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1、PEP六年级上册第六单元检测题一、将以下单词按要求分类(只填选项)。A ,angryB, noseC, busD, singerE, carF ,workerG, happyH, headI ,legJ, subwayK ,businessmanL, afraidM ,armN, planeO, coachP, sad1,交通工具:_2,心情类:_3,身体部位:_4,职业类:_二、单项选择: ( )1. - How do you feel? I feel _ .A well B badlyC bad ( )2. Kate is afraid _ dogs.A inB ofC to ( )3.

2、My mother is angry _ me.A with B to C of ( )4. - _ is the cat angry with the mice?- Because the mice are bad _ people.A Why, to B What, forC Why, to ( )5. _ be sad.A Dont B Isnt C Not ( )6. How _ your father feel now?A doB doesC is ( )7. What should he do?- He should _ warm clothes.A wears B wearC w

3、earing ( )8. Sarah feels bad. Her parents are _.A coolB happyC worried ( )9. The cat is angry with the mice. Theyre _ him.A afraid B afraid of C worried about ( )10. When youre ill, you should _.A go swimming B see a doctorC play football.三、根据提示完成句子。 1. -_ should Amy see?- Amy should see a doctor. 2

4、. -_ should I do?- You should count to ten. 3. 你感觉怎样? How _ you _? 4._ be angry. You should _ a deep breath (深呼吸). 5. - _ does she feel? - She is angry.四、排队进站(连词成句,注意句末标点)1. he, should, do, what, (?)_2. me, sit, please, on dont, on,( .)_3. should, be, to, nice, other, each, we, always, (.)_4. Daming

5、, your, friend, some, needs, help, (.)_5. a, deep, take, should, you, breath, (.)_五、我是小医生(下列句子均有一处错误,找出来并改过来)1. The cat is angry to the mice.( ) _A B C 2. Not be angry. You should take a deep breath.( ) _ A B C 3. They are afraid to him.( ) _ A B C 4. Are you feel angry? - Yes, I do.( ) _ A B C 5. W

6、e should always are nice to each other.( ) _ A B C六、阅读对话,根据上下文,从所给的五个句子中选四个,把对话补充完整。Amy: _1_A. He should go to hospital and see a doctor.B. I go to school by bus.C. How do you feel?D. I feel not so sad now. E. I feel happy.Mike: Im not happy.Amy: Whats wrong.Mike: My father is ill. _2_And I cant go

7、to the zoo. How do you feel?Amy: _3_Mike: Why?Amy: Because I get full mark(满分) in the English exam. And I will take a trip on the weekend.Mike: Great._4_七、阅读理解,根据要求完成题目。 Its cold today. Mary feels cold and she cant get up in the morning. She cant go to school too. Her mother asks her. “How do you fe

8、el?” “I feel very cold. Maybe I am ill.” Mary answers. Her mother is worried and says, “Lets go to the hospital and see a doctor. Im sure youll be better soon.” They want to go to hospital by bus. But the bus is too slow. So they go to hospital by taxi. When they get to the hospital. The doctor says

9、, “ Mary, you are cold. You should drink some hot water and stay in bed. Dont worry, youll be better soon.” (一), 根据文章内容选择最佳选项。 ( ) 1. How does Marys mother feel?A coldB sadC worried ( ) 2. Whats the weather like today?A coolB coldC sunny ( ) 3. Where are they going?A The school B The hospital C The

10、zoo (二) 根据文章内容回答问题 1. How do they get to the hospital?_ 2. What should Mary do ? _附送:2019年pep六年级上册英语单词竞赛试卷 班级: 姓名 : 座位号: 一、 请用直线把汉语与相应的英语单词连接起来(10分)1. tonight 参观 2. take a trip 晚上 3. evening 明信片 4. post card 今晚 5. visit 去旅行 6. 十字路口 slow down7.工厂 straight8.慢下来 subway9.笔直地 factory10.地铁 crossing二、 选出不同类的一项(5分)( ) 1. A. car B. plane C. stop D. taxi( ) 2. A. next B.visit C. see D. take( ) 3. A. dictionaryB.word C. by D. film( ) 4. A. askB. sweet C. tell D.wear( ) 5. A. wowB. when C. what D. where三、补全单词(20分)1.m _s _ _ m 2. t r_ _n 3.c _ m _ _ 4.pil_ _ 5.r_ _ _t


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