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1、Hop Frog准者:埃德加爱伦坡我从没听说有谁比国王更热衷于笑 话他似乎就昱为了笑话而活着.能够 讲一个好笑的故事,而且讲得有声有 色,就一定会到他的宠幸.因此十分 碰巧,他的七位大臣全都是因说笑话的 才能而闻名于世的.他们也都像国王一 样,个个都足身材高大、体形肥胖、满 面油光的人物,而且还是无与伦比的说 笑能手.人星因为开玩笑而变胖,还是 因为肥胖本身亜藏着笑话,我无从得 知.但可以肓定的塑,一个会开玩笑的 瘦子庄世间_走星个稀罕物。by Edgar Allan PoeI never ki)ew anyone so keenlv alive to wwa joke as the king

2、 wns. He seemed to live only for joking To tell a good stoiy of tlie joke kind, and to tell it well, was the surest road to his favor. Thus it happened that his seven ministers were all noted for tlieir accomplishments as jokers They all took after the king, :oo, in being large, coi-pulent, oily men

3、, as well as inimitable jokers. WQietlier people grow fat by joking, or uiietlier (here is something in fat itself which predisposes to a joke, I have never been quite able to determine; but certain it is that a lean joker is a rara axis in ten is关于风推或者正如他所谓的鬼”About the refinements, or, as he called

4、聪明,国王很少在这上面花费功夫.他 持别欣赏笑话的广度(“庸俗”),之所 以能够忍受它的长度,就星因为这个缘 故.过度的文雅反而使他厌倦.他更宴 欢拉伯雷笔下的卡冈都亚”而不喜欢伏 尔泰笔下的苣第格” 总而言之,恶作 剧远比文字玩笑更合他的胃口.在我所叙述的年代,职业小丑在宫 廷中还没有完全过时.欧洲大陆的几个 强匡“仍然保留看他们的“弄臣,他们穿 看五倾六色的衣服,戴看帽子,系看铃 铛.人们期李他们在极短的时间内,随 时准备好巧妙的玩笑,来答谢从御桌上 掉下来的面包渣.them, the ghost, of wit, the king troubled himself very little

5、 He had an especial admiration for breadth in a jest, and would often put up with length, for the sake of it. (Xer-nicetie$ wearied him. He would have preferred Rabelais* eGai-gantxia# to the *Zadig of Vohnire: and, upon the whole, practical jokes suited his taste far better tlian verbal ones.At the

6、 date of nxy narrative, professing jesters had not altogether gone out of fashion at court. Several of the great continental powers still retain their fools: who wore motley, with caps and bells, and who were expected to be always read* with shaip witticisms, at a moment s notice, in consideration o

7、f the crumbs tliat fell fromthe roval table.w我们的国王理所当然保留看他的 弄臣二事实是,他需要一些黒套的东 西一一仅仅呈为了与他七位大臣的智台保 持平術一就更不用提他自己了。尽管如此,他的弄臣或者说是职业 小丑,并不仅仅昱个弄臣.在国王眼 里,他值三倍的价,因为他不仅是个矮 子,还是个跛子.在当时的宫廷里,搂 子和弄臣一样常见.很多君王要是没有 个弄臣和他们一起笑,没有个矮子让他 们取笑,就会觉得难以度日(在官廷的 日子要比在其他地方漫长得多)但 是,正如我已经观奈到的那样在君王Our king, as a matter of course, re

8、tained his wfbol. Tlie fact is, he required soniething in the way of follyif only to counterbalance tlie heavy wisdom of tlie seven wise men who weir liis miinsteis not to luciitiou himself.His tool, or professional jester, was not only a fool, however. His value was trebled in the eyes of the king,

9、 by the foot of his being also a dwarf and a cripple. Dwarfs were as common at court, in those dnys, as fools; and many monarchs would have found it dififiailt to get through their days (days are rather longer at court than elsewhere) witliout botli a jester to laugli的小丑中,一百个里有九十九个是胖乎 乎、圆滚滚、笨手笨脚的一因此

10、我们的 国王对于得到了跳蛙(一个小丑的名 字)很是欣喜,因为他一个顶三个。我相信“跳蛙这个名字不是他的教 父母在洗礼仪式上给他取的,而是几位 大臣一致同意赐予他的,因为他无法橡 其他人那样走路。事实上,側雎只能用 一种的步态彳理何因渤和扭 动之间一一这个动作给国王带来了无穷的 乐趣,当然也有安慰.因为国王(尽董 他挺看个肚子,顶看与生俱来的肥硕脑 袋)在整个宫廷都垣称是绝佳的形念。with, and a dwarf to laugh at. But, as I have alreadr observed, your jesters, m ninety- nine cases out of a

11、hundred, are fat, round, and uiiwieldvso that it was uo small source of self-gratulation with our king that, in HopFrog (tliis was tlie fools name), he possessed a triplicate treasure in one person.I believe the name *Hop-Frog,was not that given to tlie dwarf by his sponsors at baptism, but it was c

12、onferred upon liiiib by general consent of die several ininLters, ou account of his inabilin* to walk as other men do. In foct, Hop-Frog could only get along by a sort of intcijectional gait something between a leap and a wngglea movenient that afforded illimitable iuuuseiiient, and ofcourse consola

13、tion, to the king, for (notwnthstaiiding the protuberance of his stomach and a constitutional swelling of the head) the king, by his whole court, was accounted a capital figure然而,尽管跳蛭双腿扭曲,在路上 或者地板上行走需要承受很大的痛苦和 艰辛,但是似乎大自然賦予他的手臂肌 肉惊人的力虽,就是为了弥补他下肢的 缺陷,使他能够表演许多精彩且动作敏 捷的特技.他可以在树上、绳子上,或 者其他一些东西上宰爬.做这样的动作

14、时,他更像是一只松鼠,或者是一只小 猴子,而不像是只青蛙.But although Hop-Frog, through the distortion of his legs, could move only with great pain and difficulty along a road or floor, the prodigious muscular power which nature seemed to have bestowed upon his arms, by way of compensation for deficiency in the lower limbs, en

15、abled him to perform many feats of wonderful dexterity, where trees or ropes were in question, or any tiling else to climb. At such exercises lie certainly much more resembled n squirrel, or a small monkey,than a frog.我不能准确地说出跳蛙最初来自于 哪个地方。尽管如此,他应该是来自于 某个野蛮、甚至没有人听说过的地区一一 一个离我们国王的宫廷十分遥远的地 方。跳蛭,和一个比他稍高

16、一点的年轻 姑娘(尽管她身材娇好、比例匀称,而 且还泉个出色的篇右)都是在比邻的省 份他们各自的家乡被一位常胜将军强行 带过来,当作送给国王的.在这些情况下,就不难理解这两个 矮小的俘虔之间的亲密关系了。确实, 他们很快就变成了心腹之交。尽管跳蛙I am not able to say, with precision, from what country Hop-Frog originally came. It was from some barbarous region, however, that no person ever heard ofa vast distance from tlie court of our king. Hop-Frog, and n young girl very li



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