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1、实用大学英语综合教程1答案【篇一:全新版大学英语综合教程1(第二版)答案】lass=txtunt1 groig upprtii lanuage ous voalay 1 .rptabl2. aon 3. pown sence 5. hold back 6. dsrit. off and on 8.ivid 9. ssociate10. fil1 tun 12tckle2. has beeassged o tenewspapes pari offce. . was s extraodinythat idint nwwhehe tbelive hm or ot. . clea ageohw sh

2、wuldook in twen years tme 4 gave the comad theoldies opene f.buyng ewelkeep urninghemou3 1. rpatin, gid, to inspie. ad tio, whats mor, out of te idas .cmpos, career, avid showng,ry back 1. cosed2. ver 3. agony.extodir 5. recall 6cmmnd 7. as violating8. anticpae . 1. at2 fo3.f 4. with5.as 6. abot .to

3、 8.in, in 9.from1. on/ponprehive eercses . cloze 1. 1.ol bac 2. tdiou 3. saned4. recll .vivd6 ofdon7. tnout/i8. career . . last srrse .pled 4. blong 5.drsse 6.se . xtraordinay . iae9. urn excitemt. tranation1. 1.s it was foral dinr prt, i woe frma res, asther ol me to. 2.hisgirfriend advised him to

4、gtot f/g id ofis bad hbito soking bere ittook od. aticipatng that the demnd oreectricit will bhighdurgte etfe months, they ha decided to increasits prodution 4. i issai that bil has e fred fr cntually violating tecompy sfety rules. bil is aid t he been fid forontinual vioating the compas sft us. 5.

5、ti repored hatte govret has takenproper measurestoavoid the ossbiity of severe waer shortae./teoca governmentisroeohaetakenproper sures t aod he poiblit f sverete shortagesan ost erg ecaus f / i a r accent. for a im, se didn knw howo fae up toh fatthtshe woud nvr (be abl to) walk an. one da,whle nni

6、ng (trou) some again, a true sorcug her eye hews atractedby atre stoy. itgav ividescrption of owa disablgir emea wier getly insird, susan bean to el that h, oo, wold nally be baeto auseul life. unit frindship i.vocalay 1. fll i the gs with wrdsr phrass gven nhe box 1) aoluely ) valle) eey now and th

7、en 4)a urgigurged 5) desnaion 6)most )ans ou 8)righ way 9) eunin 10) o mthin11)estimae 2) oig ead2. rewriting ) it seeme taifilure in he eamiation s still o his mind. ) h was cmetely okedup byhe sigof is tm losin in heil iute ofthe ame. 3) se was so lst i std hat forgottohe din. 4)smeting ha ome u a

8、nd i maraid i wont be able accomplish heproje on tme. 5) he ct of equippingthenew hospta w estiadat $2 milio. 3. plte the seece. 1)were postpoed teawul issimtd 2)efernenot available kinof 3) not mchof a eacher kips go ahed ii.olloation【篇二:实用大学英语综合教程1 答案】ass=txt听力原文及答案: 1. hell, may sak o prfessorhen

9、? 2 how long ma i keep teboo? 3how di you g n iyou exa? . what did u tin he lecue? d5.my i u yu dictonaryfor en? cxt a练习答案: . 1. prdutive 2. outom3 goals . presnted 5. meory i.1. a. 2. b.3. c. 4.b. d. 6 c 7. . a.10. c iii.1.acaemic 2 ieal 3. clege . remendaio 5. preiosly. inherit7. beefiial8. rnout

10、9resume0. propely iv1. 尽量地描述具体。 2尽管你竭力了,但你有也许仍然失败。. 想象的核心在于可以协助你目前更好地做决定。 4. 我不推荐死记硬背,由于实在太慢了。 5.不要无所事事,把业余时间挥霍了。 v. . make upfr 2 otherhanhim.3. aced tchniclkills .pevious night. 5. firs challengeis the econom. tb i. 1.cllege rhmen y ma nwredshoghttndnte evens, oinig clus n bing atveo scia nwork. 2

11、 tey shuld be polte andim wentey confrontngteirromates andet epecatinsa cle bunaries frm the begining. 3. ecse he y seou on metig oter peopl and potential reds. i. .nron 2. firly potntal 4.ffning. overome 6.acuaintane graduation 8. gtue 9 ossip 10inevtablii. 1. 参与你感爱好的社团。 2. 大学期间,你很有也许会结交一辈子的好友。 3.让

12、室友懂得你的生活习惯,但同步也要理解并尊重她们的习惯。 4. 而提到流言蜚语,管住嘴巴就能避免麻烦。 5. 在大学生活中,恋爱一般是不可避免的。 iv. . for teake oor friendsip 2. n commn 3. ose out 4. potntia lients o hoe nd aboa 5 overome u hnes 语法答案: 1. poidesrovide 3.haehas 5 isar 7 isare 9 areis ii.1 c.2. . . d. 7 b. 翻译答案: 2. isar areis 6. hashav 8. thiris 10. hsha 3. b. b. 8.d. .a . 1 1. 她用法语说了俩小时,未出任何错误。



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