双关在英国很久以前就有、双关能表达重要的信息和态度,所以总结起来,文章主要解释了为什么双关在英国这么常见,或者说为什么英国人对双关那么喜爱,因此选B。D篇主题语境:人与社会科学与文化 本文是议论文,文章讨论了人们为什么要违规并就此问题给出了一些建议。文章选用陕西师范大学附属中学高三下学期第十次

11、模拟考试试题。32 B 推理判断题。根据第二段中的but creativity was. The more creative you are, the easier it is to retell the story of what happened when you behaved dishonestly.可知,越是有创造力的人越有可能违规,因此设计师比起会计、清洁工和打字员更有可能违规。33 C推理判断题。根据第四段中的They told volunteers that others in the room were making more money than they were for

12、 getting questions right on a test.可知,参加实验的志愿者得知其他人比他们得到的钱多,感到不公平,因此要通过作弊的方式答对更多的题得到更多的钱。34 B 词义猜测题。最后一段中的Keep yourself fed and well-rested Reflect on how your actions look through others eyes and see yourselves in a positive light.就是作者对于违规问题给出的解决方法。35 A 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章就违规问题展开讨论,其中二、三、四段分别介绍了人们违规的三个

13、原因。A项概括了文章的主要内容,故最适合作文本标题。第二节:主题语境:人与社会-科学与技术 文章来自VOA健康专栏,文章介绍了牙齿健康与心脏健康的关系。 答案详解(略)语言知识运用第一节主题语境:人与自我生活与学习本文是记叙文。盲人Matthew Shifrin 收到朋友Finkel礼物-一套乐高玩具以及为他专门编写的用法说明书。他推己及人,促进了乐高公司推出“盲人说明书”,更多的视障儿童得以享受搭建乐趣。文章来自于21世纪英语报。41. A。从下文“As a blind person, Shifrin had never before been able to complete a Lego

14、 set.”可知Shifrin玩的是乐高拼插玩具,所以答案为A。42. B。因为Shifrin是盲人,所以Finkel专门为他编写了用法说明书,所以答案为B,especially专门。43. A。从下文“Shifrin had never before been able to complete a Lego set.”可知答案为A,set意为“装置”。44. D。这里对应上文的“And with it wereinstructions that Finkel made for it.”45. C。mix together 混在一起;fix together固定在一起;fit together组装在一起;gather together 集合在一起。Fin


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