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1、。内部文献,版权追溯内部文献,版权追溯内部文献,版权追溯中考英语二轮专练:阅读理解(3)含答案ae 1(中考平常生活类训练)Couldoures frien keyu at?Rsarcer wo have sudied“etwork” oest(肥胖) thin so:efoud haif smeone rind cesobe,tt psos chancesof bcoing obeseincrease bymre han haf.Brothr r stes nd a huad or a wifalso he an infuence, though rducedpple whoe bothrs

2、o sstrbecameobser 4pecnt more ikely to ow oese, whie eope whose usbad orwife becme obs were 3percen mr ikelto.“This s thefit tud o swhow obesit speas tho h socal netr fresonto perso,”James Fowl ofte Univrsyof Califrnia, Sn Diego, whoworedon the study, told a tephone inervieig.Te reerchrs ad tir idis

3、 sw that obesity scntagioot like a virus hich is onaious, but n a socia ee.Itmay hel plain why oeity is worsening ass he nited Staes, wit twothrs of Ameicans ovrigh and alost a thid chncally bse“Itsbecome very pular t se ofte besitypiemc.W bega to wonr if t tru an epdei,”Dricolas Chritakis,a pfesor

4、o mecalsocigy a Hava Medcal co n Bston, told thriefg.“Wthinkta ths fndigs rnforc(加强)the ideahat obesi no st a idivdual robe bt aolltiveproble,”hriskis aid.“Popl o aound e and speopl gining weghtand it michang teir aiteabo wat ostiues an aceptablebody sie,”he ad“u might ayt K to b heaier.”1.he uderli

5、n prase“redcedpeople”refersto_.A.the nfluenceof eol s smlle and smllBfatpesns are aving less and lessids.the number o fa persns is decreasiaelD.ersons are becmin thineran thinner2.Was h new finin f researchrs ite asge?.Oesity is ppuar wi Amerians.BObeity spres from person to peson.C.Obeiy cn red lke

6、 vrus.D.Obeity is becoig npiemi3.I wha aspec doour fatfriends have n impact on you?ey may iflence yu howohoealove.Thea st ouin forming ifevale.C.hey my hange your aitues tows obesity.DThey ma help yo ndertndwha obsiy s.Fro the sae,we an ifer hat_.A.itbetteno tomakfriendswith ftesonsobeit isa kid fdi

7、etatca spredC.most Americans think obes is kin of beautyD.teeds a colltiveeffort t dal ith obeit参照答案A B C DPssage (中考教育类选练)“I dont e my pantThe lways elleI oulddhis,andsoud not do ht.It somtmes mkese any,”aid Zhang Hu,aidle cool tuent in GuangzhouD youhve te same roble?Perapsyour parets hd the sme p

8、roblemwhen they eyour age lngago.h d it sem hat som pets arenoto findly in thir cildreneyes?Oe of the bggest poblems is hensomeoe becmesa parnt,hsheli wig abuthings.Theyworry abouteything aboutyrm th time yo were bornTedo a lot fryou,thogh sohin would maeyu angry,becse they aeabouou nd worry boo.The

9、yorr bt youchoe f frinds,foo you eat,your wrkat scool,ho muc sleepyu gt,t.All tsethings are pt f yur lifThe ant yout grow up eathily an happiy.So hwca you mae thingseaser on yrsef?Its eaier than yothnk.Justm uyur parent knw wh youedi.Gt e okno ur fiens.hon h ifoustay mewhere else laeso tat yur pens

10、nt c very oita n the phon booklookin foyu.Saysrry to the hen you mke mstaksTaksposibilit(责任)for what you hv done.Tk about you ideas with tm.Thy ay tlk abu thirs wit you.Mot of l,ty tothink bout whyyour rnts o ths or d thatTheyre till prcticing ein pats nd neehelp ou n givethem.om day,when yu becom p

11、ret,the my beabl toheyou knw howto get on ih your chldrenhe wrter hnks one of theigest problems forparents i o _.worr abotemses.wrry aout teichildrhateir children .bfriedly wth teir chidrenl thethgsthatparens isto _.A.mak heir hidre angryBwather children to le thwanhe chidren o o uphelthilyandhapiyw

12、an hi chlreno o everthng wll in he ftur3.The wrier tins we shod _ iwe g backhom atertan sualtllr friends B.tell t tcerCsa sory tourarents D.make a telpoeca to our aret4.heitr thinks _A.swrong r arnts towryaout he childtoomuch.some rents ae uriedly,himaks teir childen agrChidenshould do everythnas thir prentssayparn ov thei chidrevymuch and th


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