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1、2022-2023年考博英语-中国社会科学院模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题By the early eighth century, the Byzantine empire had lost roughly two-thirds of the territory it had possessed in the year 600, and its remaining area was being raided by Arabs and Bulgarians, who at times threatened to take Constantinople and( ) the empire a

2、ltogether.问题1选项A.regainB.diminishC.extinguishD.withstand【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项regain“恢复;收回”;B选项diminish“减少;缩小”;C选项extinguish“熄灭;使破灭,消除”;D选项withstand“抵挡;反抗”。句意:到8世纪初,拜占庭帝国已经失去了公元600年所拥有的大约三分之二的领土,其剩余的领土遭到阿拉伯人和保加利亚人的袭击,他们有时威胁要占领君士坦丁堡,把整个帝国。由句意可知,C选项符合题意。2. 单选题Chicagos segregation of minorities is as old

3、as the city itself. The African-American neighborhoods of todays South and West sides are located in exactly the same parts of the city as the African-American neighborhoods of 1910. And from 1930 to today, these African America neighborhoods have been represented in Congress and in the state house

4、by African-American politicians, who have done very little (other than pass Federal benefit programs) to lift African-Americans out of poverty. In the 2000 Census, for example, of the ten poorest census tracts in the entire United States, nine were located in the South and West Side African-American

5、 areas ruled by African-American congressmen Bobby Rush and Jesse Jackson Jr. The concept of Western Imperial Colonialism is very popular in the literature of racial exploitation. The continent of Africa was divided up into “colonies” by the major European Imperial powers in a very short period of t

6、ime: just seven years, from 1885 to 1892. Previously, Britain had seized vast territories belonging to other cultures for hundreds of years. But in 20th century America a new type of colony was invented: American urban colonies in the large metropolitan areas from the Midwest and Northeast to Los An

7、geles. These were made possible by the Great Migration of African-Americans from the South to the North, which began during WWI. As they moved north, African-Americans were immediately confined to ghettoes defined by racial boundaries. No one doubts that this segregation was done intentionally. But

8、its important to realize that this segregation was not created by the racist attitudes of the residents of Chicago (Chicago never had slaves) but by the ruling political elite. As soon as the African-American population of Chicago began to expand, the Great Depression hit and put many persons out of

9、 work. FDRs response to this was to create the New Deal programs of welfare, food assistance, and subsidized housing. While this greatly helped unemployed persons of all races, for African-Americans it began the ghettoization of their people into what can only be called urban colonies in the large c

10、ities of the north. The pattern seen in the20 largest cities of the United States from 1920 to 2010 is remarkably consistent. In 1920 19 of the twenty largest cities were all located in the North. All of these nineteen cities were from 92.5% to 99% white. The one exception was Baltimore, MD and that

11、 was 85% white. It had a slightly larger black population only because it was a port of entry for the slave trade. Similarly, all of these cities saw great increases in their black populations starting in 1920. By 1990 these cities were from 26 to 76% black. These cities did not lose whites because

12、African-Americans moved in. Rather, it is more accurate to say that Americans are a highly migratory group, and the big cities were ports of entry for European immigrants. So as whites left, politicians wanted to maintain their population numbers.By the 2010 Census the cities with the highest black

13、populations were Detroit, MI, which was 83%black, and Newark, NJ which was 52%. (Sources: Census paper No. 76 and Census 2010 Quick facts).And since in all the major industrial cities of the North, the destinations of job-seeking African-American migrants were controlled by Democrats, it is overwhel

14、mingly clear that these great pockets of urban poverty were created and maintained by that one political party. Tragically all of these cities have very high rates of segregation, poor education for African-Americans; high unemployment, single motherhood, and crime. In Chicago, “negro wards” as they

15、 were then called, were quickly drawn up: their boundaries reflected (and promoted) the racial segregation of the time. Their political representatives were African-American, and they were expected to deliver votes to the Democratic Party. Most Americans dont know that Chicago is the center for blac

16、k politics.Furthermore, since Lincoln freed the slaves, African-Americans in Chicago voted for Republicans, until a Democratic Mayor, Anton Cermak, took over; fired all the thousands of African-Americans who Republicans had given city government jobs, and took over the black vote. Since that time Chicagos African-Americans have been represented exclusively by black politicians, and always lived in poverty. What made the black subma


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