广东省八年级(下)Unit 4单元小测

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1、八年级(下)Unit 4单元小测从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 6. - The color of the shirt does not _ that of the coat. - Oh. Can you help me choose another_?A. compare; one B. compare; itC. match, one D. match; it( ) 7. - Why _ he_ another chance? - Because I dont think he can do better.A. can; give B. can;

2、 be givenC. cant; give D. cant; be given( ) 8. - Why should red dresses _ on the wedding in China? - Because red is a _ of good luck.A. be worn; symbol B. wear; symbolC. be worn; reason D. wear; reason( ) 9. -_ the flowers_? - Yes. I watered them this morning.A. Have; watered B. Have; been wateredC.

3、 Does; water D. Did; water( ) 10. -My sister wants to move to Kunming. She thinks the _ there is nice. - Tell her not to_ important matters too quickly A. weather; keep off B. program; keep off C. weather; decide on D. program; decide on( ) 11. - Which team will you play _ in the final match? - Lion

4、 Team. I dont think we can win because the team is _ than our team. A. against; much stronger B. against; much weaker C. for; much stronger D. for; much weaker( ) 12. - Mom, Tom and Jerry is so interesting that I cant stop _ it. - But I have to give you a(n) _ Watching too much TV isnt good for your

5、 eyes. A. to watch; warning B. watching; warning C. to watch; example D. watching; example( ) 13. - I will give him a call and you can _ what he says by using the phone. -_. Lets do it now. A. record; Great idea B. reach; Great idea C. record; Youre welcome D. reach; Youre welcome( ) 14. - We should

6、 learn some_ life skills. - Yeah. Learning how _ our clothes is as important as studyingA. basic; washing B. terrible; washingC. basic; to wash D. terrible; to wash( ) 15. - Will you be_ this Saturday? I want to invite you to my wedding. - Of course. It is a surprise _ the good news.A. free; to hear

7、 B. free; heardC. nervous; to hear D. nervous; heard( ) 16. - The movie star appears to be _ his forties. - He is 53 years old. Most of the_ look younger than their real age. A. on; actors B. in; actors C. on; teachers D. in, teachers( ) 17. -_! A car is coming. - Playing football should be full of_

8、, but playing in the street is too dangerous.A. Look at; dream B. Look out; dreamC. Look at; fun D. Look out; fun( ) 18. - The _was so big! - Yes, it was A boat _ yesterday. A. cloud; knocked over B. wave; was knocked over C. cloud; was knocked over D. wave; knocked over ( ) 19. - They stole the car

9、 for fun, but now theyre _.They were caught by the policemen. - What _ boys! A. in trouble; silly B. in danger; silly C. in trouble; ordinary D. in danger; ordinary( ) 20. - Are you _ to take part in the singing match. - Yes. I want to _the highest and win.A. special; score B. ready; scoreC. special

10、; jump D. ready; jumpII完形填空。(每小题2分,共20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。The bowl was empty. Oh, no! Where are my noodles? I put them at the window at around 4:00 pm! shouted Mom. Im going to take them to the school party tonight. What am I going to do? I decided to help my mom _21_ her lo

11、st noodles. Dont worry, Mom. Ill _22_ clues (线索), I said as I started looking around. The noodles were in the bowl, at the window. I ran _23_ to check for footprints. There were not any of them! It must be an inside job. Who would be my _24_ suspect (嫌疑犯)? I went to my baby sister Lauries room. I ch

12、ecked in her toy box, and in the closet. There was no _25_ of the noodles. Next, I went to my father. I _26_ him if he saw the noodles. He worked in the garden for the whole afternoon. He didnt _27_ anything about the noodles. I continued to _28_. Could a thief come into our _29_ and help himself to

13、 dinner? I looked around. Suddenly, I saw two birds through the opened window They are _30_ long noodles. The case was closed. It was the birds who stole the noodles.( ) 21. A. add B. find C. return D. create( ) 22. A. look like B. look up C. look for D. work as( ) 23. A. downstairs B. upstairs C. outside D. inside( ) 24. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth( ) 25. A. sign B. topic C. culture D. note( ) 26. A. reminded B. described C. advised D. asked( ) 27. A. offer B. know


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