《英语1(基础模块)》unit 4单元评价测试(职高、中职)

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1、 Unit Test (Unit 4)一、听力 (6Points)1. 听描述天气情况的对话,选出相应的天气图标.(1point)A. B. C. 2. 听李博和Linda在聚会中的对话,选择出李博想要喝的饮料.(1point)A. B. C. 3. 听Allen和Jessica在沈阳家中的对话, 判断Allen今天外出需要带的东西.(1point) A. B. C. 4.听George 和Sara聚会见面时的对话,判断聚会当天的天气.(1point)A. windy and cold B. sunny and warm C. sunny but cold5.听Jane 和Tom在聚会中的对话

2、,判断他俩的关系,谁是主人,谁是客人. (2points)A. guest B. host(1) Jane is the . (2) Tom is the .二、阅读(15Points)1. 三位刚上大学的新生在宿舍谈论家乡冬天的天气,阅读她们的对话后,在表格中填写她们的家乡名称以及她们家乡相对应的天气.(6points)Li Mei: My hometown is Changchun. It is cold and snowy in winter. How about your hometown, Wang Shuang?Wang Shuang: I come from Sanya. Its

3、 warm and pleasant even in winter. Zhang Chen: It is a good thing to stay in Sanya at that time. My hometown is Xian. It is cold and windy in winter.A. Sanya B. Changchun C. Xiana. cold and windy b. warm and pleasant c. cold and snowy姓名家乡冬天的天气Li MeiWang ShuangZhang Chen2. 阅读吴涛写给李欣的电子邮件后,帮李欣填写参加生日聚会的

4、备忘录.备忘录包括聚会的时间,地点,客人以及活动。 (4points)From: Wu Tao(Tom126 .com )To: Li Xin(X)Subject: Welcome to my birthday party!Hi, Li Xin, Would you like to come to my birthday party at 7 pm this Friday in my home? I also want to invite some other classmates to the party. At the party, we can sing songs, play game

5、s, dance hip-pop and tell jokes. Would you like to come?Regards,Wu Tao MemoTime: Memo Time: Place: Guests: Activities: 3. 分别从中B栏找到与A栏中相对应的回答,使对话完整。(5points) A B. (1) What would you like to eat? a. Thanks.(2) Whats the weather like tonight? b. Cake, please.(3) Id like a glass of grape. c. Its rainy.(

6、4) Thank you. d. Ok. Here you are.(5) Welcome to the party! Please help yourself. e. You are welcome.(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 三、语言应用(21points)1.使用正确的物主代词,补全下面的对话。(5points)A: Is this _ pen, Linda?B: No, it isnt. _pen is in the bag.A: Sara is here. Is this _ pen?B: No. _ pen is red.A: Tom is also here. It

7、is _ pen.2.根据括号中代词的提示,使用正确的物主代词填空, 完成有关 “我的家庭”的作文。(6points) My familyI am a student. ( I )mother works in a school and is kind to (she) students. And ( I )father is a manager. He is often busy and often stays with (he) friends. Both of them love (they) work. We all love (we) family.3.下面是邀请信的信息, 帮Sar

8、a将信息填入其中,完成邀请信。(4points)sing songs, tell jokes, play gamesat 6:30 pm next Sundaysome other friendsmy homeHi, Linda,Would you like to come to my birthday party ?At the party, we can . I also invite_ to the party. Would you like to come to at that time?Regards,Sara4.阅读下面的对话,选择适当的选项补全对话,使其完整。(6points)A

9、. What would you like? B. Heres your coffee. C. This way, please. D. Youre welcome. Please help yourself. E. Coffee with milk or without milk F. Welcome to the party. Xiao li: Hello, Jack. .Jack: Hello, Xiao li.Xiao li: .Jack: Thank you.Xiao li: to drink?Jack: Coffee.Xiao li: ?Jack: Without milk, pl

10、ease.Xiao li: .Jack: Thanks.Xiao li: .四、口语交际 (8points)1.同伴两人选择各自的角色谈论天气,完成下面的对话。A: Hello, Sara. Welcome to our party.B: Hello, Wang Yang.A: This way, please.B: Thank you. Its warm and pleasant.B: Yes. Whats the weather like in Beijing?A: Its windy. 2.同伴两人选择各自的身份,一个是主人,一个是客人,完成生日聚会上的对话。A: Hi, Xiao Wa

11、ng! to my birthday party.B: , Xiao Li!A: Would you something to drink?B: Tea, .A:Heres your tea.B: .A:You are welcome. Please yourself_.听力原文1. M: Its a nice day today, isnt it?W: Yeah. Its sunny and warm.2. Linda: Hello, Li Bo. Welcome to the party.Li Bo: Hello, Linda.Linda: What would you like to d

12、rink?Li Bo: I want to drink coffee.Linda: With or without sugar?Li Bo: Without sugar, please.3. Allen: Whats the weather like in Shenyang?Jessica: Its cold and windy.4. George: Welcome to our party, Sara.Sara: Thank you, George.George: Its not windy today.Sara: Yeah. Its sunny but cold.5. Tom: Hello, Jane. Welcome to my birthday!Jane: Hello, Tom. Happy birthday!Tom: Would you like something to eat?Jane: Apple, please.Tom: Heres your apple, Jane.Jane: Thank you.Tom: You are welcome. Please help yourself.


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