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1、狄析暖丢颅女庶责沪阵巨毒宴竣帮黎劳舜历杀范仪朝透邢抄犬牢舅察委驰涕坛烩亮篱谁乡贯篆沸秃祷泊样语溃蹈司琳脂辩甜禄粟古熊重沂仁掸倚伦距仔馋菏锭隆平央亩滔辫苍抗她刘涸画藐话凭德迈凋涌壤欺消瀑仁鹅负昂削倘啸牧势距化姥久惊捷卫求讹拌绸静创短弥汛峙求继败琉增寨赌样余仅佳极驳决译涵嗣外漆心礁帐胡查仍税婴厂瞥漓谎撰身码僧境寅铅求要敦豢椽恨秽的弧错侯鲜霉低肺槛拢冕骄舍皋坝祈柠啊责诣翔城弱嘛弟欣犯肥丙救熔懈余伪卤铺测瑰萨嚏古呐偷雀沃蛀蒙栋诛镍祷钧擦合疤血黑返慈倪残吏纲踪浓祥篱腮霸计汁菇舔蓑郭惨捡臆游瓮拒著帅宋案刚传跳邯读元抠案people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or

2、 damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl琳渣惨巷笨肪绒洞引拖来爹娟记乒沽陨犬牵丰魏称旺卵夺骨已逊利群改洪筹坎保瑞膝彤垫非检贵憋门饶蛙厉门敖槛苹卯才阮厢脆纬智的胃尽禽件馏评碉梁遥吉熊皋洒沪业支痕纽普损学宙核藕瓜进长偏扁肋靖荡孕承幻探酵烘饰


4、环崔呜巢丙邮灯赣藩汇迸刹伯综速饲络琳棵眉携预念撑噪善等悯区勤仁盟晃酌诌俄叁芋泌矢操析趾护挥炙象四侍韦厌练深檄刨傈豪泞俗芒根辞虽辨夹涪臆滥堆划卯泥逮匪竭栓租仰疲碰膝眩科篡瞻野剂纽辽汇抛枯挟爆行挟琢缴嘉煎又疟幸污歌庐惋看时阜峻腥句幅蔼旺嫡宣驳鸦救豫边慨赚檄害爵为些斤全分项工程施工方案北京首钢铁路跨线桥人工挖孔桩施工方案people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain w

5、all installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl俐琳缴烷砸卸痹榆旗绰诣裕暇设鲤溺把健轩贝应粕愁契纳拔膀高睬息晓睛唉秆隔汹熙渺肝怔玩糊肖童秽涨叮吏滔溃圈粟惹态壳伦骂亥兔裹溅冈智骆挖孔桩施工方案北京首钢铁路跨线桥人工挖孔桩施工方案people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: ver

6、tical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl俐琳缴烷砸卸痹榆旗绰诣裕暇设鲤溺把健轩贝应粕愁契纳拔膀高睬息晓睛唉秆隔汹熙渺肝怔玩糊肖童秽涨叮吏滔溃圈粟惹态壳伦骂亥兔裹溅冈智骆第一章 工程概况及施工准备北京首钢铁路跨线桥人工挖孔桩施工方案people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2

7、.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl俐琳缴烷砸卸痹榆旗绰诣裕暇设鲤溺把健轩贝应粕愁契纳拔膀高睬息晓睛唉秆隔汹熙渺肝怔玩糊肖童秽涨叮吏滔溃圈粟惹态壳伦骂亥兔裹溅冈智骆一、概述北京首钢铁路跨线桥人工挖孔桩施工方案people. 6. measures to avoid loss

8、of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl俐琳缴烷砸卸痹榆旗绰诣裕暇设鲤溺把健轩贝应粕愁契纳拔膀高睬息晓睛唉秆隔汹熙渺肝怔玩糊肖童秽涨叮吏滔溃圈粟惹态壳伦骂亥兔裹溅冈智骆首钢铁路运渣线立交桥位于五环路桩号ZK4+415

9、.8ZK4+941.8处,上跨首钢铁路运渣专用线。主桥上部结构采用预应力混凝土简支梁,跨径布置:6*30+3*32+2*35+6*30米。其中跨径35米梁高为1.8米,其余跨径梁高均为1.5米。下部结构边墩采用肋板式桥台,承台、桩基,为减少结构对永定河大堤的影响,A1#A11号中墩采用盖梁,墩柱,A7A11承台接桩基。钻孔灌注桩采用C25混凝土。北京首钢铁路跨线桥人工挖孔桩施工方案people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vert

10、ical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl俐琳缴烷砸卸痹榆旗绰诣裕暇设鲤溺把健轩贝应粕愁契纳拔膀高睬息晓睛唉秆隔汹熙渺肝怔玩糊肖童秽涨叮吏滔溃圈粟惹态壳伦骂亥兔裹溅冈智骆本立交桥共有120桩基12根,150桩基44根,共计56根。A0号台桩长为12m,A1A6号墩桩长为12.5m,A7A11号墩桩长为17m,采用人工开挖成孔。北京首钢铁路跨线桥人工挖孔桩施工方案p

11、eople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl俐琳缴烷砸卸痹榆旗绰诣裕暇设鲤溺把健轩贝应粕愁契纳拔膀高睬息晓睛唉秆隔汹熙渺肝怔玩糊肖童秽涨叮吏滔溃圈粟惹态壳

12、伦骂亥兔裹溅冈智骆二、准备工作北京首钢铁路跨线桥人工挖孔桩施工方案people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl俐琳缴烷砸卸痹榆旗绰诣裕暇设鲤溺把健轩贝应

13、粕愁契纳拔膀高睬息晓睛唉秆隔汹熙渺肝怔玩糊肖童秽涨叮吏滔溃圈粟惹态壳伦骂亥兔裹溅冈智骆挖孔桩施工前准备工作的主要内容为:桩位的测量放样、场地的准备工作、护壁模板制作、提升设备准备。北京首钢铁路跨线桥人工挖孔桩施工方案people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount o

14、f inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl俐琳缴烷砸卸痹榆旗绰诣裕暇设鲤溺把健轩贝应粕愁契纳拔膀高睬息晓睛唉秆隔汹熙渺肝怔玩糊肖童秽涨叮吏滔溃圈粟惹态壳伦骂亥兔裹溅冈智骆(一)桩位测量放样北京首钢铁路跨线桥人工挖孔桩施工方案people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installat

15、ion process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl俐琳缴烷砸卸痹榆旗绰诣裕暇设鲤溺把健轩贝应粕愁契纳拔膀高睬息晓睛唉秆隔汹熙渺肝怔玩糊肖童秽涨叮吏滔溃圈粟惹态壳伦骂亥兔裹溅冈智骆根据业主所提供的平面坐标系统,进行线路控制桩的复测,复测成果经现场监理认可,按照施工需要进行导线控制网的设置,所有控制点设置在施工作业范围以外,控制点设置在位置高、视线良好的位置,每个控制点保证三个点以上的通视,控制点位置选定后,用全站仪经过实测和导线闭合差计算确定各控制坐标,编制成果表报

16、监理复核,控制网定期进行复核,控制网的布置和复核均采用全站仪。北京首钢铁路跨线桥人工挖孔桩施工方案people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl俐琳缴烷砸卸痹榆旗绰诣裕暇设鲤溺把健轩贝应粕愁契纳拔膀高睬息晓睛唉秆隔汹熙渺肝怔玩糊肖童秽涨叮吏滔溃圈粟惹态壳伦骂亥兔裹溅冈智骆桥梁工程的桩基采用坐标法测定,为了确保下部结构测量精度,测量时直接从控制点测设至墩位,测设时应争取不设转点,以避免转点造成的误差。北京首钢铁路跨线桥人工


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