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1、2022年考博英语-湘潭大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Jan Hendrik Schons success seemed too good to be true, and it was. In only four years as a physicist at Bell Laborites, Schon, 32, had co-authored 90 scientific papers one every 16 days dealing with new discoveries in superconductivity, lasers, nanotechnology

2、and quantum physics. This output astonished his colleagues, and made them suspicious. When one co-worker noticed that the same table of data appeared in two separate paperswhich also happened to appear in the two most prestigious scientific journals in the world, Science and Naturethe jig was up. In

3、 October 2002, a Bell Labs investigation found that Schon had falsified and fabricated data. His career as a scientist was finished. Scientific scandals, which are as old as science itself, tend to follow similar patterns of presumption and due reward.In recent years, of course, the pressure on scie

4、ntists to publish in the top journals has increased, making the journals much more crucial to career success. The questions are whether Nature and Science have become too powerful as arbiters of what science reach to the public, and whether the journals are up to their task as gatekeepers.Each scien

5、tific specialty has its own set of journals. Physicists have Physical Review Letters, neuroscientists have Neuron, and so forth. Science and Nature, though, are the only two major journals that cover the gamut of scientific disciplines, from meteorology and zoology to quantum physics and chemistry.

6、As a result, journalists look to them each week for the cream of the crop of new science papers. And scientists look to the journals in part to reach journalists. Why do they care? Competition for grants has gotten so fierce that scientists have sought popular renown to gain an edge over their rival

7、s. Publication in specialized journals will win the acclaims from academics and satisfy the publish-or-perish imperative, but Science and Nature come with the added bonus of potentially getting your paper written up in The New York Times and other publications.Scientists tend to pay more attention t

8、o the big two than to other journals. When more scientists know about a particular paper, theyre more apt to cite it in their own papers. Being oft-cited will increase a scientists “Impact Factor,a measure of how often papers are cited by peers. Funding agencies use the Impact Factor* as a rough mea

9、sure of the influence of scientists theyre considering supporting.1.The achievements of Jan Hendrik Schon turned out to be( ).2.To find why scientific scandals like Schons occur, people have begun to raise doubt about the two top journals for( ).3.The expression the cream of the crop” in Paragraph 3

10、 likely means( ).问题1选项A.surprisingB.inconceivableC.praiseworthyD.fraudulent问题2选项A.their academic prestigeB.their importance to career successC.their popularity with scientific circlesD.their reviewing system问题3选项A.the most of allB.the best of allC.the recently releasedD.the widely spread【答案】第1题:D第2题

11、:A第3题:B【解析】1.推理判断题。题干询问Jan Hendrik Schon的成就被证明是。在第一段中,最开始讲到Schon的成绩好得令人难以置信,而后其同事发现他是抄袭的,然后贝尔实验室的调查发现了他伪造和捏造了数据, 所以他结束了其科学生涯。所以D选项“骗人的”正确。2.细节事实题。题干询问为了找出像肖恩这样的科学丑闻发生的原因,人们开始怀疑两个顶级期刊上。由第二段第二句 “The questions are whether Nature and Science have become too powerful as arbiters of what science reach to

12、the public, and whether the journals are up to their task as gatekeepers. 他质疑的问题是,自然和科学是否已经变得过于强大,成为科学走向公众的仲裁者,以及这些期刊是否能够胜任它们作为看门人的任务。”确定A选项“它们的学术声誉”正确。3.推理判断题。题干询问第3段中的“the cream of the crop”可能是指。由第三段第四句 “As a result, journalists look to them each week for the cream of the crop of new science paper

13、s. 因此,记者们每周都要从这些新发表的科学论文中寻找精华。”确定B选项“所有中最好的”正确。2. 单选题The Chinese, who began systematic astronomical and weather observation shortly after the ancient Egyptians, were assiduous record-keepers and because of this can claim humanitys longest continuous( )of natural events.问题1选项A.defianceB.documentation

14、C.maintenanceD.domination【答案】B【解析】名词词义辨析。A选项的defiance “挑战,挑衅,蔑视”;B选项的documentation “文件”; C选项的maintenance “维持,维修,保养”;D选项的domination “支配,统治”。根据句意 中国人继古埃及人之后旋即展开了有系统的天文与气候观察,可谓是勤勉不辍的文献记录者,基于这一原因,中国人可声称拥有人类历史上对自然事件最漫长悠久、持之以恒的文献记载确定B 选项正确。3. 单选题One of the most difficult aspects of deciding whether curren

15、t climatic events reveal evidence of the impact of human activities is that it is hard to get a measure of what constitutes the natural variability of the climate. We know that over the past millennia the climate has undergone major changes without any significant human intervention. We also know th

16、at the global climate system is immensely complicated and that everything is in some way connected, and so the system is capable of fluctuating in unexpected ways. We need therefore to know how much the climate can vary of its own accord in order to interpret with confidence the extent to which recent cha


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