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1、Factosinluencingcnsumr beho: 1 Cltural factor: ltura;subcultual; buye 2 scil-refeene grus:amily; rlean tu persoal: age nd le-cle; econm stuation ifestyle; personalitynd self-cnct:psycholoal: mtivain; beifes ad attius;perepion; leaning.What iscnumer ehvior? The stdy of the poeses when r groups selt,p

2、urcas,se,or dipo of poducts erices ideasor eperience tsts eed sire消费者行为:个体或群体在为满足需要和欲望而挑选,购买,使用或解决产品,服务,创意或经验时所波及的过程。ole heory: idntifie cnuss ors nth mrkeplcstage。角色理论:觉得许多消费者行为都类似于戏剧中的情节的观点。xchang: transaction in hi tw o more oranizainsopeopl given recive something of vau.交易:两个或更多的组织或个人互相付出并获取某种价值

3、的过程。Conmr:a eson who identfis d r die ,akes a pucas,an h dispose of the roc.消费者:确认一种需要和欲望,进行购买,或解决该产品的人。ople my e invoved i ths seqeneof eenspcae/userinuencernsumers y k he formof organizationorgroup.Marketsgntaon: identiirous o onumerswho ar siia to one anoher inon o moewas,dthen devisearketi sregi

4、es tt ppeal to one ormore grs.市场细分:拟定在某一方面或多方面互相类似的消费者群体,然后制定出吸引一种或多种群体的营销方略的过程。Reationsh markeng 关系营销:arketes obeliee inspiooy, nteract wih customes on a regulbasis ng temrasn to mainaina bondwh themp over tim.Demograc:sttistic tht mesueobsebe asects f populaton.Sch aagegeder amily struce social la

5、ss ad ncom raeand ehncty liftyl.人口记录变量:可观测的人口特性量度,如年龄,性别。Markeg mpact sumes pular culture :constin of te muic moes spots boos celeriies ,ad otheformsof entertainmen consmed bythe masmrket.大众文化:为大众市场合消费的音乐,电影,体育,书籍,名人及其她娱乐形式。Markets pa a iniicant role n ou view theworl nd how we live n it.he meaning

6、o cosumption:peope ofer yprducsno for wht te o, butorwha they mea.Type ofrlatosip erson mgt have wit a roduct 1self-cnpt attachment :the prodct lsto estalshthess idetity自我概念依附性:产品可以协助确立使用者的身份。 2 nostalgicatchmt :the podut a prtf te uers dal routine怀旧依附性:产品与过去的经历有所结合。 3 inerdepenene :he produt isa ar

7、tof th ur”s dily tin.互相依赖性:产品与平常事务不可分割。 4 ove:th duct ecits otional bnd of wamth ,ssion ,or other stog mtion.与爱有关的消费:产品可以引起温暖,与爱有关的激情。Consupti includes inanglexperiene,ideas, and srvesn additon totangibleobjetsFour distinc types of osumpin : nsumin as exprience 2 cnsuingaiegrton 3 consungasssiiation

8、 4onsmig asay体验式消费The gl coner ;全球性消费文化 B ,the ajoriy fpoe on Earth will le n rb ees. Sophisicatmketing stragie contribute t aglobal conum uture. Vrul onsmption 虚拟消费: he dgal revoutio i on of themo igifn ifluence on consumer behvor,a he imrof thewb wil cninue t xpd as ore and mre peoplound th world

9、og n .Biess hics :ae rlesofcoduct tat gide acointhemrketpce.商业道德:引导市场行为的行为规范Adici nsumptin : s apysioialo psychoogca endncy onodts or servicesComplsiv consmpton: .失控型消费refrst repeiiv shoppin, ofn xcessve as a andote to tesion , antdoteto esion ,anxity, deprein, or bedm:反复的,并且常常是过度的购物行为,用来减轻压力,焦急,沮丧或

10、无聊。 onsme cnss :ar peop w a sed or exploitd,wiling or ot ,for ommrcil ain inth makplace. 被消费者:不管与否乐意,在市场上为了商业利益而被使用或被运用的人。Cnsme eft: hinge i he induty term for invenor and ahlosses frm holifting mplyee ef nticonsuptin:vents wh poduct and srvicesar dleratelydeaced mutilad.反消费行为:消费者所做的涉及蓄意破坏和损伤产品的行为。S

11、sation:he iediatresons o our snsor receptors(eyes,eas,noe,moh,fngers) basi stimuli ch as light, coo ,sond ,odor ntxtu感觉:感受器,对光,色,声,气味和质地为基本刺激的直接反映。erception:terocesby w thee sensains are seleted rgaized an interreted.知觉:对刺激进行选择,组织和解释的过程n oervie of he erepual proess: expsure 暴露atetin 注意interpretion解释

12、The sudyo perception:focusson wat we addto thee raw saiosin rder to giv thm meanig.Senory sstems: xrna stmuli, o sensory input,c e eeivedon a nber o channel.Th input pke byurfive senss re headta that bit pepual rocess.edonc nsptin :t misnsry,fnts,n emtional aspts consues iteractionsith prcts享乐消费:消费者与产品互相作用的多种感觉的,幻想的和情感的东西。Jsio: marketes re heavly o isual eement inadvertising,sore dsign, and pkage.eaning ae comunicatd on the visalchannelthroug a prouct colo, size, dstlingClors maevenfuenc o emotion mor dretly.Arusalad stula aptite eg Red rxation


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